?(He saved me…now I have to marry him)?

??Season 2??
?(Love me like you do)?

?Episode Eight?

Khalid’s POV?

The Next Morning?
After a night of amazing love making between Madison and i,i woke up with so much happiness that I decided to do the unexpectable..

I decided to make breakfast for her..

I stopped cooking ever since my mom died cause I was always the one to prepare her dinner and now that I’m in love I think I’ll go back to doing what I love..

I went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare one of my favorite meals..


Cabbage Omelette…

I brought a pan out of the kitchen cabinet and when the cook came in she screamed…

‘Your highness what are you doing?!!’..she screamed and i chuckled softly..

‘There’s no problem Kaila,I want to make something for my wife with my own hands today’..

‘B..b..but it’s against my work ethics your highness,you said so yourself’..she added.

‘Well that was the PK of before not now’..i muttered and motioned for her to leave..

Five minutes after

I think I’m gonna search for the recipe of Cabbage Omelette…

It’s been so long since I made it and now I don’t remember how to make it…


Two fresh eggs??



One bulb of onion ?

Chilli pepper????


Garlic ?



I smiled and then began cooking while singing my favorite song..

I don’t know why I’m so happy but I sure am..

When I’m done I’ll go get the dagger of Princess Ita and Madison and i would head back home…

Madison’s POV?

I smiled as I walked down the stairs wearing nothing but Khalid’s shirt which also had his scent of him..

Hmm lemon fresh…

Just the way I like it…

‘What are you doing??’..i asked as I walked in on Khalid whisking a batch of eggs and whistling…

Whoa someone’s in a good mood..

‘Well I’m making breakfast,is there any crime in that??’..He replied and i smiled..

Khalid is making breakfast?!!..

The Prince of Egypt is making breakfast??..

Wow this is something I don’t get to see everyday..

‘Hmmm so you know how to cook??’..i asked as I bit into an apple lusciously and smacked my l!ps as part of the juice smeared my lip…

‘Yeah Madison,just because I’m a prince doesn’t mean i can’t so some things’..he retorted..

‘Oh no i didn’t mean it that way,what I mean is that you’re sweet and you have the most pleasant l!ps i want to kss’..I said and walked towards him..

Linked my hands around his neck and lowered his l!ps towards mine…

His t0ngue toyed with mine and my hands raked through his hair…

‘Madison if you keep tempting me like this then the food is gonna get burnt’..

Nita’s POV?

‘Reeshad can i talk to you for a moment??’..i asked as i walked in on my long time crush..

Okay i won’t deny the fact that I’ve liked or should I say loved Reeshad for a very long time..

Maybe that’s why he annoys me so much..

‘Yeah Nita,what do you want to say?’..he replied and I smirked a little bit..

‘Well I’m having a bad feeling about the Ita festival,there’s something about Lord Arnold and Princess Kyra and I’m trying to Put my finger on it but i can’t’..i said..

He chuckled softly and surprisingly took my hands in it,squeezed it lightly and then pressed his lips to it..

‘You my lady worry too much and if you worry too much you’ll get wrinkles,there’s no need to panic,even if something was happening i would be the first to know it,I have eyes everywhere you know?’..he said and i sighed…

‘I’m telling you that something bad is going to happen Reeshad,yesterday i caught Lord Arnold doing something in Lady Madison’s room and when i asked him what it was he just sent me away forcefully like he was afraid I’ll find something’..

‘Okay Nita I’ll investigate the matter later if that would make you ha…..’..he tried to say but then Lord Arnold walked in on us..

‘Good evening your highness’..We both said in unison..

‘Why are you both standing here and doing nothing??,go back to your duty posts now!!’..he screamed and we both went our opposite ways..

I know he’s up to something and I’ll find out what even if it’s the last thing I do…

Khalid’s POV?

I left Madison for the Royal Tomb shelter where the Dagger of Princess Ita was kept..

The Ita festival is celebrated because of Princess Ita who risked her life for the liberation of Egypt and finally died while trying to save her son,Prince Odeni…

Ever since then the Ita festival has been celebrated and a new king ascends the throne after that..

Even though the world has evolved Egypt is well known for the preservation of culture and we cherish our heil graphics..

‘You’re welcome your highness’..A guard said as i walked into the archaic building .

‘Hmmm please get me the dagger’..I muttered in reply and waited eagerly..

The only thing in my mind right now is to get back to my wife and make vigorous love to her..

The guard came back after a while with the sword wrapped in gold fabric and knelt down before giving it to me..

I smiled and took the dagger from his hands and walked away quickly..

Twenty minutes later
I heard sirens from afar as I took a turn towards the road of the royal Villa..

‘Wiooowiooo!!’..The sirens blasted and as i approached the Villa there were cars everywhere..

What’s going on??..

I parked the car immediately and rushed out only for The press to waver over me…

???; Your Highness how did this fire come about??….Your highness is your wife inside??….’..they asked away and I flinched..

There’s a fire?!!..

Oh my God Madison!!!!..

‘You can’t go in there your highness!!!’…A fireman said as he blocked me from running inside..

‘What do you mean I can’t go in there,my wife is in there!!!’..i cried out…

‘Khalid!!!’…i heard and when i turned it was Madison..

I ran towards her and hugged her not caring about her black-stained face….

‘I almost thought I lost you’..i muttered and kssed her forehead as the firemen tried putting out the fire…

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