
BEAUTIFUL IFEOMA: Episode 11-The End


Written by Rejoice Jeremiah. C?

Finale | EPISODE 20???????
?African Queen?

(Three days later)


It was evening time, around 4pm. I was outside the compound, reading a novel and waiting for the arrival of my Prince who promised to come when I saw Obinna ride into our compound with his bicycle.

‘Okay, this was so wrong of me. I totally forgot about Obinna’

“Hi Ifeoma,” he called as he joined me on the bench I sat.
“Obinna, how far nah?” I asked him.
“I just dey. Is it true what I heard?” he asked.
“What did you hear?” I asked.
“The reason why the bride contest was canceled was because of you?” he said.

I exhaled.

“So it’s true that you are going to marry the Prince?” he asked.

“Yes Obinna, it’s true.”

“Why?” he asked.
“Because I’m destined to marry the Prince,” I said.
He chuckled. “Really?
“You see Obinna, that is our destiny and no one could change that… I’m sorry about your sister Zara,” I said.
“Don’t bring up my sister. Is it true that the wedding is in two weeks?” he asked.
“Uhm yes but I’m not really sure yet but The Prince said it would be in two weeks,” I said.

He stayed silent for awhile before saying, “I’m realy jealous right now but it’s fine, I’m traveling to the city in two days anyway so I guess I would get over my jealousy there…Well, congratulations. You’ll look really beautiful in a royal dress,” he said.

I smiled. “Thank you Obinna and about the bracelet. I don’t know how to thank you enough. I will try to pay you back. Don’t forget to send your bank account details to me before traveling,” I said.

He scoffed. “Wait don’t try to act like you’ve become a millionaire for me o… Is not because you are going to marry the Prince. I never asked you to pay me back,” he said.

“Okay I’m sorry Obi… I wish you a safe journey,” I said.
“Thank you,” he said.
“How’s your sister, Zara?” I asked.
“She’s fine… Just that she’s been pretty upset about the whole thing.. They all think you seduced the Prince,” he said.

I sighed. “It’s fine.. It’s okay for them to think so.”
“What should I get for you? I have some pawpaw inside, should I bring it?” I asked him.

“No, I’m fine… Actually I was going to visit Ozo, my friend… I will come around again before leaving the kingdom…” he said and stood up.

“Oh okay… Thanks for coming around,” I said.

“Okay.. Take care. Bye for now,” he said and headed down the compound.
“And you too,” I said.

Just then, the Prince car drove into the compound. Obinna slowed his step.
A guard came down and opened the backseat door. The prince stepped down, looking really breathtaking.

Obinna bowed to him. “My Prince.”

“Thank you.. May I know your name?” The Prince said to him.

“My Prince,I’m Obinna the son of Chief Mba,” he answered.

“Oh..okay. Obinna you may go,” The prince said to him.
“Yes my Prince,” Obinna said and walked away.

“Hi My Prince,” I called, going to him.
“My love, how are you doing?”
“I’m good,”
“You’ve been waiting right?” he said.
“Pardon me. I had to talk with my father for awhile. Is Mazi Okeke in?” he asked.
“No, he’s out to deliver bush meats to his customers,” I said.
“Oh…I’m really eager to have one of his bush meats,” he said and we smiled at each other.

“Come in My Prince,” I said.
“No, I’m tired of being inside a building. I don’t want to do that here too, let’s go somewhere interesting,” he said.
“Like where is the place that is interesting in this kingdom?” I asked.
“Guess” he said.
“Uhm the Market?” I asked.

He chuckled.. “Are you being serious right now?”
I chuckled along.

“How’s the Amaeze river like?” he asked.
“Always crowdy, you don’t want to go there,” I said.
“This is evening, I don’t think a crowd would be there,” he said.
I shrugged. “That’s right tho.”
“Then shall we?” he asked.
“Yes but give me a minute, let me lock the doors,” I said.

[Amaeze river?]

Because of the hill, the car had to stop at the starting of the hill.

“Stay with the car, I’ll go down with her,” The Prince said.
“My Prince I have to guard you,” the guard said.
“I’m fine okay. Just stay here,” The Prince said.
“My Prince,” the guard called, not feeling comfortable about it.
“Relax. I have her with me okay,” he said and smiled at me.
I smiled back.


