By Cisca. H.


She went up to the blacksmith shop earlier that morning.

Since the previous day, she hasn’t ceased from thinking on how to find a Master who will teach her.

Her urge to become a great archer like her Great great-grandmother, Lady Lola keeps growing each time she glared at the book given to her mother.

If Lady Lola would win thousand wars and battle with no man by her side, she believe she can do more of it.

” Sarbastine?” She called, getting his attention.

” Yes, My Lady. ” Surprised to see her again, he asked. ” Is there a problem with the bow I have made for you?”

” No, not at all. It is perfectly okay as you have brought it. I am here for a different reason. ” she said.

” How may I help you, Your Highness? ” He asked.

” I know I might seem disturbing lately but… “

” I have not complained Her Majesty seem disturbing, have I? “

Enya smiled. ” I seek for a Master who will teach me thy ways of archery, where can I find one?”

” I know of one, but he lives at the east part of Pendamour. “

” Is this place far away from here? ” She asked.

” Not really but, you only have to journey early to get there on time. “

” Thank you, Sarbastine, I will remember your good deed to me. “

” Thank you, Your Highness. ” She nodded.


She began packing, always checking on the weather. Georgie walked in with the tray of food in her hand.

” My Lady…” She paused on seeing her packing.

” Georgie I want you to say nothing about this. Tell no one about my leave, not even to my parents. They shouldn’t know I am away. Promise me. “

” My Lady, what is going on? ” She asked, terrified.

” I am going some where far away from here, but I will be back by tonight or tomorrow morning. “

” Did some thing wrong happen? “

” No, but I must go for this for it is very important to me. “

” Then let me go with you. I need to protect you from danger. “

Enya walked to her, holding her shoulder. ” I understand how faithful you are to me but this time, you only have to do me the favor of staying back.

I do not want my parents to think I have gone missing that is why you must stay here to let them know I have only gone out for a walk. “

” What if you do not return early, they will think I am telling lies. “

” Do not worry about what they will say, let this be only between the two of us, okay? “

Georgie nodded several times.” I will speak nothing to anyone. “

” Good. I must leave now. ” She held her bag which contained enough food for her journey.

Georgie had to pack the foods in the tray for her to go along. ” Your Highness might get hungry along the way, you need more food to satisfy yourself. “

She packed it all into her bag. ” Thank you. Lead the way. “

She took her horse, secretly making it out of the gate. ” Remember, tell no one I am aware to a far destination, no matter how they persist you.”

” My lips shall be sealed until your return, My Lady. “

” I will be on my way. Good bye, Georgie. ” She clung unto her horse, riding off to the East of Pendamour.

She followed every direction on the map which led to the East. This was her first time to ride to a far destination alone, and she loved it.

It took Enya hours before she could get there. The East was a small village of not less than five hundred inhabitants.

They lived peaceful and welcoming. Enya got down from her horse as soon as she stepped into the village.

No one recognizes her for she wasn’t putting on her royal robes. She dressed more like a traveller.

She stopped a passer by and asks him where she can find an archery master.

Everyone she asks keep saying there was no archer in the village.

She almost felt devastated and hopeless, but decided not to give up… at least not yet.

She kept asking, believing she would find one. She believed Sarbastine won’t lie to her about an archer living here.

” Excuse me, please I seek for a man who knows how to shoot an arrow, I was told he lives around here. ” She said to a housekeeper.

” You seek for an archer? “

” Yes, of course. Do you know where I can find one? ” She asked.

” Follow me. ” The housekeeper took the horse from her, keeping it in his stable.

Enya followed him to the back of the house which led to another house a bit smaller than the first. ” You seek for an Archer, you have found one. Go inside and you will see him.”

” Thank you. ” She said before entering the house.

” Hello? He… “

” Why are you here?” Said a deep voice from the inside.

” I have come for your help. I heard you are a great archer and I have come to learn from you.”

” I do not teach anymore. You must return to wherever you came from. “

” Where I dwell is far from here and I can not give up. “

” I am sorry to say this, but you have to. “

” Please, tell me what it is you want and I will do it for you. I will do anything to have you teach me. Say it, and it will be granted. “

The young man had seen how desperate she was to learn from him and likewise how serious she sounded to offering him anything.

” You do not know me, why are you so desperate to have me as your teacher?”

” It is a long story but the truth is, this is my destiny. Please, will you be my teacher? “

He hesitated to say the word, ” I will. ” He agreed.

” I will prepare a place for you at Pendamour, do not worry of the payment I will handle it myself. When do you wish to journey to Pendamour? ” She asked.

” I will follow what ever choice Her Highness make. ” Enya was surprised he had recognize her statues.

” How do you know?” She asked.

” Your medal, it is of the royal bloodline. ” He answered. ” Why do you hide your identity?”

” I prefer not to be known. “

” It is good indeed, but your skin will speak a lot. You look different from the mere man’s. Back to our discussion, I will do as you have said. “

” We will meet outside the gate at 6 o’clock. Prepare your horse and be there before sun rise tomorrow.

She did not stay to be served, she journeyed back to the palace. She knew she won’t make it back to the castle on time, but she has to.

Or Georgie might end up in trouble.


Even as she returned back to the castle, she followed through the underground secretly made it to her room.

” My Lady.” Georgie welcomed her as soon as she noticed she was back. ” You are back. How was the journey?”

” It did went successful as I expected. Thank you for your concern. Did anyone asked of my whereabout? “

” Yes, they all did. “

” And what was your reply? “

” I told them you had it gone for a walk. They kept asking me why you took so long to return and if I knew where you had gone to but I said no, you never told me where it is that you were going to. “

” You did a good job, Georgie, I am delighted at your faithfulness. “

” But, they are waiting for you at the dinning hall, dinner is ready. “

Enya quickly changed to a different dress, she held her dress a bit high as she trailed down to the hall.

” Forgive my delay, Your Majesty.” She bowed, shifting the empty seat to sit down.

” Where have you been? ” Her father questioned.

” I… I have only gone out for a walk around the territory.” She played a smile on her face as she picked her spoon.

Since she started to eat, her face has been buried to her meal. The dinner was a quiet one, Enya speared glances to no one.

Inside of her she wished for the night to pass away and the day to take over.

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3 thoughts on “THE UNEXPECTED WIFE : CHAPTER 11 – 20”

  1. The story is not complete. I couldn’t read beyond episode 20. How can I get the remaining episodes.

    • Click on FICTION below the post. Then scroll down to search for the episodes and other stories you want to read.

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