?Married To A Billionaire?
(The Billionaire Wife)

Episode 9

????Written by Authoress Quinny ????

?Lee-Ann pov?

(Elizabeth’s mom)

“Mrs Jane hello.”

“What, OK which police station is this.”

“South wood station”

“OK, I’ll be there.”

This girl is going to be the death of me.

“LIAM!, Liam come and hear what your daughter has done this time.”I screamed.

“Lee-Ann, why are you shouting. The whole neighbourhood is already sleeping.”he said.

“Your so-called daughter has been arrested.”I said

“What! When?”he asked.

“I’m not sure, but that’s what we are going to find out. We have to call Mrs and Mr Greene because apparently, Charles is involved in this whole thing as well.”I replied.

“OK, give me a sec, I’ll go give them a call.”

After that, we drove to the police station. The Greene’s had agreed that we would meet at the police station.

This was going to be a long night.




*One hour later*

The journey home was silent. We were all still pretty mad about what had happened. How could they be so irresponsible? It’s not like they are kids, they are grownups and they need to start acting like it.

When we got home we sat in the sitting room quietly. It was taking a lot in me not to shout right now.

“This is all your fault, Charles. You just had to be stupid.” I heard Elie yelled downstairs.

“Can you too just stop it and stop arguing. I’ve had enough of you two.”I said.

Elizabeth pov


I and Charles was inside his car going for dinner and he bring up his plan again.
“Elizabeth let us get married and have a child together, then later we divorce” he said.
“God forbid, i will never get married to you talkless of pregnant for you” I yelled at him.
“That’s what can get us out of this marriage” he replied.
“What” i screamed as i gave him a hot slap.
And he loss control and our car started to swerve to other lane where a few cars were heading to our way.

He swerved back to his line but loss control again and crashed another car.
“Are …. you okay” i asked him.
He was about to replied when we heard BAM!
Another car hit our car, it caused the door and other part of the frame to smashed inward.
I looked at Charles and he hasn’t recovered from the shocked.

I struggle to get my seat belt off but once i do. I help Charles do same.
And we get out of the car. I checked my body, i just have a little injured and same thing with Charles.

The lady Charles hit her car cat walk to us.
“Are you blind” she yelled.
“It wasn’t intentionally”Charles said.
“Really, wait still the police come” she said in a annoying voice.

30minutes later.

The police come and arrested us.
End of the flash.

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