By Marie G

Chapter 25

~~Bina’s restaurant, Vip room (8pm)~~

Kaylan sat opposite Dean and she kept looking around

“Is this your first time?” Dean asked and she nodded

“Let’s order something then” Dean said

“You didn’t tell me we came here to eat? I would have prepared something else if you didn’t like the food I made earlier” Kaylan frown

“It was delicious.. just that, I brought you here because I’m grateful and I hope you accept my little offer” Dean said and Kaylan heave a sigh

She stared at dean once more before picking up the menu and dropped it minutes later

“Why is everything so expensive? The least price on the menu is $10k” she complained and Dean laughed briefly

“Don’t worry it,,, Forget the price and pick anything” he said after noticing the frown on her face. He chuckled silently as he watch her.

“Just pasta” she told the waiter since that was the one with the least price

“Why that?” Dean scowl

“I can cook for you if you wanna eat everything on this menu everyday. Don’t waste money like this..I don’t like it” she said and he nodded with a smile

He couldn’t believe someone like her really existed…

He turned to the waiter. “Two plates of pasta and a bottle of tequila and sprite” he said and the waiter bow before leaving

Later she came back with their offer and left afterwards

“Thanks” Kaylan said and scoop a spoonful into her mouth

“Wow.. she exclaimed and Dean laughed shortly

“It’s good right?” Dean asked and she nodded quickly

“Do you like it that much?” He asked again and she nodded still

“Do you want more?” Dean asked and she shook her head

“Well,,, I can cook better than this.. she said proudly and Dean smiled since she was saying the truth– she was a great cook

“Try it out” Kaylan said brining her spoon closer to his mouth

“I’m not a kid..I will do it myself” Dean said and she pouted sadly

“Ouch….It hurts.. my arm hurts. Take it quickly or my hands might break off” She whined

“There’s actually no need for this Kaylan” Dean sigh and opened his mouth slightly

“Make it wide” she said and he did exactly what she said.

“Nice right?” She asked after feeding him the food

“It would have been nice if it was cooked by you” he replied and Kaylan couldn’t help but blush heavily

She held her already red cheek as she tried to stop herself from blushing

Dean just watch her in amusement

“You got something on your li-ps” Dean said

” Really?” She asked and he nodded

She took the tissue infront of her and tried cleaning the sp-ot but it wouldn’t come off

“It’s still there?” She asked and he nodded

” Then help me with it” She drew her pouted li-ps closer to his like she wanted to kzz him.

Dean gulped down emptiness as he stared at the extremely pink li-ps Infront of his

Slowly, He moved his hands to her li-ps and wipe out the stain. As his f!ng£rs came in contact with her li-ps, he could help but yearn for it. They were so soft that he was beginning to wonder how good her li-ps will taste on his

“Dean.. are you okay?” Kaylan waved infront of him jolting him off his thoughts

“I-I’m… I’m fine. Let’s just eat and go home” He stuttered and faced his food

I’m going crazy* he grumbled mentally

Minutes later, they were done and headed to the car

“Thanks for the meal. I really enjoyed myself” Kaylan smiled

“You must be tired.. let’s go home” Dean said and she nodded before entering the car

“When are we going to see the doctor?” Kaylan suddenly asked

“What for? The deal??” Dean asked, his gaze on the road

“It’s been a month and few days now since I signed the contract but you aren’t saying anything about it” she replied

“I und-erstand.. we will go see doctor banks next week.. but for now, let’s just keep pretending so mom will stop bothering us.. Dean said and concentrated on the road. The rest of the drive home was quiet



“We’re are home.” Dean said but got no response.

“Collins!! Collins” he called but no reply

” Did he go out again?” He wondered aloud

“Maybe” kaylan shrug

Dean brought out his phone and dialed Collins number but Collins s£nt him a text instead telling him he was spending the night at Brittany’s place

“He’s at it again” Dean sigh before turning to Kaylan

“Aren’t you going to your room?” He asked but she kept mute

“What’s wrong?” He asked again

“I’m just..worried” she said and bit her lower li-ps.

“I’ve told her to stop doing that.. Dean said and she face the floor

” You hate me because I remind you of Tyler right?” She asked and a frown creased Dean’s forehead but he was trying to hide it

“You must have been very sad when she betrayed you.. even to the extent of sleeping with your security man”

Dean ball his fist tightly, his breath was getting huskier

“It must have been your nightmare anytime you remembered staying at that hospital for years…” she said again and Dean could feel his head spinning.

It seems he was loosing his mind and was going crazy once more. The memory of Tyler came rushing afresh in his mind and the anger he was trying to suppress finally took over him

“I just want to help mend your broken heart and…

“Stop!!” He screamed and held his head and yelled getting more aggrey as he glance at Kaylan.

“Are you okay?” Kaylan wanted to touch him but he shifted back

He looked up at her with bI.oodshot eyes. “How are you any different from her” he snarled

His eyes held hatred and pain as he stared at her

His face change and he was suddenly seeing her as Tyler. He started walking towards her while laughing like a maniac. She in turn kept shifting back in fear till her back came in contact with the wall

The person infront of her was far different from the Dean she knew

“De… Dean what’s wrong with you” she stuttered fearfully as he walked towards her

She didn’t know she had offended him with her words since all she wanted to do was @ssured him she was gonna stay

“Why? Just why did you do that to me? Why?” Dean yelled tearfully as he got infront of her

“What did I ever do to you? I loved you Tyler,, I really love you” he yelled again. “I was ready to give you the world but what did you do huh? You wasted two years of my life! Two freaking years! You made me into the mo.nster I am today!! How could you?” He yelled and angrily h!t his fist on the wall while Kaylan flinch.

Her heart was beating really fast that she couldn’t imagine what he could do to her

Dean suddenly g.rab her ne-ck choking her

“Just die Tyler. Die and leave my life alone” Dean wept as he kept choking Kaylan

“De..Dean .. Kaylan g@sp for breath while his grip tighten on her ne-ck

“Die Tyler.. just die and get out of my life” Dean said as tears emanate from his eyes

“Dean” Kaylan called weakly and hit his hands but he wasn’t ready to let go.

Her vision were getting blurry and her eyes had began rolling to the back of her head yet she didn’t give up.

“Dean.. I’m kaylan and not Tyler” she struggled to say

“God .. pls save me.” She prayed inwardly..


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