Prince Eric and I headed down the hill and towards the river.

“Be careful,” I told him.
“I should be the one telling you to be careful, not you. I’m the man here,” he said.
“Really? Sorry the man, I was only trying to be caring,” I said.
He smiled.
“Wow this is beautiful…. Walking down this hill look interesting, especially with you,” he said and squeezed my hand.

I looked at him and smiled but just then, I slipped and was going to fall but he caught me in his arms.

“Are you okay?” he asked.
I nodded. “Yes, thank you.”
He smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I quickly glanced around to check if anyone saw that but no one did.

He helped me stand.

“Are you scared about someone seeing me kss you?” he asked.
I rolled my eyes. “Did I say that?”
“No, you acted that,” he said.
“Well, yes.. Sort of.. I’d get shy, not that I’m afraid,” I said.
He held my hand. “Well you don’t need to darling.”

As we got closer to the stream, We saw few people coming up the hill. About three people.

For some reason, I suddenly didn’t feel like I should be walking in the public with the prince when I aren’t his wife yet.
I felt kind of scared that people might say wrong or think wrong especially those thinking that I se.duced the prince.

“I was right. You look scared. You think the people shouldn’t see us together when we aren’t married yet ” he said.
I sighed. “Yes, you are right.”
“You don’t have to. I told you. You are my fiancée,” he said and held me tighter.

I inhaled.

“Good evening my Prince”
“Good evening my prince”
“Good evening my prince”

They all greeted with a bow.

“Thank you pretty ladies of Amaeze,” the Prince response and they walked away.
Even though I didn’t look back, I felt their eyes on me.

“You don’t have to worry about anything or what they are going to say behind your back, everyone who has lovers, also has haters. Even I,” he said.
We got to the river and surprisingly, there was no one there. Those three people we met at the hill must had been the last people at the river.

“The river is beautifully empty,” he said.
“Yeah, it’s surprising,” I said.

“I’ve always heard of this river and I had no idea that it’s really this beautiful,” he said.
“It is,” I said.

“We should stay and for awhile,” he said.

Few minutes later, we were sitting on a bamboo bench, holding each other’s hands.

“ about your maternal place. Are you gonna visit them anytime soon?” he asked.

“Yes, I plan on visiting them twice and also spending a day or more with them before our marriage so, I think I will go in three days coming. My father also want to go,” I said.

“Okay… I will make sure you go with some things which you’ll need to give then,” he said.

“No you don’t have to,” I said.
“It’s necessary,” he said.

I exhaled.

“I feel like singing right now,” he said.
I chuckled. “Really?”
“Yes.. Though my voice isn’t pretty.”
“I don’t think so,” I said.
“Seriously. Okay listen… ?You’re my African queen… The girl of my dreams…..
You take me where I’ve never been…
And you make my heart beat tinga linga ling
Oh yeah you at my African queen….”

he stopped singing and laughed. “Oh no I told you my voice is horrible.”

“No, it’s not. You sing it just the way you are supposed to.. By the way, how did you know the song? You lived in London,” I said.

“Really? You think Nigerian songs aren’t played there, wow they do and this song is a big hit. Also I listen to a lot of Nigerian songs because I know where I’m from,” he said.

I smiled. “That’s great. I didn’t expect that.”

“Well you just saw it… So..”

“Let’s sing it together,” I said.
“Really, you can sing it?” he asked.
“Sure, you just said it’s a big hit so everyone knows the song and the lyrics too and if you don’t know, I love 2face songs a lot,” I said.
“Wow, same here…” he said.

I smiled, started the song and he joined.

?Just like the sun lights up the earth
You light up my life uh ….
The only one I’ve ever seen with a smile so bright e
Just yesterday eh you came around my way e e e
You changed my whole scenery way
With your astonishing beauty oh

You could make a brother sin Ordinary thing a supernatural being
I know
You are just brighter than the moon
Brighter than the sun I love you just the way you are

And you are my African queen……

[At the palace]


“Oh my goodness, where is this eating, I hate looking for things,” I soliloquize as I turned into the backyard of the palace house.

“It could have fallen here when I was washing. God, let me find this earring. I really like that earring and I can loose it.”

