CHILHOOD CRUSH : Episode 11 – 20

?Written by Authoress Kamara

Episode 13

“Lock the door”. Kyle told Justin as Elsa left.

“So Bryan we need to talk”. Kyle faced me.

I frowned. “I’m not interested in anything you have to say”.

“Wow!! Bryan, of course you will listen because its about Elsa and I know you love her so much”. He said dramatically.

“I’m not in love with Elsa”. I lied.

He scoffed. “Cut the crap, i’ve seen the way you look at her”.

“Kyle stop it, Elsa doesn’t have anything to do with this”.

“So sweet but as always I don’t care”.

I clenched my fists. “I promise you if you touch Elsa, i wont spare you even a little bit”.

“That was what you said before, but what happened when Gabriella left you?”.

I was really angry. Why the heck is he reminding me about that stuff.

“I remembered what happened, he cried like a baby”. Mason teased while they laughed.

“Come on, Carl, its so funny, isn’t it?”. Mason asked.

“Yeah really funny”. Carl gave me a sorry look.

“And Gabriella left you, she came running into my arms”. Kyle continued. “How naive of her”.

“I cant believe you even have the guts to say that after you used her”. I said angrily.

“Hey. Its not my fault she was all over me and not you”. He mocked me.

“You are a monster”.

“Nah I don’t like that. Most girls prefer to call me a Demi-god because I gat the looks”. He boasted.

“You caused her utter humiliation, she almost committed su!cide because of what you did to her”. I said remembering everything.

“And thats what gonna happen to your little Elsa”.

I took in a deep breath. “Kyle please just stop this”.

“If you want me to stop, go on your knees and beg me”.

What the heck!!
There’s no way I’m doing that

“Kyle, this is getting out of hand, maybe you should stop”. Justin intervened.

“I’m not stopping and all of you know that”.

“Kyle, he has apologized countless times so please just end it”. Carl added.

Kyle raised in surrender. “Okay I’ll stop but I’m just trying to prove a point that all the girls he’s gonna date, I can take them from him”.

I scoffed. “Elsa is different from the others”.

“Fine lets prove it with a bet”

“I’m not proving anything to you, Elsa is the one who gets to decide who she likes”. I told him off.

“Come on, Bryan, are you scared you are gonna lose like before?”. Mason said doing a chicken sound.

“All of you are being childish right now”. Carl said.

Kyle looked at him. “Did you just call me childish?”.

“Childish is still keeping grudges of years ago. Bryan apologized to you and he said he’s sorry but what did you do? You kept some stupid hatred in your heart and decided to cause him emotional pain by hurting the people he love? Kyle thats childish”. Carl explained.

“Look, I agree with Carl for once. Bryan was our friend, one of us and I really don’t like whats happening between both of you right now”. Justin added.

Kyle clapped his hands. “Wow!! Nice speech, Carl, did you just say all that. I mean i never expected such from you and then saying I’m childish just because of what I did to Bryan. After all what he did to me was much worse”.

I took my backpack. “I’m out of here, there’s nothing going on between Elsa and I so you better leave her alone”. I said walking away.

“Okay fine then you wouldn’t mind if I have her in bed”.

I stopped hearing what he just said.

“You heard me right”. He said.

I turned. “You are bluffing, Elsa would never let that happen”.

“Since you still underestimate me, i bet you that in two weeks, i will have Elsa Reyes in my bed screaming my name”.

She looked at me. “Did Kyle see both of you together? I mean are you guys__”.

I cut her off. “Gabby, what are you talking about?”.

“Gosh!! Elsa, Kyle is never gonna leave you alone once he has seen you with Bryan”.

“You talk as if__”.

“Bryan was my ex-boyfriend”. She said interrupting me.

I was gobsmacked. “Excuse me? Hold up, you and Bryan?”.

She nodded sadly. “I was so stupid for leaving him”.

“But how does that involve Kyle?”. I asked confused.

