Chapter 62

Amy fell her face as tears didn’t waste a second to build up in her eyes. She palmed her face sobbing.

Xan stared at her not regretting his actions. He had never raised his voice at her to this extent and he knew he was doing it for her best.

She tried to leave but xan drew his wife back by her wrist.

” One more chance, Amy. Just say you’re sorry or i won’t talk to you for a week.”

” I’m not saying I’m sorry and i don’t care if you don’t talk to me. I won’t talk to you too. I won’t even let you touch me!” She said and pushed him away.

” I hate you!!” She yelled and ran out of the kitchen.

Xan ran his four fingers into his hair as he returned to stare at the door she just left through.

He took a deep sigh before helping his mom who was still laying on the floor.

” I’m so sorry on behalf of her” He said as he watched her stand on her feet.

” At least, you’ve seen the kind of girl you married. Such a bad mannered kid. You better change your mind quick about the marriage” She yelled and xan could only blink.

He finally left the kitchen and went down to the masters bedroom, his room. He couldn’t find Amy around.

He stood there, holding his waist as he looked out blankly. His room felt dark and lifeless without her.

The door opened and Amy stepped in hastily. She stopped when she saw xan. She quickly turned around to leave.

” Hey Wait…wait please!” He stopped her arm. She quickly threw her hands off him and hugged herself.

” Don’t touch me!” She said.

” What do you need?” He asked.

” I just need a pillow.” She told him.

He went to his bed and got a pillow before giving it to her. She met his eyes one more time before walking out of the room.

He wasn’t going to go after her today. No..he wasn’t going to act like the too-sweet husband.

He laid on his bed and decided to hug the pillow in place of her.

He hugged it tight but wasn’t getting that sweet vibes. The pillow wasn’t as soft and chubby as she was.

He threw the pillow aside and slept arms and leg, widespread on the bed.


Amy slowly came down the stairs whilst hugging her pillow tight to her chest.

She grumbled silently, whispering about how h®rrible mrs lewis was. She knew that the woman was trying to spoil their marriage and end it quickly.

She knew with that, her mission for coming to the house would be accomplished.

She arrived at the livingroom and stood infront of the sofa for a while as if measuring the width and length of the chair.

She looked up and saw no one coming. He wasn’t coming after her.

Well, she didn’t want him to come after her afterall. She knew she would stick his head into a fishbowl and sp.ank him hard with a pi$tol until she was satisfied.

She dropped her bvtt on the sofa lazily and took off her flipflops before laying back on the sofa.

She tried different sleeping positions but yet, sleep wasn’t coming for her.

She remembered how she used to rest her head on Xan’s hard chest and cuddle him around.

He would say sweet words to her and give her a long gentle kss while carresing her expose thighs and then she would fall asleep in his affectionate duo.

The thought of it was making her run sane and she was feeling the need to have him right away.

This was more like a punishment she had to practice. She knew xan would be doing fine without her up there.

Perhaps, she should do without him too.

She placed the pillow on her face and kssed it hard as her feet nudged against eachother. She played xan in her thought as she kssed the freaking pillow.

After a while, She stopped and saw herself falling asleep gradually.



Katrina set out to the bathroom and leaned her face on the sink, throwing up inside.

She h!t the wall, trying to vomit the whole stuff at once to avoid having to come back to the toilet.

Vixen tiredly went down the bed like a sluggish overworked snail and he walked into the entrance of the bathroom.

” Babe..Are you okay?” He spoke lazily.

” C’mon. i never realised i look so perfectly okay to you!” She yelled, stumping out of the bathroom.

Vixen followed her and sat next to her on the bed.

” I’m sorry about everything, but you also need to carry your cross. ” He said rubbing her backs gently.

” It’s your fault.” She said

” My fault?.”

” People like you can’t even control the big mon$ter they keep under their pa.nts.” She hissed.

Vixen raised his brows, trying not to laugh.

” But you made me do it. You seduced me when we were alone at home.”

” I didn’t. I was only trying to pick a chip out of your mouth. And then boom!, you began to kss me. Who’s at fault?”

” Still You”

” No. It’s you!!”

” Don’t get me wrong baby. Why would you pick a chip out of a guy’s mouth, wearing nothing but lingerie.”

” Well it’s felt ro.mantic!.”

” So, being ro.mantic made me do it, then.” He said.

” Arg!….You!”

” Ha haha!. I made you speechless.” Vixen laughed and katrina hit his chest with a pillow.

They both fell back on the bed staring at the roof, saying nothing afterwards.

” We are going to have a girl.” Vixen broke the silence, laying his palm ontop his head.

” No. It’s a boy.” Kate defends.

” Girls are great baby types.”

” Boys are the best. And he would be as crazy as his mama.” Kate laughed and slapped vixen’s chest.

” I’m really tired. I need to have more sleep” She said as she tucked herself in bed.

” Since you aren’t going to office, I’d rather stay at home with you.”

” Of course you are. You are going nowhere cross the gate.” She said.

” Let me go check the kitchen out.” He said.

” Bring me a tuckey leg on your way back!” She giggled making vixen peeked his head back into the room.

He sighed and closed back the door.

Everyone was already at the table in the dinning room. Everyone except Amy and katrina.

” Xan. Where’s that little wife of yours?” Mrs lewis asked as she smiled evily.

Xan scratched his head.

” Oh. Um…yeah..She’s downstairs in the livingroom.” He replied, resting his cheek on his palm.

” Why?. Did something happen?” Mrs qin rushed to ask. She had noticed xan moodiness and must have suspected something wrong.

” She slept there last night after we had a little fight.” He replied, playing with his fork on his food.

” A fight?. What made you had a fight with her?” She asked.

Xan raised his head and stared at his mom. He didn’t a say a word afterwards.

” I’ll be back.” Mrs qin stood up and left the kitchen for them.

After a while, vixen walked in as well. He went to join the table, looking at the rest of the moody gangs.

” What happened in my absence?. Why is everyone looking like someone just died?” He asked but they kept him mute again.

He shrugged his shoulders and searched for a tuckey leg in the pot before walking away.

Minutes later, Mrs qin then walked back in, pulling stubborn Amy along. Amy dragged her arm off her mother’s wrist.

” Mrs lewis. What did you do to my daughter last night.” Mrs qin yelled.

” What did she tell you i did?” Mrs lewis stood up.

” You know what you did. Stop pretending!”

” Say something and stop concluding.” Mrs lewis yelled.

” Look. If your plan is to make this couples divorce in the end then your plan has gotten rotten.

I wouldn’t sit and watch to take this trash from you ever again.”

” Please. I’m clueless of what is going on here?” Xan chipped in, standing to his feet.

” Xan. Your mother sI.apped my daughter last night, called her barren and tried to torment her to end your marriage with her. That was why Amy pushed her out of anger.”

Xan turned to look at his wife. He stepped towards her and squinted his eyes at her innocent face.

” Why didn’t Amy tell me all this last night. Or did she just make up this lies to call my mom a fo.ol?”

” Xan. I would never lie to you. I thought we were on the same game.” Mrs qin rushed to them.

” I can’t take the trash you guys throw on my mother anymore. This has to stop.” Xan said.

” You call her your mom. This witch that titled you a wretched son.

This same woman who tried to steal your document and said you never deserved it since you are not her son.”

Mrs lewis eyes got wide in awe. She wanted to hide under anywhere.

” Wait. Did she say I’m not her son. And she tried to steal my documents, again!” Xan mused.

Mrs lewis swallowed.

” He is my son.” She said.


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