Sha Ron
Chapter 32
“Don’t worry about that, I know what to do” Mrs Smith smiled.
Justin coughed, sneezed and woke up. “Sophia?” He called and hugged her.
Sophia released a deep breath and whispered to him, “I’m right here with you”
“Thank you so much, Sophia. Please, come with me to my father’s house, Mom, I beg of you, permit me to take her with me” he looked at his mother’s face.
Mrs Smith found it hard to make that decision, but one thing she knows is that no matter how h®rrible Mr Smith is, he loves Justin and will never hurt him.
There are a lot of things that she can’t deny because he is a grown man, he is an adult now. A twenty two years old young man should understand what love is now and has the right to love and be loved back.
“I have already accepted that, Justin. But I have told you that she must complete her mission before you two leaves” she said, shrugged and left them.
He cupped her face and gazed into her eyes, “Sophia, I’m sorry that I didn’t ask if you would like to go with me before now, but I just wish you will accept. I promise to make you happy and safe, please, don’t say no, come with me”
“I already talked about it with your mother, and I know I won’t be able to decline even if I want to,” she said.
“Do you want to decline? You have a right to do that, I will understand” He asked.
Her problem is not going with him, she doesn’t even know why she is trusting this guy again, hasn’t she learnt her lessons?
What really bothers her is that she might not be able to control herself when she meets face to face with Mr Smith, the very man that mvrdered her parents and took everything away.
She might forgive Justin, but his father…capital NO! What if the man recognizes her and decides to kll her? She won’t have a chance with him, he is very powerful and she is the pauper now.
“I will go with you, Justin, on one condition” she requested.
“What is it? Just say whatever you want me to do and I promise to do it!” He demanded.
“You won’t call me by my name there, and I don’t want to meet with your father” she replied.
“Is that all? Fine, I will do that, just tell me what you want me to call you”
Sophia’s eyes moved to his amazing and pink lips, she recalled how sweet it was when he had kissed her. She forgot herself again and licked her lips.
“Kss me” was the reply Justin got and he was mesmerized. He can’t believe she just said that, this same person that…
He did, she opened her mouth to welcome him, she closed her eyes, and her hands slipped into his shirt to caress his body.
The door opened at that moment and they split apart grasping. They turned to look at the intruder, the nurse smiled understandingly. “Wrong timing, sorry. I will come back” she said apologetically and left, closing the door behind her.
“I’m…I…” she stuttered and tried to stand up.
He drew her back to sit down on his lap, he touched her lips and she trembled. “I can’t help it either, don’t run away from the truth, Sophia. I know you are not a coward” he whispered softly.
“I wasn’t running… I… someone might walk in on us” she said shyly.
“Do you care about what people say or what they think? Do their opinions matter? Shouldn’t your happiness be your top priority? Sophia, I might not know what love is, but I know that I have undeniable feelings for you and I want to prove it to you, I want to teach you how to love” he confessed.
“Justin, why do you think you love me? You might have had someone you loved in the past and…”
“I don’t care about the past, I feel like you were my past love and I’m happy to meet you again in my present life”
“You don’t understand, Justin!” She sprang up to her foot, she can’t think rationally if she stays so close to him and keeps getting distracted by his sweet lips.
“Make me understand, I have the feeling I loved you in the past and I still love you now, you know me Sophia, it is so obvious. Tell me, did I hurt you?” He asked and stood up from the bed again.
“I’m just afraid…” she trailed off. Is she that transparent in his eyes? She wishes to let go of the past and love this new guy, but she doesn’t want to be the heartbroken girl in the end. He is her enemy, they are supposed to be sworn enemies, he and his father rendered her homeless and left her with just a cracked life.
So what? She can enjoy the moment. She can let herself be cared for by him, she has to only be careful and build her fences high not to fall for him, and revenge will come later when she has the strength to defeat them.
She just has to fool around, play with his emotions and shatter his heart in the end, that is the trick. Ro.mance revenge won’t be such a bad idea.
“What are you afraid of?” He asked.
Good question, “I’m afraid you might break my heart if you regain your memory and find out I am not the girl you loved, you might think I deceived you deliberately” she lied, not a complete lie.
He opened his mouth to say another word, but she inserted her finger into his mouth without a second thought. He knew exactly what to do, he svckled it and embraced her.
That sent waves of spark through her body. She withdrew her hand and wound it around his neck, “I don’t give a dmn anymore! I’m ready to take the great risk of learning how to jump a cliff”
“I will teach you how not to be scared of heights, you won’t regret this,” he promised.
She didn’t plan on kssing him. It was an impulsive, stupid thing to do while she promised not to let herself be hurt, but hurt him instead with fake love.
