WORLDS APART: Episode 21-30

?World’s Apart ?

? unknown identity?

Episode 26

Jay’s Pov

I drank myself to stup0r.

Sir you are really drunk the attendant said coming towards me.

Get the h.ell out of here I screamed at him in frustration and the girl left.

This is my club for fk sake, I watched as people wasted themselves, I had to sneak in, if they had seen me, I wouldn’t have left here alive.

My phone rang and it was Charles.

Hi bro I said as I picked up.

What’s wrong with you dude, it’s already 9 and you are not yet back. He screamed angrily at me.

Mara caused it I said in my druken state.

Who’s that. I heard him ask.

She’s hurting me I said crying bitterly.

Wait Jay! Uou are drunk, just text me your address am coming to pick you up, he said and I cut the call immediately.

I starggerrd to my car through the backdoor, I lazily opened the door and got in and started the car, can’t still believe Mara had sx with Danny.

The thought of her alone filled my head as I drove the highway. I didn’t know a car was coming and I hit it. I felt blood rush out of my head, my vision became blury and I passed out.

Mara’s Pov

Today was real fun with Dan, he just left some moments ago.

I was watching a movie title brave heart to kill time but this film was making me cry.

Useless author he had to die for his people.

I switched the channel to news and latest report shocked me.


I held my head in frustration, it can’t be true, he was here this morning, just then my phone rang, and it was Danny.

Mara get dressed up am coming to your place Jay got an accident he yelled.

I quickly got dresse, my heart was beating so fast, I heard Danny horn from outside and I ran out.

I got in and he started driving speedingly.

Dan slow down, you are gonna get us killed I yelled at him.

Come on Mara you caused this he said.

Are you blaming me I asked shocked.

He stopped the car and held his hair in frustration.

Am sorry I didn’t mean to say that am just so frustrated right now he said.

Dan calm down and drive carefully pleas. I want to see him I said.

We arrived at the hospital moment later. Mabel’s mom and dad were already here. Even Danny’s parents, I could see Mabel standing beside her mom, Jay’s sis was standing beside his mom. Nurses were running up and down, securities were standing everywhere, while the press were standing outside.

Here comes the wtch, Mabel said and everyone faced us.

What the h.ell are you doing here b@stard her mom screamed angrily at me.

I am not here for you I said.

And what are you here for? Jay sis said.

Arabella you calm down she’s not the reason Jay is in the hospital Dan said defending me.

Oh you are taking sides with her right, you choose a girl over your best friend she yelled angrily at him.

Ara don’t cause a scene here Charles said.

I could see she had Bewtched you all Mabel’s mom yelled angrily.

Rosa that’s enough her husband screamed at her.

Rosa calm down, she’s just a little girl, Dan’s mom said.

And she sl@pped me yesterday she screamed angrily.

Am so sorry I said as tears formed in my eyes.

Mom, she did what? Mabel yelled angrily as she approached me but Danny quickly held her.

You are the cause of my brother’s accident. Ara yelled at me.

Am not the cause, I said and the next thing I felt was a sl@p on my face, I was too weak to fight back.

Ara you are really getting on my nerves Charles yelled and held her.

Mara leave now he said, but my feet was glue to the ground.

Now he yelled angrily at me.

I couldn’t move I felt so weak to do so.

Leave me let me put this b@stard where she belongs. Ara yelled.

Danny came and started dragging me away, I don’t really belong here, just then I heard the doc ask who is Mara and we both turned.

What is she needed for Mabel asked.

Your son has been calling her name, so it’s advisable that she’s there he said.

Mara go ahead Danny said.

I walked towards the doctor avoiding their stares, we entered a room and the sight In front of me, made me weak.

His head was bandaged and he kept calling my name, I felt hot tears pour from my eyes.

Am right her. I said and he calmed down.

I watched as they treated him, cleaning his wounds it was really a h0rrible sight, doctors really are trying.

Doctor how is he? I asked how he was doing.

He’s gonna be fine maybe a week or more he’s awake he said and walked out.

I ignored their stares as I walked out, I could see Danny cuddling Mara.

I sat down outside and stare at the sky, everywhere was quiet, did I really have to be this unfortunate, my parents would regret where ever they are.

I felt someone sit beside me, I turned and it was Mabel’s dad.

Hmm sir what are you doing here? I asked.

I just wanted to keep your company he said, you see I don’t see you the way others see you, you are a loving girl he said,so would you mind telling me about your parents? He asked.

I don’t want to. I said crying and he hugged me.

Let me take you home kid he said and I nodded.

A week later.

It’s been a while since the incident happened, I haven’t heard from Anna till now. It seems Danny and Mabel were back together. Danny had been avoiding me lately, I Know Mabel told him to do so.

I had become close to Mabel’s dad all this while, I can’t believe he’s this loving.

I could feel the angry stares from Danny’s parents I Know they couldn’t stop me from being here because the doctor said I should be here.

I watched Danny and Mabel kssing outside, I could see them through the glass.

I held Jay’s hands I want him to be awake, suddenly his eyes flew open.

I was shocked, he’s awake I screamed, doctor I yelled as everyone rushed in while I hugged him tightly.

My body was so tense up his eyes were boring holes into my body like he wanted to figure out something.

Jay you almost gave me a heart attack I said crying.

Mom who is she he asked staring at me from head to toe.

Is this some sort of prank or what?

Jay don’t you remember me? It’s Mara I said shaking.

I don’t know anyone by the name Mara. He said and I felt my heart tear into piece. I finally lost it, I could see the look of victory in Mabel’s face.

Jay Please you have to remember. I said crying.

I don’t know you please you are disturbing me he said.

Danny looked at me with pityful eyes.

Thank God my brother forgot a btch like you, now leave. His sister yelled at me angrily and started dragging me away.

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