I was still thinking of a way to get myself out of the trouble I just caused for myself when I suddenly felt my head hit something slightly. I tilted my head a bit and saw a nylon filled with fruits.

Wow! Was the only thing I could say as I took some apples and started devouring them, but not without struggling a bit before I could take them because the place I was in was really tight. I was enjoying the feeling I was having at the moment as I couldn’t help but do so due to the fact that i was very hungry at the moment forgetting the fact that I’m in trouble. I was interrupted by the sudden ringing coming from my phone, ‘geez! Why would Anita call now that I’m not in a good situation, this phone wouldn’t stop telling me it’s a fake one by bringing out a loud yet annoying tone’ I said as I picked the answered the call. “Hello!” I said as soon as the call connected and froze as I felt the car halt. OMG! Has he arrived, or did he hear me talk? I asked as I shook in fright. I heaved a sigh of relieve as i notice the car moved again. “I’ll call you later, don’t get too worried about me” I texted Annie before switching the phone off finally.

I think it’s time to face the reality and accept my fate… it thought as the car finally halted. I stated hearing some voices and I knew instantly the man has gotten to his house which I guess was his destination.

“Go get the thing from the trunk” I heard him say and shut my eyes as I started saying the prayers I know in my head.

Wait! I’ll get them myself, you go take care of the gate… I heard him say again as he started walking towards my direction.

Jesus! I heard him scream and I opened an eye. I opened my eyes properly and the last piece of fruit I was munching fell off my mouth as I was lost admiring the hot handsome, yet angry dude standing before me. WTF are you doing here and who the hell are you!!! He yelled

What’s the matter sir? A man asked as he came running to him upon hearing him yell.

I’m talking to you, answer the goddamn question!!! He yelled again making me flinch. “Gosh! For how long have I been drooling” I thought

Bring this thing out of my car trunk now! He yelled at the man whom I guess he was the gatekeeper he was talking to earlier. And the idiot dragged me out roughly

The guy scanned me from head to toe and scoffed, how on earth did this thing get here and why did you allow this thing that looks nothing different from those deranged people on the street into my house? He shouted at the man. “You brought her in remember and as we all know she smuggled herself in here by hiding In the car trunk” he replied.

Now answer my question! Why are you here? He asked and I did the least thing that could be expected of a normal human being to do. (I tried touching him) he jerked his hand away and asked the gatekeeper to get hold of me while he put a call across the cops to come get me.

Why won’t he, when I’m here dressed in a torn cloth with no slipper on and a scattered hair, I look nothing different from one who needs to visit a psychiatrist right now and instead of me to answer his question and probably set myself free, I’m here daydreaming and scatterbrained as I am, i tried to touch him. I’m nothing but a dumb person, I know right.

Excuse me sir, why don’t you just listen to my story instead for taking the issue that far? I said as i finally found my voice back. “Oh! So you can talk, like you ain’t deaf” he said and I fell on my knees immediately. “please just let me go, I had no option than to run in there when I was been chased” I begged sincerely. No wonder I had some feelings and even heard some strange sounds while driving, I had to shrug it off because it’s unusual not knowing the unusual has happened

Make sure you get a good grip of her, I must meet her here when I return… he said as he made to leave and I stood up immediately and ran to obstruct him from going further. Excuse me sir! I already begged you to let me go back to the street I belong to, I am a lady who begs for a living. I was in trouble when I had to hide in your car trunk.

What the fk is wrong with you rich people, why aren’t you always so arrogant, why do you all decide to look down on people that doesn’t have as much as you do? I was in your car trunk and not even the main car. Oh! You would’ve ordered them to behead me for staining your expensive car with my poor body, right… I ranted.

Fine! I know I did something wrong, and already apologized for that but you still insist on handing me over to the cops. Fine! Do as you wish, but give me some cash before you leave here, at least I’ll have something to feed on after leaving the police custody… I requested and he scoffed again. I noticed him give the man behind me a certain look which is indirectly passing a message across to him.