“Are you looking for this?” Someone who’s voice sound like Mr Charles asked behind me.

I turned and saw him raising up my earring.

“Oh my goodness Mr Charles, how did you find it?” I asked him.
“Was just strolling around the palace and I found it. I knew it was yours,” he said.
“Really, thank you Mr Charles,” I said and took it from him.
“You are welcome and please don’t call me Mr Charles, just Charles,” he said.
“How can I call you just that? You are the friend to the Prince, it will be a disrespect to refer you by just your name, I’m just a palace maid,” I said.

Picked For You:  I MURDERED MY WIFE: Chapter 1-The End

“Well that friend of the prince just told you that you should call him by just his name,” he said.

I exhaled. “Okay Mr…sorry, Charles.”
“That sound better, right?” he asked.
“I don’t think,” I said.
“It is, Uju,” he said.

I looked at him.
Something in his eyes made my heart fluster.

“I should go now… Once again, thank you,” I said and rushed off.

But I stopped on the way to catch my breath.

‘Why did my heart behave that way in front of him? It can’t be… No it can’t. I can’t like him, no way.’

(Fast forward))))
(Two weeks later)


Tonight is the night to my wedding day and I couldn’t just go away from my mother’s grave.

I’ve been sitting beside it for hours now, crying and telling her all that had happened and all that are going to happen tomorrow.

I’ve been letting her know how much I love her and would forever do.

But it’s been hours and I’m just don’t want to go back inside and stay with Uju and everyone who’s around for my traditional wedding tomorrow.

“Ifeoma my dear,” I heard my father’a voice behind me.
“Yes papa,” I answered and wiped my tears.
“I really think it’s okay now, you should go inside and join your friends who are around to celebrate you. Your mother has heard you and she had wished you the best. Now it’s really late, get up biko,” he said.

I shook my head. “No papa, let me stay a little more please,” I said.

“No, you can’t. Come with me, oh” he insisted and pulled me up and as we got to the verandah, Uju was there with my phone.

“Papa, I will take care of her from here,” she said to my father who left me to her.

“Please do. Her face must not cry anymore so her beautiful face don’t get swollen by tomorrow,” he told her.

“I will make sure she doesn’t cry again,” she said and my father left.

“Ahn ahn Ifeoma,,… It’s okay.. You’ve been there for hours. The Prince had been calling you since…oh he’s calling again, take” she said and handed me my ringing phone.

I took it and picked.

“Hello My Prince,” I some first.

Uju helped me inside to my room.

“I’ve been calling and Uju said you’ve been outside at mom’s grave. It’s okay, I’m sure she wished us a happy marriage life. Trust me okay,” he said.

I wiped my tears.

“I do,.. I know.. how are you doing?” I asked.
“Uhm great. Charles been giving me troubles here. I’m having fun tho but I’m missing you,” he said.
I smiled. “I’m missing you here too.”
“I’m imagining how great tomorrow is gonna be,” he said.
I smiled. ” it’s going to be great, really… I can’t wait.”
“I can’t wait to see you dance for me in your dazzling wedding dress,” he said.

‘Okay, everyone has gathered at my ears to just listen to our conversation. Joy, Chinyere, Zara and lots of them..’
Uju just leaned on the wall, looking quite moody. She seem to be trying hard to smile.

“Really, I can’t wait to look really beautiful for you,” I said with a smile.
“You’ve always been beautiful, really beautiful my love,” he said..

Minutes later, the call ended and the ladies were giggling and tickling me.
I laughed.

“Royal bride! Royal bride!” They were shouting.
“Stop jor, stop please..” I begged them.

Later that night when I was finally alone with Uju, I questioned her about her moody state.

“Uju you don’t look happy tonight. Not even tonight, I noticed it when you arrived here. I know it doesn’t have to do with me, so tell me what is bothering you,” I said.

She looked at me. “I can’t help it Ifeoma, I’m going crazy.”

“What is it, talk to me” I said.

“Charles, I like him. I don’t mean a normal likeness, I’m in love with him. I know this is crazy but I couldn’t find myself stopping..”

