TRAPPED: Episode 1 – The End

The students start searching the forest for Ariana but to no avail so the teachers need to call for help and the police arrived at the scene but anyway that’s the end of their camping.
Mrs Caline and other parents went to pick their kids not allowing the school bus to convert them back.the parents raised alarm and protest about the missing of Ariana during the school camp.


Mrs Caline: I’m sorry Ivy I had to drag you home from the camping site

Ivy:but mom you know I can’t just leave and enjoy in my mom when my best friend is missing

Mrs Caline:she will be okay I promise.

Then chef mirone came in to inform Mrs Caline that there is a call for her on the home line??

Ivy:Mom I need to tell you something

Mrs Caline:sure my daughter what is it about?

Ivy:I want you to call Mrs Bennet and alsoKyle .I want them to be present I need to announce something

Mrs Caline: I’ll be back.


Mrs Caline:Yes Mrs Caline here?

Mrs Fin:Hi Mrs Caline… Ariana’s mother here.. Ariana has been found and is currently at the hospital..the school hospital she keep mentioning Ivy that it’s very important she sees her.

Mrs Caline:oh my God… I’m so happy .and I’m so sorry Mrs Fin you had to go through all these..we will be there soon okay?don’t think too much she will be okay.

Mrs Fin:thanks a lot I’ll be expecting you.

Back to the room
Mrs Caline:ivy , Ariana has been found let’s go to the school hospital she requested for you.
Ivy jumped out of bed without putting on her jacket and followed her mother.

Mrs Bennet Mansion

Mrs Bennet:(she slapped Kyle)have you lost your damn mind?

Kyle:Mom…I wasn’t with them I didn’t do anything with that girl

Mrs Bennet: I’ve always warned you to stay away from Harry and his peers you won’t listen now Ariana has been found and Mrs Fin is ready to press charges do you think She will spare you because you weren’t there the second time?but you’ve always been there.

Kyle:mom I’m a full grown teen …I’m 18 for goodness sake.

Mrs Bennet:wow clap for your victory of talking back to your mother …idiot

Kyle:you caused this for me…you never had time for me keep traveling here and there for business you’re a mother still you lost your home and now you lost your son as well..was I born like this!?in the process of searching for my mother’s love I was turned into something else now that I’m changing back to normal all thanks to ivy you failed to recognize that.

Mrs Bennet:you have no right to judge me your father left us still I cared and took care of you

Kyle: you divorced dad..he never meant to leave chose your business over him

Mrs Bennet:I don’t want to listen to your trash anymore you’re going to Canada tomorrow you will continue your schooling over there


Mrs Bennet: enough.

Mrs Caline and ivy drove into the hospital and Mrs Fin who was coming from the pharmacy saw them and signalled to them.
Mrs Caline stayed with Mrs Fin to console her but she won’t stop crying.

Mrs Fin:my baby was found unconscious alone in the forest she had cut all over her body she was covered in blood….imagine how that looks like..being called to go and identify her
Mrs Caline:it’s okay Helen we should be happy she is alive..

Mrs Fin:she told me some of her school mates caused that for her and that she will reveal everything when she is okay.

Ariana’s Ward.
Ivy saw Ariana’s state and she covered her mouth sobbing.Ariana saw her and smiled at her.

Ariana:silly girl.. stop crying already I’m the one that’s hurt and I’m why are you crying?

Ivy:Ari I’m so sorry I caused this for you
Ariana:here I got the evidence (she brought out a phone she hid under her pillow)

Ivy:you risked your life for this?

Ariana:Harry is getting too dangerous so he must be stopped.if he’s like this in his high school days our county’s future is in danger.

Ivy hugged Ariana still crying on her and saying sorry.

Ariana:Ivy I have a request to make

Ivy:(wiping her tears)what is it?

Ariana:please forgive Kyle.. he’s reformed he really regretted his actions and he loves you I can see that in his eyes

Ivy: you know what he’s done to me..and what he is.

Ariana:he wasn’t born a g@y..and he’s looking for someone who will give him a chance please Ivy.

Ivy:you should rest I’ll be back.. I need to work on the evidence I will give you the result.

Ivy left Ariana’s Ward and request an audience with Mrs Caline,Mrs Fin and Mrs Bennet after few minutes they assemble and went to the terrace.

Ivy went to Ariana’s Ward to escort her upstairs then she met Kyle with her.

Kyle:hi Ivy


Ariana:you guys should talk I’ll be right outside.

Ariana left the room and went out.

Kyle: I know there is nothing that can change your perspective about me or the apologies that can make up for my mistakes I’m so sorry
Ivy..about the accident

Ivy:you don’t need say to anything I’ve regained my memory long time ago…and you confessing your crimes right now won’t Pierce through my heart to forgive you.

Kyle: you saying this won’t stop me from confessing my love to you.I love you a lot .you showed me that there is still a chance to experience true love and be a rightful not asking you to forgive me I’m just telling you what’s important before I leave’re leaving?

Kyle: yes I will disappear from your presence forever.

Kyle exit the room and Ivy felt as she just lost her shadow..she wanted to hold him back but couldn’t.she slowly took her steps and went to Ariana crying.

Ariana:are we free to go?

Ivy:Ariana what am I going to do? I’m Trapped.

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