She’s divorce doesn’t mean she was a bad wife, some men are not just husband, but a bully.

Before discussing why a woman should divorce her bully husband, read this story below:

My once upon a time gentle and loving fiancé has become a bully husband.

I didn’t see this coming at all. He beats me, spits on me, treats me like a slave and ra.pes me.


It all began shortly after we got married when my husband refused to help me with a mortgage I took while in university. My parents were okay paying my school fees. So, I thought using the student’s loan to get on the property ladder was a fantastic opportunity.

My husband was aware of my struggle to meet up with the monthly fee because of my lack of income but surprisingly refused to help unless I add him as a joint owner. I was happy to do this but guess what – he refused to help pay the fees despite my pleas. He had the money and he could afford it but he chose not to.

The house was finally repossessed. I was so disappointed and pained by his action but I managed to control myself after a few outburst.

That was years ago but that incident changed him. He is now like a man possessed.

I was advised to report him to the police but I can’t because I love him and I know that things will spiral out of control if I do. And again, my faith forbids me from divorce.

Marriages are breaking in high proportion these days and I don’t want mine to be added to the statistics.

I am enduring it and I am determined to keep my marriage and win my man back. But how do I do it?

1. We only courted for 2 years. Would I have discovered everything about him if we had courted for a longer period?

2. Does God tell us who to marry or is it entirely up to us?

3. Can a person who marry God’s choice – the bone of his/her bone struggle in marriage?

4. How can someone in an abusive relationship cope or is divorce and separation the only options?

Some women are right in the same situation like this woman.

Wife beating? No way. Better to tell your children where you are than where you were buried. For property, let him enjoy it. Time takes care of so many things.

The relationship is not an expression of true love from both sides. I can see that the lady is the one in love.

She needs to pray for the salvation of her husband but she should be careful not to loose her life.

So many women her managing life threatening sicknesses today because of marital abuse and when she passes on, within few months, another damsel will replace her.

I am against marital abuse and I am against gradual process killing of women.

God does not love divorce netheir does he want the death of a sinner. Staying in an unhealthy relationship is like willingly ready to commit suicide; he that wants to die have met the one that will kill her.

In relationship there should be space for healing and forgiveness, yet how does a person battered almost everyday heal if she does not move for spiritual and emotional upliftment of her body and soul. Please how do they pray in the midst of chaos?

God loves you and does not want you to die young, please everyone should remember that.

Does God tell us who to marry or is it entirely up to us?

Christians have different views to this question. Some say YES God will tell you who to marry whiles others will DISAGREE (NO).

In my own view, God will never MAKE a decision for any man (other wise He will just force everybody to serve Him) whether in marriage or any other issue.

But this does not mean that God should be discarded in our choice of a marriage partner.

What God does is He INFLUENCES our decision by telling us what to do, how to go about it etc. God has clearly stated in His word the kind of man or woman a Christian should marry but you still need Him to be SPECIFIC why because of COMPATIBILITY.

All Christians are good but there is a specific one that would suit you. Compatibility is a very important factor in relationship and marriage.

God is the one that created you and He is the only one that knows the man/woman that’ll be suitable for you and so finding a wife/husband outside God(who created and knows your compatible partner) is a big risk that is not worth taking at all.

We must trust God in this and allow Him to direct and guide us.

In conclusion, if your husband beats you always, you need to think twice and RUN away from him first before thinking about DIVORCE, because you can die during or after beating you.

A man that beats his wife doesn’t love her. And he has disobeyed God that commanded that the husband should love his wife.

SEE ALSO :  Man Narrates Shocking Story on What His Wife And Her Mum Are Doing Together