“Apparently, Kyle has this kind of hatred for Bryan”. She told me.

“Why? Did something happen?”.

“I really don’t know, Elsa, all i know is that Kyle will never ever let Bryan be happy”.

“And that involved you? How?”.

She sniffed. “Bryan asked me out and I accepted, our relationship was blooming. Until when Kyle stepped in, he said horrible things about Bryan like .. “. She trailed off crying.

I held her hand. “Gabby its okay”.

“I thought that Kyle was everything, he acted really caring to me more than Bryan did and Gosh!! I was so stupid”.

“What happened?”.

She cleaned her tears. “I left Bryan and went on with Kyle, i left Bryan so heartbroken. I remember him always knocking on my bedroom window”.


“Bryan, he would cry for me to take him back, he always begged me saying how much he loved me but I turned deaf ears to everything he was saying to the extent of me avoiding him but I .. “. She trailed off.

She placed her head on the lunch table obviously sobbing. She must have been pretty hurt by what happened but why exactly did she leave Bryan? How did Kyle convince her to do it?

My mind drifted to what she said about Kyle’s hatred for Bryan. What could have happened between them for Kyle to have hated Bryan this way?

But where do I come in all these? Kyle k!ssing me, me being friends with Bryan and Sapphire bullying me. Something just doesn’t add up in this story, its so complicated.

Now Sapphire thinks I’m the enemy because her boyfriend k!ssed me, i’m sure she will find other means to attack me. On the other hand, Kyle k!ssed me but why? Does he like me or …. Maybe?

Gosh!! So there’s more to my Childhood Crush that I don’t know?

I sat down angrily. “So we can use Beverly to get to her but how?”.

“Whats up with what I’m hearing about some Elsa girl?”. Evelyn asked coming into out usual hangout.

“Sapphire is pissed off by that Elsa of a girl”. Kim replied.

“Hold up. Back up there, who’s Elsa?”. Evelyn asked taking a seat.

“She’s the newbie that Kyle k!ssed earlier today”. I replied.

“Come on, Sapphire, why are you working yourself up? You know all Kyle wanna do is pick and drop”. Evelyn said.

“I really don’t know Evelyn, i mean Carl likes her means Kyle might like her too”.

“Carl likes her?”. Evelyn asked surprised.

“I think so, he helped her out before I could do something bad to her”. I explained.

Evelyn scoffed. “Carl and her? I didn’t care about her k!ssing Kyle but I care now since my Carl is involved”.

I was excited. “Really Evelyn?”.

“Yeah lets make that girl’s life miserable because there’s no way she’s getting Carl”.

“I think its high time I fixed her in her place. Who does she think she is? Coming into SpringCity High to k!ss my boyfriend?”. I shouted angrily.

“Sapphire, we should turn her into something like a laughing stock of the school”. Kim said.

“Yeah something that will make her so ashamed that she wont show face in SpringCity High ever again”. Peggy added.

“Do you guys have a plan?”. I asked.

Evelyn smirked. “You talked about using Beverly, perhaps Beverly can tell us everything about Elsa including her weaknesses”.

I smiled. “Nice one. Evelyn, good thinking”.

“Peggy. I need you and Dawn to go get Beverly wherever she’s is. Tell her Kimberly seeks her presence now”. Kim said.

“Sure thing”. Peggy stood up and left with Dawn.

Evelyn faced me. “How do you force her to talk?”.

“What do you mean?”.

“I mean, Beverly wont just spill everything about her best friend, what do we do to convince her”.

“Oh. Kim knows what to do”. I laughed.

“And by that. You mean .. “. Evelyn trailed off.

“Show her”. I told Kim.

Kim took her phone and waved it giving it to Evelyn.

“Whats this?”. Evelyn asked.

“Beverly nvde pictures”.

Evelyn gasped. “You guys have this?”.

I laughed. “Yep and of course Beverly is going to tell us every single little thing because she wont like the idea of having her nvde pictures on the school blog”.

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