TO LIVE FOREVER-By Tamara Blair: Episode 41-The End

? To Live Forever ?

? Chapter 48?

Written by: Tamara Blair

? Author’s P.o.v?

“, what’s going on? Why is dad yelling at you?” A six year old Claribel asked.

Bethel, Claribel’s mother was crying as she packed her bag in a haste,She kept moving around the room to take the things she needs and as she moved,Claribel followed her.

Claribel started crying,Bethel squatted to her level and hugged her.

“Mom,are you leaving me?”

“No,am not leaving you,i just need you to hide in the wardrobe over there”

“But why?”

“Because i don’t want anything to happen to you,hide in there and i will come get you soon,okay?” Claribel smiled at her mom and nodded,she quickly ran into the wardrobe and hid herself.

She stayed there for so long and even slept off in it,She woke up and realized she was still in the wardrobe,so she came out.

She walked downstairs and saw her dad on the phone with someone,he was yelling.

“Dad” She called in a tender voice,Peter turned around and was shocked to see her.

“What..what the h*ell are you still doing here? I thought she took you with her”

“Dad, where’s my mommy?”

“Your whore of a mother left you,She doesn’t love you that’s why she left”

“That’s a lie”

“She left you and you need to accept it,She doesn’t love you”

Claribel ran around the house crying,She looked for her mother but she couldn’t find her.

? Claribel’s P.o.v?
I keep dreaming about that night, I can’t seem to forget it.

Adrian’s not back yet and it’s so late at night, The front door opened,i stood up to check who it was,It was Adrian’s mom.

“Why are you alone? Where’s Adrian?”

“He…he left the house,We had a fight”

“But it’s so late,have you called him?”

“Yes,but he doesn’t want to pick up”

“Let me try” She got out her phone and called Adrian,he answered immediately.

She talked with me for a few minutes before ending the call.

“He said he’s staying over at Isaac’s place and he doesn’t want you calling him all night” I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

“What happened between you two?” I started telling everything from the day Bethel came back to my life,how she tried to talk to me but i declined and my present fight with Adrian.

“Are you on her side too.. Bethel’s side?”

“There are no sides here,i know how hurt you are about everything,how she left you but you can at least talk to her”

“No one understands me,i have a whole lot of anger in me,that if i don’t vent it out,i will explode”

“Calling your mom names and fighting with your boyfriend won’t help with your anger, talking with your mom will”

It was early the next day when i was woken up by a sound,i was in Adrian and i room.

“Sh*t” I heard Adrian say,i turned the light on and there he was.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah,i just hit my leg on the chair,go back to sleep” He walked over to the couch next to bed

“Aren’t you sleeping on the bed with me?”

“No,am staying on the couch”

“If you are still angry at me,then let me sleep on the couch,you come to the bed”

“Am not doing that,Go to bed,Claribel”

“But…” He turned off the light and slept on the bed.

? Adrian’s P.o.v?
I woke up to see Claribel arranging the bedsheets,She looked at me but i looked away.

Even though i really want to go over to her and hug her so tight, I can’t because she needs to know that she hurt me.

“Good morning” She said,i stood up and pulled my shirt over my head.

I was heading to the bathroom when Claribel hugged me from behind.

“Am sorry, please don’t give me a cold shoulder,am sorry” I sighed and turned around to hug her properly

“Am not angry..anymore,i just don’t want us to fight anymore,I love you,Claribel,i love you so fcking much and i want the best for you”

“I know and am sorry i said those n@sty things to you, that’s why i have come to a conclusion”

“Which is?”

“I will go to that dinner tonight..with you,of course”

“Really? You will talk to your mom?”

“Yes,i will talk to her,i owe myself that” I pulled away slightly to look at her face.

“She’ll be so happy, thanks”

“Since we are good now,how about we shower together” I chuckled as she pulled me with her into the bathroom.

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