Chapter 32

By : Kebby NG Media Services

“So she will have to go through a lot of rest and care, you don’t have to stress her at all and also……….”

“Do we really have to say this here, you could have told me about when you walked out of my wife hospital room”I said to the doctor as we kept on walking down the lobby.

“I could have Mr Callaghan but I also have some drugs to show you,its the drugs she needs for her…………. ”

“But I was told about the drugs she needs to use this morning, I even have the prescription and………”

“Mr Callaghan, it’s a good thing you are here, I was just about to go and check on your wife…….”

“Hold on a moment, I thought you sent this doctor on your behalf, he had said you sent him because you couldn’t make it your self”I said interrupting the doctor

“I never said such thing and who are you”the doctor asked the man standing beside me.

The man stared at me and then at the doctor and immediately he ran away.

“Security, get the security on that man!”the doctor yelled

If the doctor isn’t the real doctor, the nurse certainly is not a real doctor too and right now he is in the hospital ward with ………..

“Emily!”I called as I ran back to the room, I tried to open the door but it was locked and with all the anger and concern in me, I began to kick the door and when it finally opened, I saw Emily on the floor with the window open.

“Emily!!!!”I called as I went to her, she was Unconscious and I quickly I called for a doctor.

A while later I stood out side the waiting room while the doctor checked on Emily inside.

He came out a few minutes later and I went to him

“What happen to my wife?” I asked

“She is alright! The killer had been strangling her with a rope and if you hadn’t gone back to check on her, she would have been dead”he said

“But she is alive right! My Emily is alive and well?”I asked

“Of course she is but you can’t……..”

“Am not going to listen to that, I will be seeing my wife, I will be by her side until she gets well, am not taking the risk again”I said to the doctor who only nodded his head and let me go in to her.

It was quite a while before the sedatives wear out and she opened her eyes.

“What happened?”she asked as she stared at me

“Nothing my love,you just had a few lapses, the doctor had to sedate you”I lied

I didn’t want her to remember that awful moment.

“Really? “She asked and i stared at her

“Yes”I said again



“Am sick of this place already, can you take me home”she said

“But you are not well yet and………”

“And I have you by my side Cade, please just take me home” she begged cutting me off

“Fine then, if that is what you want”I replied gently.


“Not again! Why does this girl always escape death!”I said after ending the call with the hired a$$assin.

The door opened and Isabel walked into the room.

“What happen mom?”she asked

“A lot has happen, the dim wit you introduced to me did no good, Emily is still alive “I said


“And what’s worse, she will be coming back home today, am doomed for sure, they will surely believe her words”I said feeling agitated

“Don’t worry mom, it will all be fine”Isabel said

“Why don’t I get you some thing to drink, you need to be calm when she returns”she added as she left the room to get me some thing to drink and relax with.

I sat down thinking of what to do next when my phone rang.

I didn’t bother to check the caller,I just picked up only for me to stop when I heard a familiar voice .

“How dare you call me, you idiot!!!”I yelled at the caller

“You know of my imprisonment, you should also know that I will call you for help “David replied

“Don’t bet on it because I won’t be helping you at all”I said

“You have no choice but to help me Denise “he said

“I do have a choice and that is not helping you, I made a mistake by choosing to help you and now my life is in jeopardy,you should count your stars that you are in jail or I would have gotten some one to kill you, don’t you ever call this number again”I said and switched off the phone.

Just then the door opened and a maid walk into the room

“Madam Isabel have asked me to tell you that Your son and his wife have just arrived”She said starring at me

“Fine I will be down stairs soon”I said and she left the room in silence.

I will just have to keep on with the lies, I will have to convince them that am innocent,I thought as I stood up heading down stairs.



With Emily in my arms, I walked into the house.

I would have prefer to take her some where else but she wanted to come back here and I had a feeling, a weird feeling about bringing her here.

My father along with Gracie ,Micheal, Isabel and several maids stood By the door way to welcome us into the house.

I put Emily on one of the sofas using the same moment to look around for mom but she was no where to be found.

“Am glad that you are back Emily”my father said as he walked towards us

“How have you been ?”Gracie asked as she came to seat down beside her

“Better”Emily replied with a smile

“Where is Denise?”I heard my father ask

“I am here!”My mom said as she walked towards us

“How have you been Emily?”she asked as she stared at her

“Better than what you expect right?”She replied

“Yes better than what I expect”My mom replied starring at Emily

“Now that we are all here together, we need to ask the question right?”my father said starring at me

“There is no need to confirm the story, I already have the answer dad”I said

“What answer?”Gracie asked

“Micheal, Gracie , please can you leave us alone”Emily said

“Of course,if it is some thing important, I will certainly leave you all”Gracie said and together she left with Micheal

“What is this important stuff that you had to send away your two lackey”Isabel asked.

Emily stood up suddenly and I stared at her In surprise.

“My love……..”I called but she stopped me by shrugging me off

She walked towards my mom and the next thing she did surprised us all

She slapped her, not only once but twice

“Have you gone mad!”my mom yelled as she held her Cheek.

“Tell me where my child is you wtch! Tell me where you have put her?”she yelled as she stared at my mom.

What is she talking about? I thought as I went towards her.




“where is my baby?”I asked as I stared at Lucy and Denise who had no child in their arms

“Am sorry dear one but your child died”Lucy said

“That is a lie!, I heard her cry, where is my child!”I yelled at them

“She died okay, your child died and we have bury it,no one knew about it and so no one must ever know about it”Denise said

“That’s a lie my child can not be dead!”I said crying

“It’s a ruined child,it had to die anyway, so stop making a fuss and just try to get well”Denise said

“No! I want my baby!give me back my baby”I said as I tried to get up

“She is gone, tend to live with it,take care of the rest Lucy”Denise said as she left the room.

“I will be back my Child”Lucy said as she ran out of the room.

“No,not my child”i said as I stood up even when I was in pain and i went to look for Denise.

I stopped when I saw the two of them talking and they looked like they were hiding some thing

“Just tell her that the child is dead okay”Denise said

“But that is cruel, let’s just…….”

“Shut up and do what I ask you to do”Denise said and left

And that was the last thing I heard about my child.


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