But one moment she was staring at his chiseled mouth, the next she had gone on tiptoe and pressed her lips against his. He jolted as if he had been hit with a thousand volts of electricity. His entire body went rigid.
She felt his hold on her waist tighten as he pulled her closer to him. He kssed her back with an intensity that stole her breath.
Sophia soared, she couldn’t think, couldn’t remember, why she should run away from him. He kssed her until she was mindless except for the need streaming through her.
Everything around them faded to gray. He pressed against her, his mouth working magic on hers.
Sophia knew better than to let herself be swept away, but Justin’s ksses were like an avalanche, shaking her and tumbling her until she was senseless.
Justin didn’t want the kss to end, maybe he has kssed a woman before, maybe he hasn’t, but to him, this moment with her was his first kss and he knew what it felt like to truly love at that same moment.
But the kss ended, it was his mistake, when the nurse left, he should have locked the door, but he didn’t know that miraculous moment was going to happen.
Someone pushed the door open and when they split apart at the noise, grasping, their eyes flew to the door to see Stella and Alex. There’s no way the two of them could deny what they were doing because their lips were swollen from the kss and their clothes, to their surprise, were completely disheveled.
“We are needed at the meeting room!” Alex said and left.
Sophia half ran out of the room. Stella didn’t see the leg to walk, but she pvshed herself out, anyway.
Justin cursed their uninvited invasion.
Fred stepped out of his office and adjusted his tie. When he got into his car, he opened his briefcase and looked at the papers that contained all the information he had been able to gather about Mr Smith and smiled.
Soon. Very soon, that man will pay for his sins and justice for Mr and Mrs Williams will be done and they will rest in peace. And their only child, he will endeavour to find her and she will take over her empire.
He has missed Angelina and their kids. He hates to think about the fact that he isn’t there as usual to witness the change in her as their baby grows inside her.
Fred was pvnched by guilt, the pains were heart piercing when he thinks about when the baby will kick her mother’s tummy for the first time to show that it has really grown well and strong.
Angelina will want to share the joy, she would jump with excitement even though the kick hurts and want to tell him, “honey, the baby just kcked. Oh my God, he is saying something, come listen to him,”
But he will probably not be there when that happens. She will look sadly around, not finding him, her countenance will change and no one will be there to console her.
He is failing her, all the wedding vows, all the promises especially when they made love, none has he been able to keep.
He was never really there for his children too. She celebrates her birthdays and that of their kids alone. When he finally thought he would be a real husband and a father, she was very happy and they moved, she changed work and he too.
But here he is, back to the old path. What a pity! He brought out his phone and dialled her number.
Angelina must’ve been anxiously waiting for his call, because she picked up at the first ring. He smiled knowingly as if she was standing right before him.
“Frederick,” she exasperated.
“You are still angry with me, it is understandable. I’m such an irresponsible father, an id!ot. You must be thinking how you ended up with a tragic figure like me,” he replied.
“I wish I could hate you. Did you know, someone asked me if my husband is on vacation or he has finally abandoned his family” he heard her laugh.
“What was your reply?” He asked.
“I was so ashamed, I couldn’t answer her, I simply walked away before I did something stupid” she answered.
“I’m sorry for putting you through that. I…”
“The children miss you,” she cut him off.
“I miss you… Angel, I have found enough evidence against that man, he will soon rot in jail. Expect me there next week. I love you,” Fred said hurriedly.
“Fred, how did we get to this point? I’m really tired of living alone, going to the hospital alone and fighting in the labour room to live for you and our babies. I’m tired of missing you, spending the nights alone and finding no one to cuddle with when I am cold at night. What is the essence of this marriage?” He knew she was crying.
“Sweetheart, don’t do that! Please, it’s all my fault, I’m going to make it up to you, wait for me, you promised” he begged.
“Haven’t I tried for you? I have made sacrifices for you, I left so many things behind for you, just for once, leave everything behind and come back, please” she said throatily.
Fred knows what she hopes for right now, for him to accept, but can he? Is that what he too wants?
“I’m sorry, baby. I promised you that everything will be over soon and we can…Hello?”
She cut the call on him. Fred stared at the phone for hours and was snapped back to reality by another call.
He jumped at it thinking it was his wife, but he was disappointed to see that it was Miss Lola from the slvts foundation.
He picked up immediately. “How are you doing, Miss?” He asked calmly.
“Yeah, good evening, Mr Fred. I want you to meet me at the same place we met the other day now, I have a video of Mr Smith klling Mr Williams” Miss Lola said over the phone.
“Alright, I will be there right now. Just wait for me” he said. He threw the phone to the passenger seat and sped off.
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