



Episode 15

Jasmine is setting the table, she has finish arranging the plates.

Brandon image came into her head and she smiled, she remembered how she felt safe in his arms, the chills and the feeling, how her heart was hitting at her ribcage.

” Why did I keep seeing his ugly face, why did I even smile any time I see his ugly face, I hate him, I can’t be seeing his ugly face ” Jasmine said swizzling her face.

” What is bothering my baby ” Mabel said behind her, she came out of her bedroom and saw her lost in her thoughts.

” Nothing mum, Ion just happy you are fine ” Jasmine said swiftly turning to face her mum.

” Really ? ” Mabel said suspiciously.

” Yes mum, come and sit down, let me serve you ” Jasmine said sweetly.

” Is there something you are hiding from me ? ” Mabel asked.

” Huh, no mum, why asking ? ” Jasmine replied pouting.

” Since yesterday you seem to be getting lost in your thoughts ” Mabel said winking at her.

” Stop mum, I am not hiding anything from you ” Jasmine said like a baby.

Mabel smile before she hug her and kss her cheeks making Jasmine to blush.

She sat down and Jasmine served her the meal.

She took a bite and smile.

” How is it mum ? ” Jasmine asked waiting for her mum response.

” The best ever baby ” Mabel replied and Jasmine smiled.

” Uhm, Baby, where is that your boyfriend that save my life ? ” Mabel asked eating from her food.

” Mum, he is not my boyfriend, he is just an arrogant guy that just help me out, he is my friend’s brother who is my class mate. ” Jasmine pouted.

” Really?, he is a nice guy ” Mabel said.

” He is not even close to the word ” Nice ” , he is arrogant, rude and ugly ” Jasmine said with a frown.

” What if he eventually become your boyfriend huh ? ” Mabel said teasingly.

” Ahhh, mum stop, you are so troublesome, he can’t and will never be, I can’t fall in love with a playboy ” Jasmine said.

” And you are cute ” Mabel wink.

Jasmine smiled and hug her.

” You always find a way to make me to blush, I love you mum ” Jasmine said in her arms.

” Me too, I hope to see that young guy some day, I am asking if you can invite him over ” Mabel said.

” He will reject that offer, I know him, we hate each other, I kept wondering why he help us, I can’t believe it ” Jasmine said.

” You can’t judge people for what you see them do, sometimes there is a reason behind it, always remember that my baby ” Mabel said.

” Ok momma , I am going to be late for school ” Jasmine said and rush to her room.

” All I pray for is your happiness, to find true love ” Mabel prayed silently.


** Jasmine room.

She is dress already, just applying some lipstick when her phone rang, she rush to pick it and almost scream as it is Naomi, she tried her number since last night and it didn’t went through.

She is happy she called.

? Hi bestie ” Jasmine yelled.

? Hey baby ” Naomi said with a dull tone .

? What happened baby? Your line was switch off since yesterday, what really happened, did you cry ? ” Jasmine asked.

? I got into an accident but I was lucky and got saved by a strange guy, my phone got damaged but he bought a new one for me ” Naomi replied.

? He must be a very nice guy, I am sorry baby, How are you feeling now ? ” Jasmine asked.

? I am fine, I am getting better, I will come to work later, I will give you the full gist at work ” Naomi said.

? Okay baby, love you ” Jasmine said.

? Love you too, bye for now ” Naomi said and the call went off.

” Oh God, I am happy she is safe ” Jasmine said and another call enter her phone.

She picked it up and it is Selene.

? Jas baby ” Selene said.

? Crazy selene ” Jasmine replied.

? You are crazy, how is mum ? ” Selene asked.

? She is okay and sound, how is that jerk head ? ” Jasmine found herself asking.

? Asking of Brandon Humm, he is handsome as always ” Selene replied.

” Who are you speaking with on the phone, and why are you calling my name ” Brandon said, yelling from the other side.

Jasmine heard his voice and she found herself smiling again.

” Kept quiet j.erk ” Selene yelled.

? I will see you in school, I got a lot of gist for you baby ” Selene said.

Jasmine can hear Brandon yelling.

? Why is he yelling ? ” Jasmine asked.

? Ion don’t know either, don’t mind that dummy ” Selene replied.

? Ok, I am already dressed up, bye crazy ” Jasmine said.

? Ok, pizza girl ”

? Fk you bch ” Jasmine said, Selene laugh and cut off the call.

” What is happening to me? I just smile hearing his voice . ”

Jasmine stood up and left the room.


** Winters high.

* Senior class.

Brandon, Edward and Bella came in to the class and a “wow” escape the girls mouth, the boys are jealous of them.

They took their separate chairs and sat down.

Brandon brought out his ear pod and connected his phone to it and play a song ” Steady by Big wiz, his favorite.

Edward is chewing on his gum, while Bella is with that smile on his face.

They are the center of discussion, the chemistry teacher walked in the class and everyone adjusted, the class become quiet.

