ARRANGED MARRIAGE: Episode 21 to The End

?? Arranged Marriage??

??[Could this be love?]

??[Not meant to be]??

Author Fehimuan??

??An American Romance-Suspense Novel

??Brought to you by Author Fehimuan??

Episode 24

Myles’s POV
“Sweetheart, give me that”. Ellen said but as she tried to collect it, the glass fell down and broke into pieces injuring her leg…

“Ellen”. I said and tore her cloth to cover the wound… She was just looking at me.. was I falling in love with her… Never.

“I’m Ok”. She said and I removed my hands and stood up..
“Mara, clean this mess”. Cindy said and left…
I smiled…

“I’ve got everything ready for her wedding tomorrow”. I said and Skyler smiled
“Thanks brother, I knew you always cherished me”. Skyler said and I hugged him..
End of Myles’s POV.

Rita’s POV..
“Are you sure this is going to work?”. I asked Sadie…
“You’re not as wicked as before”. Sadie said and I frowned.

“After I killed Brody, I felt bad so i reduced my wickedness”. I said and tears tickled in my eyes…

“Brody never loved you, you snatched him from Cindy”. She said and I nodded.
“You’re right”. I replied and wiped my tears..

End of Rita’s POV

Next Day
Mara’s POV
“I don’t know what to do, I tried to poison her but the glass slipped from myles’s hands”. I said.

“She’s getting married today right, I already have the assassins in place for attack…. They’re going to shoot her before she gets married to him”. Sadie said.
End of Myles’s POV
Ellen’s POV
I entered the room and stood at the door after hearing Mara on the phone…

“The assassins will have to kill Cindy today, I won’t go to the wedding so I won’t be suspected”. She said..
I gasped and went out of the room…

Cindy was going to be killed today but for why??
What was her sin?

“Hello Ellen, I’m finally getting married today”. She said and I hugged her.
“Lucky you”. I replied as she looked cute and beautiful in her wedding gown… ”

The car is almost ready to drive us to the church”.. I said and she smiled
“I’m so happy”. She said and hugged me.
End of Ellen’s POV
Cindy’s POV
Why is she happy for me?
Is something wrong??
“Ellen”. I called out and she turned to look at me.
“What’s wrong?”. I asked
“Nothing”. She replied.
“Are you angry with me for something or what have I done?”. I asked but she denied..
“No”. She replied…
End of Cindy’s POV
Sadie’s POV
“She has to die today, I will be the one to kill her”. I said and called the assassins.
“Proceed as usual with the plan”

Cindy’s POV
I, (Cindy), take you, (Skyler)
to be my husband,
to have and to hold
from this day forward;
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death us do part,
according to God’s holy law.
In the presence of God I make this vow.” I said and Skyler smiled…
I, (Skyker), take you, (Cindy)
to be my wife,
to have and to hold
from this day forward;
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death us do part,
according to God’s holy law.
In the presence of God I make this vow.”. Skyler said and I smiled too…

“You can now kss your wife”. The priest said and I grinned happily..

Skyler’s POV
I brought my lips closer to her but as I wanted to kss her, I heard a gun shot…

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