TO LIVE FOREVER: Episode 21-30

? To Live Forever ?

? Chapter 25?

Written by: Tamara Blair

? Claribel’s P.o.v?

We went from kssing so gently to a rough kss, it’s like he’s so hungry for it, like I am.

He pulled me even more close, kssing me a little deeper.

This is really nice,i never thought i would kss Adrian and now we are basically having a hot make out session in the school field, although i really don’t want my first time to be on a grass.

We quickly pulled away from each other, trying to catch our breaths.

Once our breathing normalize,no one says a word,the air between us was awkward.

“Adrian,i really want to…

“We should get going to class” He said cutting me off.

Don’t tellme he’s going to act like the kss doesn’t exist.

“Um..okay,but i..

“Let’s go”

He stood up from the grass and helped me to stand up.

“Wait..i forgot,i didn’t bring my books with me so i will just go home, it’s Friday anyway” i said trying to reduce the tension.

“Um..okay,see you after school?”

“Ye.. yeah,after school”

“…okay, bye”

Adrian walked away leaving me to my thoughts.

Why did he just act like the kss didn’t happen?

He didn’t let me talk,maybe he’s shy.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!” Shannon screamed so loud after i finished telling her everything.

“Holy Christ, Shannon, you are going to make my ears bleed”

“You two kssed,how was it?”

“ was amazing,i didn’t want to stop,i felt so many sparks”

“So did you two talk about it?”

“No,he started acting strange after we kssed..i think nervous”

“Maybe he’s shy,i mean he just kssed the girl he took to be his friend”

“You think he has feelings for me?”

“Absolutely sure”

“Well,i hope he confesses to me faster”

“He will”

“You know when you asked if i didn’t feel like jumping on that s*xy body of Adrian’s and i said no?”


“Now i really want to jump on him, he’s so s*xy” i said making both of us giggle.
On my way to Adrian’s house,today is his check up day at the hospital and the urge to look really good was strong.

“Woah,Claribel,you look amazing” Adrian’s mom said immediately she saw me.

Adrian kept quiet,he was busy doing something on his phone,he didn’t spare me a glance.

“Adrian, honey,look at her, doesn’t she look divine?”

He looked at me a little, then back to his phone.

“She’s okay”

Did he just say that i looked just okay, even when am in a hoodie and my hair is messy,he still tells me how beautiful i am, What’s wrong with him?

No one said anything,we all got into the car, the ride was so slient which is so unusual.
Normally,Adrian would be making fun of me or try to annoy me but now, he’s just on his phone, he’s acting like he wasn’t the one who kssed me.
“Adrian,is something wrong?” I asked him the minute we got back from his check up.

His mom noticed the mood between us so she went inside,while we stayed at the front porch.

“Something like what? I feel fine”

“Then why aren’t you talking to me?”

“Am talking to you right now”

“Don’t act all cheesy with me,you know what i mean, after we kssed,you just completely changed”

“I haven’t changed and i would like it if you didn’t bring up that kss anymore”


“Because i don’t want to talk about it, simple”

“No, it’s not that simple to me,you kssed me and..

“And nothing,Claribel,that kiss was just a plain mistake,it was so baseless,i only kssed because.. because you were so close to me, there is nothing attached to that kss”

I was so torn from what he said,he called the kiss that was so special to me a plain mistake and baseless.

“And i thought…

“Thought what?”

“Thought nothing,i have to go,bye”

I walked away without waiting for his reply,i guess i was mistaken.

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