Pinky Preshy Chioma

Episode 48

Arya’s Pov:

Mommy dropped me right in front of the school and rushed off after biding me goodbye..

According to her,,, she was running late for a business meeting .

So I had to walk right into the school compound.

Am glad my mommy has finally had a change of mind on getting out of Capetown.

Even though am still curious to know why she wants us to leave Capetown.

I mean why does she always want us to leave as soon as possible.

Why is she always like that?

First was our former residence…. We vacated as soon as possible like she met someone she was owing.

My mind was still lost with the thoughts of what was recently happening in the house.

When a very flashy car drove in and then splashed muddy water on my school uniform.

” Oh my gosh! ” I screamed as I jumped up trying to avoid the water.

But the water still splashed on my white shirt.

I quickly turned to the car owner.

The car door swinged open and to my greatest surprise my worst nightmare got out of the car.

He was wearing a mischievous grin.

Anger burnt through me as he smirked at me.

“Are you crazy?’ I yelled at him.

“You are the crazy one who is screaming’ Hr mocked me as the other car door opened.

A young handsome man got out of the car too.

I guess he is his father…

“Oh my God! Did I do that?” The man rushed to me with a napkin.

“Dad just let her clean herself up” The I’ll mannered boy said.

I stared at him with so much hatred.

“Thank you sir’ I said as I took the napkin from him.

The man looked sincerely sorry and stared at me like he knew me before.

He even handed a white shirt to me and I thanked him.

While the boy glared hard at me.

I walked into the school premises.

“His dad is so kind so I wonder where he got his ill behaviors from” I thought within myself.


Patrick’s Pov:

Dad stared at that grumpy girl like he knew her and that got me so angry as I glared hard at him.

Why is he being do kind to a stranger?

He even gave her a white shirt so that she won’t be going around with muddy clothes.

I glared at the girl with hatred written boldly in my face…

Not like she even cares cos she rolled her eyes at me and smiled at daddy before leaving.

“Arghhhh” I groaned in annoyance.

“Does she school here?” Dad’s voice brought me back to consciousness.

This is actually the first time dad spoke to me since we left the house.

Is he being serious right now ?

Like he cares about that stupid girl ?

He wants to know more about her but what’s so special about that grumpy annoying creature?

“I don’t know” I mumbled rather unwillingly.

“I guess she does and maybe you didn’t notice simply because you’ve not been going to class” Dad shouted at me.

He takes every slightest chance to make me look like an evil person.

Why would God give me such a man as my father huh?

He hates me so much like am a plague.

Well the feeling is very mutual cos I hate him much more than he hates me.

Why would I even get such a father in the first place?

“Dad? The school is so big and you think I should know all the scholars” I managed to speak.

“Just shut up…. You can never be focused” Dad finds every little thing to shout at me.

I kept mute cos he might leave a slap on my cheeks if I try arguing.

My dad is nothing like my mom who is calm and gentle.

I walked into the school with my backpack hanged on my back.

I gritted my teeth as I mumbled some inaudible words.

I didn’t even bade him goodbye but who cares?


Sofia’s Pov:

I was seated at the library when Arya walked in with a messed up muddy shirt.

“Oh my gosh! Arya what happened?” I exclaimed.

She shook her head with a sigh as she sat on the bench.

“How did you get mud on your uniform?” I asked again and this time more anxious.

“A car splashed it on me” She replied.

“Gosh! So what the fvck are you gonna do?” I almost screamed.

She brought out of her backpack a new spare white shirt.

“Looks like you are prepared for the mud splash?” I said with a little bit of mockery tone.

“Not really….the driver of the car who splashed mud on me gave me this” She said as she changed into it immediately.

“Look…. There is a name written on the shirt” I saw something on it.

Arya took a look at it as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and astonishment.

“Aliyah??” We both pronounced at the same time….. in unison.

“Very nice name….. Almost like your name” I smiled broadly.

“That’s my mommy’s name” She snapped.

“What?” I asked.

“Aliyah…. Aliyah is my mommy’s name” Arya shook her head.

“What a coincidence” was all I could say.

We were both surprised.


Arthur’s Pov:

I couldn’t get my mind off the little girl I saw earlier at Patrick’s school.

She looked so familiar like I know her from somewhere or something.

I felt like she is someone I’ve meet before

I don’t know why I feel that way cos am sure we haven’t ever crossed paths with each other.

She looks familiar that I couldn’t stop thinking where I could have met her.

But the truth is that I don’t think I’ve ever met her in my entire life.

Then why do I feel so close to her like someone who knows her?


Whenever I think of her,,,, I see Aliyah!

She speaks so much like Aliyah and she looks like her too.

Then I thought of seeing Aliyah and how I lost her too.

I need to find Aliyah as soon as possible.

Meanwhile that little girl really kept me wondering why she resembled Aliyah so much.

I even gave her Aliyah’s white shirt that has been in my car.

I never lost that shirt cos it was so precious to me.

I still wondered why I didn’t hesitate to give it away to that little girl.

I really feel attached to her but why?

Remains a mysterious question!


Aliyah’s Pov:

I walked into the apartment with my handbag clutched to my arm.

I was super exhausted.


It has been such an exhausting day at work there were so many deliveries to do.

I sat heavily on the couch.

I could perceive the aroma of the tasty spaghetti that filled the house..

My Arya must be the one cooking that.

She learnt how to cook and since then she keeps on practicing.

Honestly she’s becoming more than perfect.

Then suddenly I sighted a shirt on the stool.

“Ahh… Why would Arya drop her school shirt so careless?” I thought as I picked it up.

Then I sighted something in the shirt….

“Aliyah” I read out as tears circulated in my eyes.

How did this get here?????…….


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