ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 61 – The End

ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 61 – The End


By Naomi Cindy B

Farrell’s house**

“Are you really gonna sleep with an empty stomach?” She asked Nirvana who’s laying on the bed, covering her head completely with the duvet

“I’m not hungry, I’m ok with the fruits juice” she replied

” Are you kidding me?, Ok with fruit juice?, Come on… Your Greek god made this himself, you should have a bite” Farrell persuaded again for the uptenth time

“Farrell I really don’t have an appetite, I miss him.. it’s crazy right? ‘ she replied, finally sitting up

“Then go see him and stop hurting yourself” Farrell said

“No, I don’t want to” she replied and fell on the bed again, hugging the pillow to herself, imagining it as him, she kssed the pillow and screamed

Farrell had to cover her ears

“At the risk of losing my ears, I’ll still stay” Farrell said

“Where’s the food? ” She asked

” You’ll eat it?, Really? ” Farrell said and happily handed the food to her after opening it

The sweet smell is too tempting and Farrell went downstairs to get a fork too

“Don’t tell me you’re coming here” Nirvana said

“Of course, you can’t finish it” Farrell replied

“I know, but you’re not allowed to taste it so far it was cooked by him” Nirvana replied and Farrell dropped the fork

“How petty”

Nirvana took just two forks and stopped eating

“I’m not interested anymore” she said and placed the warmer on the table then drank a lot of water before falling back on the bed

“I’m going crazy, you ate just two fork lift” Farrell said


ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 61 – The End

Next day**.

Jones entered the hideout sadly, crashing on the chair and they all surrounded him

“What’s happening?, You didn’t come back last night and you just texted that you’re ok when the aura surrounding the text said it all that you’re not… ” Sandra said

” I’m sorry for worrying you guys, just that… Boss is sick seriously” he replied

” Sick?, Why? ” May said

” It’s obvious, cos of Nirvana, guess he can’t bear seeing her away from him, poor him” Heather said

” He’s battling with great fever and he’s not responding to treatment, he won’t even wake up” Jones said

” And where’s Nirvana herself?, You know her whereabouts? ” Sandra asked

” No” Jones replied

” Reagan left the house already and she’s going to meet Nirvana, Nirvana will be at her friend’s place” Paxton said

” I hope she listens to Reagan, it’s not a good thing for boss to be sick” May said

” I need to go back to the hospital” Jones said, standing up

“I’ll follow you” Sandra said

” No stay with Berry” Jones replied

” Berry fell asleep after missing you so much” Sandra said and Jones smiled

” I’ll go with you guys too” Heather said.

“So it’ll be the two of us here” Paxton said, facing May

” Mind your business and I’ll mind mine ” May replied


ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 61 – The End

Farrell’s house**

Farrell succeeded in persuading Nirvana to come downstairs and she sat on the couch gently, she couldn’t sleep last night so her eyes has dark circles underneath

“Stop doing this to yourself and just go see him” Farrell said

” I can’t” she replied, shaking slightly

” You’re cold” Farrell said and went upstairs to get sweater for her, she came back and put it on for her before going to make hot coffee which she handed to her

“Drink it up you don’t want to fall sick”

Nirvana sip it slowly and quietly and Farrell felt her temperature

” You have a slight fever, it mustn’t develop to chronic, I’ll get you suppressors” she said and stood to go upstairs but the doorbell rang

“Must be your Greek god” Farrell said and went for it

She opened the door and came face to face with Reagan

“Good morning” Reagan said

“Same here, you are?”

” Reagan, Brandon’s friend, I’m here to see Nirvana” she said and Farrell figured it out that it’s her

She let her in and immediately Nirvana saw her, she dropped her coffee cup and started going upstairs but Reagan rushed to her and blocked her way

“Don’t leave please, I’m sorry’ she pleaded

” Out of my way” Nirvana said

“Just listen to what I have to say, you have every right to be mad at me and even hurl stones at me but not at Brandon, it’s all my fault” Reagan said quickly

Hearing that, Nirvana decided to listen

“What do you mean?”

“I was the one who kssed him forcefully, he was busy pacifying and consoling me but I grew selfish and did that just when you entered, it was entirely my fault, Brandon is not at fault here, I caught him unawares and he just…he was shocked and that’s why he didn’t react quickly, Nirvana please go back to him he’s seriously hurt, you need to go back I beg you” Reagan pleaded

” You…. kssed him?, Why?” Nirvana asked..

” I was just carried away by my emotions” she replied

” You… have feelings for Brandy?” Nirvana said

“Yes….I thought it’d go away when I got rapped but I was wrong” she said and Nirvana’s eyes widened

” You were raped?, By….”

“Zelda….my saddest painful experience” Reagan said slowly

Nirvana went mute and instead of being angry right now, she’s full of pity

” I promise not to be a problem anymore Nirvana, please just go back to him I beg you, he’s not ok” Reagan said

” Not…ok?”

