FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 31 – The End

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 31 – The End



It was a typical normal national city park with normal things going on, but in the midst of that, I couldn’t help but think of their ignorance, they are busy living their daily lives not knowing that beneath them lives a whole territory of va.mpires who come up to the surface to hunt them at night.

“Umh, where is the center tree?” Nicky asked as we all look around looking for the center tree.

“How do we even know it when we see it?” I asked.

“The tree is quite different from the rest, it’s a weeping Willow” Alex replied.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier, we’ve passed it” Nicky informed us.

“Well no one asked earlier” Alex complained, Nicky palmed her face, I laughed. “Where did you see it?” He asked her.

“Over there” she pointed to a weeping Willow that is not too far from where we were standing.

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 31 – The End

We walked closer to it and saw the danger signs kept around it, and the dock tape that was wrapped around it, warning people to keep off.

“Huh? It’s as if they know what’s beneath the tree” Nicky laughed out.

“Hey, hey!” We heard a voice calling out to us,we turned and saw a security guard running up to us. “Step away from the tree” he stated.

“Why?” Alex asked, is he insane.

“Why? Are you seriously asking me why, are you blind, didn’t you see the caution sign?” He asked in disbelief.

“I saw it but why is did you guys put it there?” Alex asked.

“There’s a hole behind the tree, we’ve covered that hole for over 15 times but it keeps coming back, just last week, a little girl almost fell inside it, so the mayor decided that no one should come anywhere near this tree” the security explained.

“Well did you people care to know why the hole kept coming back?” Nicky asked him.

“Scientists that were sent to do the findings said that the soil of this part of the park is too soft and that it is a miracle that the tree was still standing” the security replied.

“Did the mayor pay the dumb scientists?” One of Alex’s guards asked the security, we all laughed except the security who had absolutely no idea what we were laughing about.

Seriously were those scientists paid? They clearly didn’t even do any research.

“What do you mean?” The security asked the guard.

“Never mind” he retorted.

“Please step away from the tree, I do not have the time nor strength for a rescue mission” the security insisted.

“OK, thank you sir” Alex thanked him. For what exactly.

He signaled us to back away from the tree, we did.

“So how do we get in?” Nicky asked him.

“We will just wait for him to leave, then we jump into the hole” Alex replied.

We waited as the security hovered around the tree for 2 minutes before he left.

“Let’s go” Alex stated.

We ran to the back of the tree and there laid the trap I believe Dracula dug for this innocent people.

“This is totally death sentence for whoever that falls in” Nicky scoffed.

“We don’t have time, let’s go” Alex said, he wanted to jump in but the guards stopped him.

“We go first” they insisted.

The first one fell in, the second one followed and we heard nothing from them, not even screams of fear.

“Do you think there are death traps in the hole that could get them killed?” Nicky asked Alex.

“I don’t think so, Dracula himself probably crawls out of this hole while going hunting so he can’t set a trap for himself” Alex replied and jumped in.

“You go first” I said to Nicky in fear.

“Scaredy cat” she chuckled and jumped in.
I looked around and said a short prayer before jumping into the dark hole.

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 31 – The End

As we kept falling into the dark hole, I began to see light at the end of it, after a few minutes of falling, we finally landed in what seems to be a modern tunnel or perhaps a passage of a palace.

“These people mean business” one of the guards cursed under their breath, I looked up to know why they made such comment, I saw them staring at a whole wall of dead wolf heads, what used to be the wolves canins teeth were converted into a gothic necklaces and hung on each head of the wolves.

I felt bile coming up to my throat and if care is not taken, I might throw up in fear. My heart was already rumbling in my stomach, my brain was almost getting paralyzed.

“Andra are you OK?” Alex asked me.

“Yea, why?” I pretended like I was OK.

“Because you look like your blood has been sucked out of you even though we’ve not seen any vampire, also you are sweating like a Christmas dying chicken” Nicky laid my out my dirty linen for everyone to see, like what did I do to this girl.

I sighed deeply and they all laughed.

Alex pulled my waist, and gently drew me closer to him and whispered. “As long as I’m here, no one will hurt you”

“What if I take you away huh? Then maybe someone can hurt her” we gasped and turned when we heard a melodeous voice of a girl.

