




Mr. Folawe heaved a sigh and wished he could just shut the door, hold her in his arms, and tell her everything he has been keeping secret, without leaving a stone unturned; but he feared his marriage would collapse if he dared do so.

“Is she pregnant?” He heard her say in the midst of her thoughts.

“Who?” He asked surprisingly.

“I don’t know? Whoever she is?” She said as George stared at her confused.

“What? I’m trying to guess what the problem is now. When you don’t want to tell me the wahala nko?

Or is office matter?
Did you lose a contract?
Or is she really pregnant and threatening you already? Just tell me already, please.”

“Listen to me…” He said in a low tone as he held her two hands.

“Apart from respecting God and our marital vows, I love you so much to cheat on you. I can’t even imagine it, not to talk of acting it out.” He said

“Okay…….so since that isn’t it, what then is the problem?”

“Just give me time to think things through to a point, I’d let you in on everything. I promise.” He said after a little hesitation.

“Well, just know you have me, okay? And I’d be praying for you.” She said as she came closer to plant a kiss on his lips, which he reciprocated immediately.

Esther was deep in thoughts about the last conversation she had with Emmanuel over Kingsley, contemplating on whether to heed to his advice or not.

“I have finally found someone who I feel is capable of giving me the kind of life I want and who’d not break my heart and Emma’s asking me to back down and take a break? It’s not possible.”

Deep down, she knew she was the one pushing things, but something tells her he’s different from the rest of the guys she had met, who were great at breaking her heart.

She so much believes this one would work out that she resolved to do anything to make things work, even if it meant changing her way of life to fit his.

Rose was going through her phone gallery when she stumbled on Emma’s pics.

“I thought I deleted everything concerning this guy, so what’s this one doing here?” She wondered and smiled.

Picked For You:  SILENT MOANS : CHAPTERS 91 - 100

She was glad she had nothing against him anymore.
Well, why would she? She had a life now.

She had plans, aspirations, goals and targets she had set for herself, all keeping her busy and never idle.

“I’m just so happy for the change that has happened in my life.

I’m grateful to God for giving my life purpose and meaning.

Las Las, the heartbreak and drama were all for my goood.” She said with a smile and put the picture away.

“Dear future husband, please come soon. Your beautiful wife is patiently waiting.”

K is beginning to think deeply about his relationship life, especially now that his mother is disturbing him for one, saying he was mature and financially stable enough to get a wife.

“Me I want to carry my grandchildren very soon o.” She would say over the phone whenever he called to check up on her and the family.

“Soon mama, you will. Just be patient.” He would respond but deep down, he hasn’t got any plans yet.

Vivian has been on his mind for sometime now, but he hasn’t made any move yet.

“My assignment for your life is going to be a deep one, and you have to be deep enough to understand it.

It’s only when you’re deep that I’d bring your wife who would also be deep, your way.” He recalled clearly.

Deep down, it was becoming difficult to wait and grow as instructed, especially now he has seen someone he liked.

“Hmmm…..Lord, have your way.”

The ruler was becoming more frustrated than ever.
The reinforcements he had put his hopes on and trusted to get, failed him.

Every one of them he requested for their help cooked up one excuse or the other as to why they couldn’t help.

Hence, he was left with no other option but to make use of the most dangerous weapon in his armor which he scarcely used as it was capable of hurting the user badly, if care was not taken.

“I have no other choice.” He said courageously, unknown to him that his decision would make him meet his waterloo.


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