Her phone rang immediately, a call from Brandon but it was Jones who spoke

“Brandy??” She said

“No it’s Jones , Nirvana please you need to come here right now, he’s busy groaning from his sleep and I don’t want the doctors to sedate him” Jones said

” Preston?” Nirvana asked

” Sure, please just come even if you won’t talk to him, you’ll be able to calm him down” he said

Nirvana hung up and rushed upstairs to grab her car keys

She came back and without saying bye to Farrell nor Reagan, she ran out of the house

ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 61 – The End

She drove to the hospital and like Jones said, Brandon is wriggling on the bed, squeezing his face like someone in pains, groaning loudly and sweating profusely

“He has been doing this for more than twenty minutes and no matter what I did, he won’t stop, please try to make him wake” Jones said

” We’d have sedated him but Jones said we shouldn’t” Heather said

“Do something” Mateo added

Nirvana inhaled softly before walking slowly to the bed, she sat beside him

He’s still growling and wriggling

She placed her hand on his forehead and it’s dmn hot, so much that she quickly removed her hand

“Mum..” he muttered in his unconscious state

“Nirvana…” He murmured and she held his hand tightly

” Brandy wake up I’m here” she said slowly but he still kept wriggling and groaning

” Brandy!”

“Brandy!” She said loudly but he still didn’t wake

She climbed the bed with him and held his face, shaking him

“Brandy!!” She screamed and he stopped wriggling, he stopped groaning and his eyes started opening slowly

“Brandon your baby is here, open your eyes I love you” she said, hoping he’ll wake fully

He kept opening it slowly and slowly till he opened it all and Immediately he saw her, he spranged up and held her face

“Nirvana…” He said, almost not believing his eyes

” Brandy … I’m sorry” she replied

“You came back to me” he said, rubbing her cheeks

“Yes I did” she nodded

His face is pale and sickly, his lips is dried

” I’m so sorry it wasn’t my fault, you can $lap me again and again but….

” I love you” Nirvana interrupted


” Reagan told me everything so it’s ok, I love you so much” she replied and he smiled

” You’re not mad at me anymore?”

” Of course, I’m sorry for …

“Don’t say sorry for anything, that you’re back to me is enough..I love you so much” he replied and hugged her tightly

” Can’t believe I got sick because of it, I’ve never felt this way before, it felt as if my heart was taken away from my body and I was just a living dead” he said

She broke the hug and touched his face fondly

“Your face is pale” she said and looked at his lips

” Your lips…” She said and touched it

“It’s dry ” she said, rubbing it

He held her hand and placed it on his chest

” My heartbeat, just returned” he said

Nirvana smiled and saw his bandaged hands

“You hurt yourself” she said

“I just lost my senses when you left and….I did crazy things, are you mad?” he said slowly

“I’m not, instead I’m sorry, I’m so sorry darling” she replied and he smiled

She felt his temperature again and it cooled down already

“You’re ok now” she said surprisingly

“You’re here” he replied

Mateo came with the thermometer to check and he’s shocked too

“This man here was running a high temperature some minutes ago” he said

” His baby is here, what were you expecting” Heather replied

” Should we make a deep love like theirs too?” Mateo winked

“Unserious dude” Heather said and left the ward

*Wait for me!” Mateo said, running after him

” I’m glad you’re back” Jones said

“Yes I am, thanks, you took me here right?” Brandon asked

” Yes” he replied..

” Thanks for getting ok boss” Sandra said

“Hmmn” Brandon sighed

“I’ll drive you back home” Jones said..

“No it’s ok you can go back with Sandra, I can drive” Brandon said

” Really?”

” Trust me”

” Ok boss” Jones replied and left the ward with Sandra

” That’s one he.ll of a crazy love, it’s his first time” Jones said when they got to the car

” So… you’ve never been in love before?” Sandra asked

“Nope, I’ve always seen love as a distraction but I guess I’m wrong” Jones replied

” Certainly” Sandra replied and Jones smiled

” You’re more handsome when you smile” Sandra said

*Really?, First time of hearing that, thanks anyways” Jones replied and Sandra chuckled as he drove off


ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 61 – The End

Brandon’s house, 7pm**.

Brandon and Nirvana are laying on the bed, facing each other while smiling at each other

“Your lips are back to normal” she said

“Yeah, back to the sxy one” he replied

” Right” she said, raising her hand to touch his lips

” Soft, just the way I love it” she said, licking her lips

” He held her hand and looked directly at her eyes

” If I offend you again, you’re free to be mad at me , slap me or shoot me with a gvn I won’t die, but don’t leave again, you almost got me killed with that” he whispered

” I won’t do it again” she said

” I’m begging” he replied

” I really won’t do it again I promise… now I know how much you love me and it only increased my love for you, I love you sxy” she replied, biting down on her lips

” Nirvana” he said

“Brandy” she replied, wanting to taste his lips already

“Once you receive good eyes, what do you wanna do first?” He asked

” Go on a vacation with you to…. England” she replied

” Done, any other wishes?” He asked.

” Marry you” she replied and he smiled, interlocking their right hands

“Any other one?”

“I’ll tell you when I get new eyes” she replied

” I love you more than anything” he said

” Same here Brandy, I want to kss your lips” she said

” Seriously asking for permission?” He said, moving closer and resting on his arm

“I just….

His lips is already on hers before she could finish.

ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 61 – The End

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