He gave the students a mean look before taking out a board pen, he is the meanest teacher in the school, only students from strong and influential family like Brandon dares him.


In that moment Shelton came in to the class, The class turned noisy as the students started laughing at him.

? The loser is here ” A girl said.

? Got insulted by a junior student ” Another girl chipped in.

They burst out laughing at Shelton.

” Why are you late ? ” The teacher asked icily.

” I was caught up with something ” Shelton replied scratching his head.

” I can only allow into my class if you can answer this question ” The teacher said.

” Okay sir ” Shelton said curiously.

” Explain the concept of an isotope ? ” The teacher asked.

All the students eyes feasted on Shelton waiting for what he will say.

” An Isotope is a phenomenon or a situation by which atoms of the same element exhibit the same atomic number but different mass number ” Shelton replied.

Did i forget to tell you that Shelton is a braniac ? well I just did now.

” Go and take your seat ” The teacher said.

After forty minutes, he is done with his class, he gave an assignment to the student and left the class.

” Why did you disgrace yourself yesterday mehn ” Bella asked sitting beside Shelton.

Shelton look at him sighed.

” You are also among those mocking me right Smilee ? ” Shelton asked hurtfully.

” I am not mehn, But what did you really see in that bch any way ” Bella said.

” I just found myself liking her, I can’t believe she did that to me ” Shelton said.

” She don’t deserve you mehn ” Bella said and patted his back, he stood up and left.

Shelton look at him with a confused look.

” What did he mean by that ? ” Shelton asked himself.


** Junior class

” Oh my God, that b*tch, she is so mean ” Jasmine laughed.

Selene is gisting her about what Jenny did to Shelton.

” I pity Shelton a lot ” Selene said.

” The news is over the blog, the video has over 200mil views, here is the video ” Lisa said and give her phone to Jasmine.

Jasmine collected the phone from Lisa and couldn’t hold her laughter as she watched the video clip.

” I haven’t seen Micheal in school today ” Selene pouted like a baby.

” Your crush huh, did he ask you out ? ” Jasmine asked facing Selene.

” Yes, he ask me out on a date, but I haven’t given him a day ” Selene replied.

” What are you waiting for, stop keeping him waiting baby ” Jasmine said.

” There comes the juice bch ” Jasmine said pointing to Jenny who is coming in the class.

” She is so sassy and arrogant ” Lisa chip in.

” What did Shelton even see in that shameless wh*re, who is after my stupid brother ” Selene said.

Jasmine felt this pain in her chest, she is angry by what she heard, she is actually jealous without realizing it.

” Why am I angry ” Jasmine thought.

” Why did you went mute Jas baby ? ” Selene asked seeing Jasmine mood.

” Where is your brother right now ? ” Jasmine asked avoiding Selene question.

” He will be in his lounge, he hardly goes to class ” Selene replied.

” How come he then pass his exams ? ” Jasmine asked surprisedly.

” That is the reason he is the most brilliant student in Winters high ” Selene replied.

” I bet he isn’t not brilliant like me ” Jasmine said with pride.

” See you girls later ” Jasmine said and left.

” She is behaving strange, since she came back from her house with my brother ” Selene said.

” I can’t wait for them to get along ” Lisa squinted.

” I can’t wait to see you and Edward date ” Andy tease and Lisa hit her playfully.



Jasmine walked nervously to Brandon lounge, she can’t explain why she is nervous to see him.

She is about to knock on the door, when it open and Brandon came out.

Both of them gasped.

” What!! what are you doing here ? ” Brandon asked icily.

” Can’t you be nice for once ugly jerky head ” Jasmine frown.

” And why will I be nice to a crazy girl like you ” Brandon replied smirking.

” You are giving me more reasons to hate you ” Jasmine said.

” Why are you even here Miss Crazy ? ” Brandon asked folding his hand.

” I just want to thank you for your help towards my mum ” Jasmine said and turned to leave.

” Are you really sure ? Or have you started crushing on my handsome face, coz the Jasmine I know, can’t say thank you ” Brandon said.

Jasmine Swiftly turned and glare at him.

” I can’t crush on an ugly jerk like you, don’t take your shoulders high just because I said a ” thank you ” Jasmine replied.

She angry turned to go but Brandon pulled her by her arm and like a slow mo , she fell in his arms, their faces are so close just an inch away, their hearts is palpating now.

Jasmine tried to push him away but her feelings got the best of her, she found herself giving in to his touch.

Brandon is feeling the same, as much as he hate it, he felt his heart palpating and the feelings he is having right now is getting the best of him.

Brandon found himself leaning in to kss Jasmine.

Jasmine gulp down, she can’t fight it, she finally gave in, Brandon lips is about to land on her, just in time Jenny arrived at the scene, she is shocked to see them in that way. She almost fainted seeing them that way, the way Brandon is passionately leaning to kss her.

” This can’t be happening ” Jenny yelled.


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