THE MAGICIANS: Episode 1 – 10

(Earth, Water, Fire, Air)

?Episode 7

Written By: Author Kelvin??

Alex’s pov:
“Yes!!! You did it” I muttered happily and hugged Raymond.

“I Knew you’re gonna do, thanks anyway for saving us” Syvester thanked and also hugged us.

“My prophesy has come true” Taylor chipped in as he ran to us and we did a group hug.

“Okay, Okay, now that we have all discovered our magical powers, how do we get back to the city?” Raymond asked as we designated From the hug.

“Alex, you’re our only hope, do magicians disappear?” Taylor asked staring at me.

“Yes, from what i’ve read so far, magicians do disappear, but i can’t remember how the do it” i rasped as i tried to remember the way they do it.

“But if we want the four of us to disappear together, we’ll denifinitly need a Tristain” i added.

“What’s Tristain?” Syvester asked in a confused look.

“A Tristain as a metal that control the four elements and only the leader of your gangs can hold it.

For example, the leader of the four of us has the rights to control it.

The Trastain blinks rapidly when there is danger ahead” i explained.

“Wow, so how do we get this Tristain of a thing?” Taylor asked with keen interest.

“A old magicians with be the one to give us” i muttered.

“How do we get to see this old magician?” Sylvester asked further.

“According to all the magic books that i’ve read, an Old Magician is always located in forest like this” I shrugged.

“Hmmm, this is real task” Raymond sighed.

“Not really, the Old Magician will locate us as far as we have a leader.

So now, we need to look for a sutuiable leader among us.” i srutinized with a chuckle.

“So, who do you suggest to be our leader??” i asked starring at the three of them.

“You??” the three of them pointed out almost at the same time.

“Me?? Why me??” i asked in a confused look.

“You know magic more than us” Sylvester mumbled with a smile making me chuckled.

“You’re more brilliant than us” Raymond added with a scoff.

“But..” i couldn’t complete my statement when Sylvester interupted me.

“No but!!!! You’re our leader and that’s final, period” Sylvester said leaving me stunned.

“Common guys, let’s get going, it’s getting dark already” Raymond muttered as we began to walk to any destination.
“Guys, i can’t work anymore, i’m tired and tasty, perhaps it’s dark already” Syvester shuttered as he sat on the floor tiredly.

“Taylor, i think your need to provide for us, Some water to kill our thirsty” Raymond muttered tiredly.

“Okay. No problem” Taylor said and stretched out his hands and water began to come outside.

everyone of us drank to our satisfaction before the water finally stopped.

“Why didn’t you drink any water?” Raymond asked ficing Taylor.

“I’m not thirsty” he replied.

“Why?? After walking under this hot scorching sun??” Raymond asked biwildered.

“Leave him alone, Water benders don’t get thirsty” i cutted in.

“Hmmm, this is very wierd, goodnight guys” Sylvester baded and rested his back in front of the wood before closing his eyes.

“Yeah, Goodnight, guys” Taylor added as he closed his eyes.

“Good night guys” Raymond said and closed his eyes.

“Goodnight” i muttered and closed my eyes before difting to sleep.

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