THE PRINCE AND I SEASON 2: Episode 11-The End

?(He saved me…now i have to marry him)?

??Season 2??
?(Love me like you do)?

?Episode Eighteen?



Madison’s POV cont’d?
‘Oh my God Khalid!!!’..i cried out and jumped on his body immediately…

‘Hey baby i missed you’..he replied in a whisper kssing me softly…

The taste of his l!ps just made me explode with happiness and i raked my hands through his hair…

‘You b@stard!!!’..i finally said after breaking from the p@ssionate r0mance…

‘Yeah i know you’re angry at me Madison and I’m sorry’..he replied with a smile on his face..

‘Yeah I know you’re sorry,I missed you so much’..I replied and tears flowed down freely from my eyes…

He cleaned them out and pressed a kss to my forehead..

‘I know Madison and I’m sorry’..he repeated and then a frown flashed across my face and i hit his chest playfully..

‘You b@stard i thought you were dead!!!,I thought you left me and wouldn’t come back!!’…

‘Oh Madison I’ll never leave you and you know that,come with me’..he whispered and dragged me across the woods….

We crossed a little river and then got to a beautiful white house that was well hidden from the palace…

‘Khalid what is this place??’..i asked as he opened the door…

‘Ohh this is my secret lair,this was my first birthday gift from my mom before she died,no one knows about it apart from you now not even my Dad,i used to come here as a kid whenever I was angry and i still do even as an adult’…he replied and we both entered….

The walls were adorned with beautiful paintings of Khalid’s mother and i smiled…

She really looks like him…

‘It’s beautiful’..i murmured swiping a little bit of dust with my index finger…

‘Yeah i know that’s why I brought you here to show you this’..he replied and when i turned I got the shock of my life…

There was a painting ..

A painting of Khalid and i sleeping in each others arms…

My hair was sprawled against his chest and my eyes were closed with my mouth slightly opened…

‘Oh my God Khalid how did you…

‘I drew it,it was the first time we made love Madison and the first time you slept in my arms looking so peaceful and beautiful I just couldn’t waste that special moment so i made a painting about it’..he said..

I smiled like a fool spreading my fingers around the painting and then kssed him again…

‘You’re the best husband Khalid,you’re the best and i also have a surprise for you I’m. ..

‘Yeah you’ll have to tell me that later but right now’..he said with his voice trailing and carried me up on his waist..

‘You’re a pervert Khalid,for three weeks you disappeared for somewhat reason that you’re surely going to explain later and now you want to make love??’..i asked and he released a hearty laugh…

‘For weeks Madison I fought the urge to stay away to execute my plan,for weeks I fought the urge to kill Kyra and my uncle for the punishment they meted on you but now I’m back Madison,I’m back for revenge!!!!’…

Arnold’s POV?
I walked slowly into Madison’s room wearing nothing but a simple robe with bulge under my trousers…

‘Madison??’..i called but when i got to her bed and opened it .

There was a pillow!!…

Two pillows in fact!!!…

‘Guards!!!’..i screamed angrily and two of them ran inside immediately…

‘Yes your highness??’..

‘Find Lady Madison and bring her to the throne room right now!!!!’…

Khalid’s POV?
?Baby I’m….

?Dancing in the dark…

?With you between my arms..

?Barefoot on the grass..

?Listening to our favorite song..

?When i saw you in that dress looking so beautiful I don’t deserve this Darling you look perfect tonight…

Ten minutes later..
‘Khalid I need to tell you something’..Madison whispered with her head on my bare chest..

‘Yeah what is it??’..i asked kssing her forehead for the fourth time in a row …

‘I..Well Uhhh we’re having a baby’..she said and i jerked..

‘Really??,you mean you’re wait you’re pregnant?!!’..i screamed and she nodded in agreement…

I’m going to be a father?!!..

I’m finally going to be a father?!!..

‘Oh God Madison you’re a sweetheart!!!’..i said and hugged her tightly…

‘Yeah but let’s leave that aside,what are your plans Khalid??,what are you going to do now?!!’..she asked and i smiled..

‘Oh Madison that’s no problem but I want you to go back to the palace at exactly 7am tomorrow don’t let any of intimidate you not even Kyra cause I’ll be behind you okay??’..

‘Okay’..she replied..

‘Yeah now that that’s over what should we name our baby??’..i asked and she laughed…

‘Ohhh Khalid you do know that I’m still in the first stage right??’…

‘Yeah i know that’s why I’m planning,i don’t want to rush our baby planning’…

Madison’s POV?
The Next Morning
I snuck back into the palace barefooted and the moment i opened my door Lord Arnold was there….

With Kyra and four guards on their knees ..

‘Good morning’..i murmured..

‘where have you been Madison??’..Kyra asked with a scowl on her face…

‘Ohhh really?!! Everyone leave now Madison you stay!’..Lord Arnold screamed..

‘B..bu..but!!’..Kyra tried to say but gave up and left immediately…

‘Madison you are one cunning lady,the one i can’t wait to get my hands on’..He said and walked over to me smacking his lips…

‘Leave me alone please’..i begged and he laughed bending a sleeve of my dress ..

‘Lord Arnold p…’..i tried to say but was cut short when someone dragged him away…

‘Will you keep your hands away from my wife you swine!!!’..Khalid screamed..

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