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 31 – The End

Dmn, she is a hot blue eyed blondie. She was wearing a sxy dinner gown which had a slit from her right toe to her right laps, almost showing her butt. She flicked her long eye lashes and bite her lips, her two front canin deep into her skin and a drop of blood slid down her lips, I never knew vampires bleed, but the dropping blood made her look sxy. Her cheek bone is awesome, adorable, like I can literally do anything to have that kind of cheek bone, mine is so puffy though adorable but to puffy that of a toy.

She curled her already curled hair with her hand in s*duction, who is she trying to seduce anyway.

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 31 – The End

I didn’t want to but I looked at Alex and I felt like choking him when I saw him smiling at her, he was the one who complained about me commenting other lycans cause it hurts, now he’s smiling at a bchy female va.mpire.

I tried to slip away from him, but he tightened his grip on me, like is this guy serious.

“Are you sure you can take me away?” He asked the vami girl in a breath taking voice. Motherfker has never used such voice on me, is he by any chance flirting with this girl?

I tried so hard to release myself from him and run to Nicky but he has a mind of his own as he held me tighter, pressing my glories on his chest, I smirked a little, oh so this is just an act to him.

“Sir Darius, I don’t think it’s advisable to stare vampires in the eyes, They have hypnosis powers” one of his guards advised.

“I guess it doesn’t work on Lycans and mermaids neither does it work on humans who’s a lycan’s mate” the vamp girl stated as she glared at me with a smirk, I rolled my eyes at her, she chuckled and walked closer to me. “Relax tiny human, my father said I’m not old enough to have a boyfriend, so you can keep your boyfriend, I’m not gonna take him from you” she stated and chuckled.

“Where’s your father?” Nicky asked.

“Not at home mermaid, if he was, you would already be in your fish form begging him to spare your live after he has already su¢ked the blood out of your lycan friends and sent your human friend to his slave room” she replied.

“Wait, she’s Dracula’s daughter?” I asked in disbelief.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Nicky shrugged.

“And what’s the princess doing in this quiet passage alone with no body guards?” Alex asked her.

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 31 – The End

“Few minutes ago, it was just my people that were resting at ease in this city, I never knew I will encounter a terribly cute lycan, his body guards, a sarcy hot headed mermaid and an adorable tiny human in my peaceful home” she breathed out as she circled us.

“Surprised?” Nicky smirked at her.

“Quite, you better start putting your explanation or perhaps, your excuse for being here together, cause my father ison his way back” she stated.

“We only came to ask for a small thing” Alex stated.

“Would it be good for my ears?” She asked.

“Depends on what your ears love to hear” Alex snapped.

“Spill it” she whispered.

“The energy Orb”

“Oooohh, there’s never a time werewolves possese anything that gives life, they always borrow, whispers has been going around that you guys just borrowed the Mirror of Lafiti, and the wand of life, and now you want the energy Orb” she whistled. “Which has got me wondering, what exactly are the great werewolves and their gods the lycans up to?” She asked.

“Something that you will only study as history” Nicky snarled at her.

“I have never seen a mermaid as rude as you” she complained.

“Congratulations, you’ve made history by seeing me” Nicky snapped at her, I laughed, the vamp chick rolled her eyes.

“And what made you think my father will give you the Orb?” She asked. “He would rather give it to humans than werewolves, not after so many wars between them” she shrugged.

“Would you help us plead with him?” Alex asked.

“If you would promise to have me”

“No deal” I fired at her. Who does she think she is.

“I’m the girl that wants to help your boyfriend get what he wants, don’t be a bad luck to him” she whispered. Great, she can read mind as well. “Yes i can, it’s not that hard” she bragged.

“Well too bad for you, I said no deal” I insisted and crossed my hands on my chest and watched her.

“Well too bad for you, my father won’t give you that orb, in fact I’ll make sure of that” she smirked at me.

“How do you feel trying to take something that doesn’t belong to you huh?” Nicky fired at her.

“Actually it’s fun, it makes me feel like I can have whatever I want” She shrugged like it meant nothing to her.

Bchy blood su¢king va.mpire. I scoffed. I wonder how they feel when sucking life out of innocent people.

“The same way you boyfriend feels when he’s eating the flesh of innocent people” she shrugged. Bch.

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 31 – The End

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