‘Who are you to talk to my boss like that’ he said as he charged towards me to grab me. I was quick to give him a kick which sent him staggering you should never dare someone who grew up in the street… I said and stretched my hand out giving him the message that he should give me the money I requested.

He brought out his wallet while he kept gawking at me, I’m sure he is speechless… I thought. He was taking too long to grant my request and I snatched the wallet from him and took out some cash.

I was about handing the wallet back to him when we heard the siren of the police car. Wow! they got here so fast… I said and threw his wallet on him.

If you tell them I’m the one you called them here to arrest, I swear I’ll torment you for the rest of your life… I threatened before sauntering away.

I took a glance at him and the cops to see what they were doing and scoffed on seeing him give them a faux smile as he shook hands with them.

Now where do I go to, what direction am I supposed to follow, where exactly am I? I asked myself as I stood akimbo observing the environment I found myself in. “wow! This guy must be really rich, he sure lives in a big and exquisite house” I said admiring the building.

I hovered around the house till I saw the cops leaving. I was quick to run into the compound before the gate close up completely.

Excuse me! I said to the gatekeeper. What on earth are you doing here again, oh! You’re here to beat everyone up again right? He asked giving me a look of resentment.

I tutted and answered “could you tell your boss to drive me back to my place please, I don’t know where I am right now, I’ve never being to a place like this” in a pleading tone.

Yes sir! I heard him say and it was then I got to know that he’s got an Airpod on. I guess he has just been ordered to do something. I was still wondering what the matter could be when he suddenly swept me off my feet and threw me out of the gate. ‘fuck you!’ I cussed at him

After some minutes of walking, I finally found someone who gave me some directions to follow which I did as told and got to my destination about an hour later.

I brought out my phone to put a call across Annie. I became worried after calling her number severally and she isn’t answering her calls. I checked out every places I know she could possibly be but she isn’t there.

Could she have been in trouble? I thought and shrugged it off… Nah! She isn’t the type that causes trouble, when it’s not me… I said to myself regretting and blaming myself for not answering her call in the afternoon.

It’s getting dark already, where are you Annie? I shouted at no one in particular as tears had already welled up in my eyes. ‘Oh Lord! Please keep her safe for me’ I said silently with my eyes shut. I was about dialing her number again when I saw a figure limping home. That made me stand up immediately as I walked towards the direction she’s coming from. Anita what’s wrong with you, why didn’t you pick my calls and why are you limping? I asked bombarding her with questions as I disengaged from the hug.

“Will you just chill and help me get settled first before I answer all those questions of yours” she replied weakly.

Why would you tell me to chill when you didn’t leave home in the morning like this! I half yelled and bent a bit, ‘hop on’ I said and she smiled before getting on my back.

Now tell me what happened exactly… I said after she finished drinking the water I gave her.

Well! I bumped into a guy and the bags he was holding dropped off which made the things he in them fall. He mistook me for a thief and asked some set of guys to beat me up, I was rescued by the passers by and the wallet he was holding was returned by a lady who works at the store he dropped it at… she narrated and in flared up immediately.

How many times have I told you to always fight for yourself and never let anyone intimidate you, must you always show your weakness to people!!! I nagged.

Well! I’m sorry about that, she apologized and I gave her a scornful look.

What! The guy has apologized, he paid for my treatment and I’m fine now. He’s the one that brought me here, I doubt if he’d have seen a cab now though… she said and a smile escaped my lips.

You came through that direction, right? I asked and she nodded.

Why are you asking? She said and stared at me suspiciously. “I’ll be right back, I need to go thank him for taking care of my sister” I replied and ran off.

‘Wait! I know you’re just being sarcastic’ she said but I paid deaf ears and ran off so I’ll catch up with him.

Excuse me young man! I said to the only guy I met at the junction. He turned and I gave him a punch on the nose and I heard someone gasp from behind.


Someone should tell Matilda to be calming down nah.

Wait! What if she had hit a different person??

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