At first, I refused but when we got there he explained what he wants to do.

He made an oath that his daughter must not die along with him and it only his blood that must be able to sit on the throne”.

“What?” Max exclaimed.

“Yes his brothers are selfish they want to kll him so that they can succeed the throne.

So the king beat them at their game, you are still young then, the second son tried to sit on the throne against the will of the elders and all he was struck down dead at the feet of the throne.

This creates fear in them, so no one make attempt to sit on the throne since then”.

“So how do I fit in the whole story?” He asked.

“The first son didn’t rest in his research, finally the king spirit was called and appeased but he told them that only his daughter is entitled to the throne.

And if his daughter was not seen for a long time, another person should be crown the king and that person must not be from the Ewanzi family.

If Any part of the family should sit on the throne they will die, a stranger that is not part of the royal family is only entitled to the throne and not any member of the family”.

“So am the available person right?”.

“Well yes, I don’t know where they heard that you were betrothed to Marietta so they want to use you to get the throne”.


“To get you married to one of their kids but trust me Max it’s gonna get you klled because the moment you get married to one of them you have indirectly become part of the family and if you sit on the throne you gonna die, they thought you being betrothed to Marietta will change it”.

“So they don’t want Marietta and a stranger on the throne so they are looking for a pawn in their sht” Max exclaimed sadly.

“So Max we have to be very careful and be prayerful that where ever Marietta is she should come back quickly, she’s the only one that can save us am not ready to loose my only son”.

“Oh God this is serious and I have a feelings things are beginning to get dangerous what if am hypotonised what will I do, I love Annabelle I don’t want to die” he said bitterly.

“When ever you see those girls please for the sake of your mum and your girlfriend avoid them, they are both dangerous”.

“Oh God, coming home was a bad idea after all”.


*Eighteen years ago*

King Lawson stood inside the throne room, looking keenly at the throne, the expression on his face is not decipherable but tears was cascading down his face.

His wife the queen entered the room with their six years old daughter with the same expressions on her face and,she was also crying.

Both the king and queen were crying with no one to console them,their daughter oblivious of what is going on and looked at her parents happily.

“It’s time” the king said.

“Lawson isn’t there a way for us to avert this?, Isn’t there a way?” The queen asked sadly.

“Angela there isn’t a way,the only thing we can do is to secure our daughter’s future”.

“How? She’s going to die also” Angela replied.

“No Angela,our only child is not going to die along with us” the king stated firmly.

“Lawson what have you done?”.

“A life for a life, our lives for our daughter’s”.

“Hmm” Angela heaved sadly.

“Yes we have to beat my family at their game but we both have to go”.

“Lawson if we die, who’s going to take care of her,are they not going to kll her?”.

“No they won’t have access to her,we will send her far away” the king replied.

“Oh” Angela replied pulling her daughter into a hug.

“Angela we have to Live the remaining part of our lives to the fullest,we have to make most of it”.

“Yes” Angela sniffed.

“Let take a break, maybe we should go to Lagos, after then we can await whatever fate brings to our door step” Lawson said walking towards his family. “I love you both” he whispered and engulfed them in a hug.

The following day they all prepare to go to Lagos as usual to have quiet time with their daughter.

Both the king and his wife knew that they are going to die but they don’t know it will be too soon.

D.eath is inevitable, every one is going to die.

But let pray we don’t die young, let pray we don’t die leaving our children to suffer and leaving our children to this life of pain.

Let pray we don’t die not fulfilling our destiny,
let pray that in the midst of our hustling and bustling we don’t lose our lives.

Law and Angela had their plans but fate had more plan in stock For them.

On their way from the beach they had an accident which claimed their lives.

Now the question is isn’t their daughter with them in the car?

She got down from the car to ease herself, she bends down at the drainage system beside the car when the tanker collided with the car, so why is the daughter unhurt?.

The car was burnt beyond recognition and it didn’t affect the girl standing beside it.

At least when the tanker exploded some body part will scatter and fly all around, well it did scatter but it didn’t affect the little girl.

During the point of explosion no human in his right sense will go near the fire but the girl wasn’t hurt and she was right beside the car.

Among all the sympathizers only one person was able to notice her and the person was able to save her.

This works with fate and not many people believe in fate.

The king’s plan: Although the king went extreme miles to protect his Daughter.

The king plans to take his daughter far away from Nigeria to another country and he made a bI.ood oath to secure the throne for his daughter.

His plan was that after some years the princess will find her way back to the palace one way or the other, but fate or the almighty or the gods had the same plan as his.

As the princess was taken to a country where voodoo could not decipher her whereabouts.

She was kept safe until years later when she will find her way back to the palace.

The king and queen died but their spirit didn’t rest until they make sure they lead their daughter back to her rightful place at the right time.


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