“What? Charles, you mean the one in the palace?” I asked.
“Yes.. He’s made me fall for him.. He’s being so nice to me, so friendly, so jovial, so sweet looking and breathtaking. He picked out chances to be with me and we talk about whatever. I try hard to make my heart get it that he has a girlfriend but my heart never listened,” she said.

“Not just a girlfriend but a fiancée. No Uju… You can’t go any further okay, I understand but Charles has someone who he really love for the past four years. You can’t hurt yourself with this okay.. You really have to stop it. It’s fine he’s leaving right after the marriage so I think that would do the needful.. You will definitely forget about him, trust me,” I said.

“That is what hurt me more that he’s leaving right after the marriage tomorrow. I’m going to miss him. Whenever I think of him leaving, I burst into tears. This guy had touched my heart in a different way. I like him but it hurt me to know that I’m not good enough for him and again, he’s dating. I can’t help it, I’m broken,” she said.

“It’s okay. You will be alright,” I said and pulled for a hug.

(The wedding night, at the palace)

‘The traditional wedding at my father’s house had gone and it went successfully but that same night, I had to be brought to my husband’s home which is the palace and at the palace, there is also the wedding party going on and right now, my husband, Prince Eric and I are dancing’

We danced to the music playing. I was so so excited about my new life which has started tonight.

Ifeoma the palace maiden is now the crown princess of this kingdom.


I was dancing with my fellow co workers at the palace when Charles walked in front of me and stretched out his hand.

“Let’s dance Uju… I’m bored and there’s no one to dance with and I really dislike dancing alone cos I’m gonna get shy, so would you save me? I don’t wanna miss dancing tonight,” he said to me.

I inhaled, about to say no when my colleagues began pushing me to go to him.

My hands finally ended up in his and in minute, we were dancing to the sweet music playing.

But I did take my hands off his but the dance didn’t end.
The beating soon changed and we ended up facing each other.

“Wow, I’m really enjoying this,” he said to me.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yes, really.. This is so good, guess what?” he said.
“What? I’m not good at guessing,” I said.
“A gave a guard my phone to video record our dance and he’s over there. This is one of the memories that I had in this kingdom that I wanna keep when I return back to London,” he said.

My breathing stopped. I felt devastated.
I stopped dancing.

“Hey what’s the matter?” he asked.
“I…i..need to use the bathroom, i will be back,” i said and and ran off before he could say ‘jack!’


?Princess Ifeoma?

“Finally, we are here,” Prince Eric breathed out as we entered his room.

It’s been more lavishly furnished, more like a newly married couple room.
There were candle lights on and the bed was beautified with rose petals.
It was a beautiful sight.

“Wow this is so beautiful,” I said.
“I know, it is,” he said.

I sat down on the bed and pulled off my shoes. It’s been hurting my legs.

“Your leg hurts,” he asked, touching and massaging them.

“Not really, just a bit,” I said.

He joined me on sitting on the bed and we turned to each other.

“Today was great, thank you Ifeoma for marrying me,” he said.
I smiled and said, “Thank you for being my husband.”

“I don’t know if I should really take this slow but i’m eager to kss you,” he said.

My heart began pounding.

In a moment, our lips were working on each other’s.
But for the first time, his lips went further, down to my neck.

‘Okay, I know where this is going…’

“I….i’m in my period,” I suddenly spit out without thinking twice and the se.nsual kssing stopped.
He looked at me with surprise. He wasn’t really expecting that.

“Are you serious or you are just joking with me?” he asked.

I sighed. “Yes, it’s a joke..”

“I knew it. There’s no way you can be on your period at your wedding night…” he said with a smile.

My heart was really pounding.
I’m I really going to be disvirgined tonight. Ahh thinking about it makes me soooooo shyyyyyyyyyyy! That I feel like rushing out.

“You are nervous dear,” he said.
“Yes, yes I’m really are,” I snapped without wasting a second.

“It’s fine.. We can always do this another day. It’s not a must that it’s going to be tonight,” he said.

“No, I’ve always wanted it to be on my wedding night. But I’m just a bit shy. Can we have a drink for awhile? I think a drink would help,” I said.

He smiled. “Yeah.. Let me do that,” he said and went to his wine cabin to do that,”

‘Haaaaaaaaaa’ I took a longgggg breathe of air.



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