Valerie was soaring in cloud nine. How could something as simple as lips getting locked be as powerful as it felt?

How could something happening to her lips control her entire body frame? What was behind that science?

What empirical explanation could be given to the effect the lips had on her nervous system? Her knees were buckling, and she had long forgotten that she was dancing.

Yeah, she was dancing to a new music now! Leonard was making her entire body tingle and wriggle in extreme pleasure with his hot touches and deep ksses.

In a matter of minutes, they found themselves staggering continuously until Valerie was trapped between the big bed and the big bull.

She had been moving in search of support for her body frame that was about to collapse from the inability of the knees to support her weight, so when she felt the bed behind her, she sat down slowly and happily, with Leonard refusing to let her lips go; he was following her slow descent to the bed, and in a matter of seconds, they were both comfortably on the bed.

Valerie was giving back as much as she was getting, fig.hting back with equal viguor, now that she didn’t have the fear of falling from wobbling legs. Her confidence was growing too, she was venturing reluctantly but surely down his belt line.

His clothes were soon flying in the air as they both worked on getting him in the same state as Valerie. “Ummmm” he moaned loudly as Valerie’s hand hit his weapon of friendly in the process of helping him out of his pants.

Valerie liked the sound of that. She was beginning to gain more confidence in her ability to make him get as much as he was giving.

She smiled mischievously at him, then let her right hand roam the area around his belly button, making sensuous circles and getting the big bull bellow uncontrollably.

Her hand was sliding down carefully, as though afraid, yet determinedly, until she began to feel his breathe blowing in spasms as his entire frame shuddered with her delicate and deliberate touches.

He was getting stroked in a regular rhythm that was making his pulses irregular, and his breathing turn abnormal as his heart struggled to remain in the ribcage.

“Oh baby” he grumbled as he raised himself from the bed, placing himself above her in an instant.

And just like a sudden change you can find in a MayWeather’s fight, he turned the table, making her the one screaming a few seconds later.

The two love birds remained on the bed, tempting and teasing each other, taking turns in making the other scream in raw pleasure, until Valerie could hold on no longer.

And with all the gentleness he could garner in his extremely aro.used state, with all the carefulness he could maintain, Leonard heeded his wife’s plea for the real deal.

He entered her in one slow and careful, but definite attempt, and she winced sharply, grabbing his shoulder on reflex, and her fingers digging into his flesh made him pause for a moment to kss away the pains in her eyes.

He lay still on her, kssing her tenderly and having her return the kss slowly at first then as she intensified the kss and began an attempt to arch her h!ps below him, he joined her in the rhythmical dance.

Leonard let her decide the pace of the dance, he made her the guide, only following up in the desired momentum.

He was doing his best to keep himself under control, but the more he tried, the more the pleasure of what she was doing to him was taking over his resolve to be the follower.

Fortunately, the moment the heat became so unbearable, that very point at which he was beginning to agree that he was going to fail on the very first assignment, Valerie began to speak in tongues he’s never heard before.

At first, he thought he was already too far from the earth, so lost in the lüst kingdom that he was hearing things from that realm, but as he got to the mountain top, he turned around to find Valerie, but it happened, she had arrived there way before him!

So it was that the super couple got their first mutual arrival at the mountain top on their wedding night.

It was a marriage well consummated and a maiden edition of an amorous Congress properly kicked off.

The following days saw the couple spending few minutes to eat, talk and do other things, then return to their room to do the two persons push-up.

A year later, Valerie was sitting by the bedside breastfeeding the first fruit of their love, while Leonard lay besides her.

She looked at her husband and the blessing that lay in her hands, and she couldn’t help but thank God that allowed things turn the way it did.

Tricia had called to inform her a few days before that she ran into Vivian in the hospital she had gone to in the States.

From what she told her sister, she and Vince had gone to the hospital they had chosen for the birth of their twins in the States, and ran into Vivian and Pascal in the ward, after their twins were taken to the Neonatal, where the children were being attended to.

Vivian had just welcome a new son, and Pascal was all over her with love and care. “She’s indeed one lucky woman.

And I’m glad she got so lucky that she didn’t have to be a bother to me ever again” Valerie had told her sister.

“I agree with you on this Val, it’s a win win for everyone. And I’m glad we’re all good” Tricia said.

Leonard kept thanking his stars for eventually making him have a house of thrones in exchange for the house of thorns he’d had before.



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