HOT DEAL FULL OF SECRETS: Chapter 41 – The End

HOT DEAL FULL OF SECRETS: Chapter 41 – The End

Chapter 49 ( semi final)

By : Kebby NG Media Services


“This is my picture from when I was graduating college” she said as she kept on showing me the family album

“And what about this?”I asked when I saw her among some guys at the beach

“Oh this had been the first project I had when finished my advertising course”she said

“What? Your first project, what sort of project would a girl be doing amongst these guys?”I asked

“I had to help them advertise their beach, this is a photo taken when we were making the advert”she said

“I don’t like this at all, they are all male, which one of them hit on you?”I asked feeling jealous

She laughed out loud and then she starred at me

‘”I should have known that you were jealous?”she said making fun of me

“You do know that I am jealous, am so very jealous”I said

“You don’t have a reason to be jealous Cade, few of them asked me out but I refused and do you want to know why?”she asked


“Because I was waiting for you my love, I was waiting for a right man like you”she said and that made me feel some how guilty.

“But am not that much of a right man”I said softly

“Why do you say so?”she asked

Because am not a good guy,because my family ruined your life years ago ,because I rapped you and scar you for life. Am not the right one for you he can’t help falling in love with you.

“Why do you say you are not right for me?”she asked making me realise that I haven’t even said any thing to her yet

“Because am not perfect,I have my own flaws Emily, don’t think too high of me,I don’t deserve it”i said

“Why shouldn’t I think high of you, have you ever done some thing bad to me or do you have a secret you are hiding From me?”she asked suddenly.

At first I was taken aback but quickly I recovered my wits.

“Of course I don’t have any secrets to hide and i certainly never did any one bad”I said

“Oh! Then why are your hands shaking ?”she asked

“It’s nothing, are you interrogating me Emily?”I asked as I hid my shaking hand

“No am not, am not interrogating you, I just want you to see how much of a good guy you are, I want you to see how much I respect you for being a good guy, for being my perfect man”she said and hugged me

“But I …………..”

“Sush………..let’s not argue about that, what we should be thinking of should be out wedding which will be taking place today, what did you tell my parents, what did they say about us getting married?” She asked

“Nothing much actually, I only told them that we are having our wedding again, that we wanted to make them a part of it and they agreed and if they ask about my parent just tell them that they are on a trip that is why they can’t make it”I said

“You seem to have thought of an excuse so fast, when did you think of this?”

“On the plane, I didn’t want any one suspecting our reason”I said as she stared at me

“That’s good then”she replied and I pulled her to me wanting to peck her but the knock on the door prevented that.

“You love birds hurry up and go and get your wedding clothes”her father said to us and quickly we got out of the house and head to the boutique.

HOT DEAL FULL OF SECRETS: Chapter 41 – The End


“You look lovely my child”My father said as I walked down the stairs in my gown

“Thanks daddy”I said as I walked to him and he gave me a peck on the fire head

“I hope Cade will be able to cherish you just as we have always cherish you “he said and I nodded in agreement

I love Cade and he loves me, he will certainly cherish me just as I will also cherish him

We got into the car hired by Cade and then headed to the church nearby.

I don’t know how Cade manage to get the licence and did every thing today,all I know is that in a few hours,I will be married to man I love dearly.

We got to the church and i was surprised to see some few guest at the church, most of them were my parents friends.

I walked down the aisle to meet the man I love and so we did every thing required of us and when the signing ended and the priest pronounced us as man and wife,I felt so happy.

Some how during the wedding I got all jittery and nervous, I kept on wondering if some thing bad or some one will object but nothing happened.

While every one head back to the house for the reception.

The car took Cade and I to the house and the little party my parents had prepared began.

It was quite small and nothing luxurious like any other party but I was happy,happy because I married the perfect guy.

It was late in the evening when the party ended and I left the house and Cade and I left for the hotel.

We got back to the hotel only to see that our room had been prepared for us.

“Do you like it?”he asked as he stood behind me

“Yes I like it”I replied softly

“You know have been thinking about this? Where would you like to go to for your honey moon?”he asked as he held me

“Will you really take me there If I ask you to?”I asked

“I will take you to where ever you want to go to Emily”he said pecking my cheek

“Then can we go back to the island?”I asked and he stiffened in my arms

“Why do you want to return to the island?”he asked

“What do you mean by why?,you still have some unfinish business to attend to and I also have the resort to finish”I said

” You don’t have to finish it! Grace and Micheal will do it”he said

“That is a no Cade, you know how much the resort means to me,I have to be there to finish it”i said

“And I say that you aren’t going back there, i want you to stay here Emily”He said

“But why ? Why do you want me to stay”I asked

“Because I want you here, I don’t think I will be returning to the island, the bankruptcy issue is being sorted out and the advertising is the only part left for the resort to be open again, Am sure your colleagues will be able to handle that”he said

“But I want to be there to finish it and I also want us to have our honey moon. There” I added

“Rome, Paris, Mexico, los Angeles any other place you choose and I will take you there but don’t ask me to take you back to the island”he said

“But why, you still haven’t given me a reason “I persisted

“It’s because your life is in………..”he stopped when he realised what he was about to say

“My life is in what?”I asked

“It’s nothing and we aren’t going back to the island that is my first rule as your husband”he said and left the room in anger.

HOT DEAL FULL OF SECRETS: Chapter 41 – The End



I woke up hoping to find Emily on the bed but she was not there.

After last night argument,I returned to the room only to find her asleep.

Saving our discussion for the next day, I got ready for bed and slept off with Emily in my arms but waking up not to see her makes me feel strange.

I called for the receptionist only for them to tell me that they her saw her heading for the beach this morning.

Feeling rest assured,I left got prepared and then went out in search of her and it was only to find no one.

I began to panick , Would my mom be the cause of Emily disapperance? Did she sent some one to take her away? I thought as I ran back to the hotel.

“Have you find your wife sir?” The receptionist I had called earlier asked

“No I haven’t,Please call the police, I think my wife has gone missing “I said as I went to my room.

HOT DEAL FULL OF SECRETS: Chapter 41 – The End

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