WHAT A JOURNEY: Chapter 31 – The End

WHAT A JOURNEY: Chapter 31 – The End

Chapter 34

“Hey, there’s the temple” Kira informed us as she pointed at it, we ran towards it.

“What’s going on” Bathny asked when we saw mum and the rest standing at the gate of the temple including Salvador.

“Why aren’t they in the temple yet?” Ruby backed up.

“Mum what’s up?” I asked her when we got closer to them.

“This moron forgot that the opening of the temple gate depends on you and I” mum replied.

“Oh my gush it’s true” Kira cooed.

“Yea, the riddle” I laughed out loud.

“It’s funny to you, will you come and open this gate” Salvador barked at me.

“Hey don’t talk to my daughter like that” dad warned him.

“Dude I thought you changed?” David asked him.

“Yes, I changed my mind which you people poisoned, y’all want me to forget about the gold, then why exactly am I here huh?, my money for funding this trip should go to waste, is that what y’all want” Salvador fired.

“If you touch those precious stones, you will be a dead meat, don’t you get it?” Mum yelled at him.

“So I’m not supposed to take anything?” He asked.

“Not even a scratch of bronze not to talk of gold” Ricky warned.

“Right, we will see about that” Salvador scoffed and looked away.

WHAT A JOURNEY: Chapter 31 – The End

Dad walked closer to him and stood behind him, I know why, he won’t let him make a bad move otherwise he will get it hot.

“Let’s just open the gate first” Ricky stated.

Mum and I walked to the golden gate which was covered with some tree vines.

“Mother and child answer four riddles each to open the gate” we all jerked back when we heard the voice of the dragon lord, he was leaning on the extreme of the gate.

“Dude, you could have just teleported us here in one minute but you chose to suffer us” Michael complained to him.

The dragon lord ignore him, he walked closer to us, he faced us when he got to the center of there gate.

“Riddle 1…..” He started.

“Really, is that how your teacher sets quiz in your school, no time for preparation?” David complained.

“You had two days to prepare, wasn’t that enough” the dragon lord asked.

“Well if you must know, we used that two days looking for a way to get here” I fired at him, but instead he shrugged.

“Why is he so cute?” Kiwi asked.

“Seriously I didn’t look at him well back in the village, He’s so adorable” Kira cooed.

“Hey” Michael complained.

“Sorry babe, I was only commenting, nothing more” she assured him.

“Just go ahead and ask, if there’s anyone she doesn’t know, I’ll answer it.” Mum stated.

“No you won’t” the dragon lord insisted, this guy is not serious. He’s lucky I’m good with riddles.

“Riddle 1 for the mother: Walk on the living, they don’t even mumble. Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble. What are they?”

“Leaves” mum answered so easily. I would have failed it if it was my question.

“Riddle 1 for the child. You bury me when am alive and dig me up when I’m dead, what am I?”

Thank God.

“Plant” I answered, everyone cheered for me, mum smiled at me.

“Riddle 2 for mother. The more there is, the less you see. What am I?”

“Darkness” mum answered.

“Riddle 2 for child. At night they come without being fetched. By day they are lost without being stolen, what are they?”.

I thought about it for a while, I’m sure it’s something I know but…. Come on brain, help me out here, you are the star of this show.

Wait a minute, star, that’s it, thank you brain.

“Stars” I answered. Mum hugged me.

“Riddle 3 mother. I am lighter than what I am made of and more of me is hidden than is seen. What am I?”

“An ice berg” she answered, where did this woman come from. Of course, psychologist, why wouldn’t she know the answers.

“Riddle 3 child. You’ve heard me before, yet you hear me again. Then I die until you call me again. What am I?”

Hahaha, in your face dragon lord, Bathny and I used to play with this one when we were kids. I looked at Bathny, she smiled and gave me a you’ve-got-this kinda look.

I smiled and answered. “An echo”

“Riddle 4 for mother. Break me and I’ll cage you. Obey me and I’ll save you. What am I?”

“Law” mum muttered with her head bent low.

“Does it sound familiar?” The dragon lord asked her, she nodded quietly.

“Riddle 4 and last for child, get it and the temple’s gate will open for you, get it wrong and go home cursed for life” he snarled and my heart skipped. “I never was, I’m always to be.

No one ever saw me, nor ever will. And yet I am the confidence of all, to live and breathe on this terrestrial ball. What am I?”

My brain went dead…..

WHAT A JOURNEY: Chapter 31 – The End

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