MISTAKENLY HIS: Episode 11-The End

? Mistakenly His

(Kidnapped by a Mafia)

Episode 18

? Charlotte ?

Huh? My sister? Which sister, do I have a sister?

I paused and turned back to look at them.

” Sister?” I asked puzzled! Mum and Dad never told me I had a sister!

Where has she been all this while?

” Yes Char, we just found out recently. Chelsea is your twin sister ”

W…what? Twin what? How is that possible?
Wait, it is! Is that why we look so much alike?

Then where has she been?

” H.. how?”

” It’s a long story baby but I will explain everything to you when you are feeling more at home but for now, go freshen up and come back for your meal ”

Mum urged! A lot of questions on my mind but I couldn’t answer them myself!

What happened to her? Why did we get separated?

And I actually have a sister? Not just a sister but a twin! A freaking twin! That look so much like me!

Yes! I have a sibling! The one I have always longed for!

But what did Dad meant when he said they need to get her out?
Was she abducted too?

It can’t definitely be Jace because he promised me he won’t do anything of such ! He even asked me to tell Chelsea he’s forgiven her.

Then who?
The thought of Jace came flashing in my head.

I could see the sincerity in his eyes when he said he loves me!

He was truthful! I believe he do because he changed so well!

It was clearly that everyone could have noticed!

He changed his mind and released me !

A lot of things have left me in a deep thought for sometimes now!

I can’t really tell if I love him too!
Do I?

I have never fell in love with anyone before and so I don’t know how it feels to be in love.

But I know there’s this feeling I get when he’s around! When I think about him, seeing him makes me nervous!

There was a time his touch was like a magic to me! Even when he’s angry at me but holding me firmly by the waist !

I felt safe, I felt at peace! The insecurities wasn’t there but his huge body always intimidate me!

How’s he doing now that I am not there? Is he fine? Has he eaten? Is he taking his medications?

Few days before my dismissal, I discovered that he has a rare heart disease!

That’s due to depression, frustration and smoking!

He also has bipolar disorder! That’s why every little thing gets him angry and behaves like a psycho sometimes !

I know he’s into that kinda life but still, he’s not happy!

I can sense that! All I see in him was loneliness!

I just hope he over comes every trials! He quitted smoking and drinking!

That alone is enough to make me happy!
I wish I can give him a life, a better life than he has!

I sighed and dismissed all the thoughts in my head as I entered into the bathroom!

I so much Miss my room!



?? Chelsea ??

” Mum! Dad! I am back home ” I yelled in cr@zily!

You don’t know how happy I am right now! It feels so great to be with my family!

I wonder who sent those people to kidnap me! And that Ryan guy, as handsome as he is, he’s into such life!

Well I was but not anymore!

” Chelsea! Oh my goodness! How did you come out? Neel let you go?” Dad asked giving me the warmest hug ever!

I have never felt loved and saved like this in my whole life!

” Well, you know the kinda life I have lived before. I escaped successfully” I said dramatising with my hand

” Sit baby, I know might be tired but this is important. I am glad you are back ” Dad said and sat down while I sat beside him!

” Where’s everyone?” I asked

” Your Mum, brother and sister went to the mall. You know how they love shopping and your mother decided to welcome her home with it ”

Wait! Sister?

” Is Charlotte back ?” I found myself asking!

” Yes princess she is, she got freed ”
Oh my goodness! Tell me it’s a dream!

” Goodness! Which of the mall did they went to? I need to see her ” I grimaced while he chuckled!

I just can’t wait! This is the best news ever!

I just want to see her and embrace her in a bone crushing hug!

I just want to stare at her just to see how beautiful I look!

I want to see her and apologize for everything she’s been through because of me!
I want to build the relationship we never had as twins!

How’s she now?
Is she still her self like she is in the portrait?

G0sh! I can’t wait any longer!

” I know you are eager to meet your sister but you should calm down, they will be back before you know it” Dad said and I pouted!

Let it be quickly please!

” Like I was saying Chelsea, you know you’ve always been wanted by the cops and your case was with the court too ”

He said and I nodded! I feel so guilty for everything I have done!

But I am glad it wasn’t mur.der! I stole from those that have enough money!

” So, I met with the commissioner of police and the judge yesterday. They are my friends and with their help, I was able to withdraw your case and took charges to pay everything thing you’ve stole from people ”

Meaning I am free to walk and do anything I want?

Tears if joy welled up my eyes! I can’t believe my dreams came true.

” T.. thank you so much Dad, thank you ” I said and hugged him.

” It’s nothing princess, you don’t need to shed those precious tears. You are fine now, I am glad everything is gradually falling into places ” he replied!

Yeah! I ought to have a peace of mind now but one thing still bothers me!

I can’t really tell why ice pick released Charlotte but I am sure it has a lot to do with both of them!

If he can release her just like that, then I am free!

” Dad! I am worried” I sighed!

” What’s the problem baby?”

” M..my boss ”

I said fearfully! He might still come after me! I am scared!

” There’s nothing to worry about princess, everything has been taken care of. He was arrested with his boys yesterday ”

Wait! He was? Including Martin? That guy who always abuse my body anytime he wishes?

I hate to remember that but I have to live with it forever!

Many guys have taken advantage of me! I couldn’t defend myself or anything!
I am so happy to be free at last!



? Neel’s POV ?

What the h.ell?
I sl@pped and kicked this idi0ts I kept here!

” How can you let her escape just like that you fools? Why did I pay you?” I yelled angrily with my hand in a fist!

I am so angry right now! I suffered so much to get that girl and now she just slipped away?

Everything I aimed at has gone just like that?

” We are sorry boss, she was so smart! I can’t even tell how everything happened”

Imagine the nonsense he’s vomiting from his mouth!

Fool! Idi0t’s!

” You all are so foolish! Just pray I find her else! You are doomed!


? Jace ?

” Start saying your last prayers fking Neel ” I snapped in annoyance as I hit him with the gun!

I so much hate this man! I feel like str@ngling him this moment!

” I am sorry, I regret everything I have done Jace please forgive me ” he pleaded I chuckled dryly!

” If that can’t bring back my parents then fking consider yourself in joining them soon although, I know they are in heaven. You are going directly to h.ell Neel so greet the dev!l ”

” P.. please Jace ”

” Do not call my name again , you killed my parents and took away my properties and you don’t want to die? That’s selfishness man! Do what to others what you love to be done to you ”

” Are the documents all signed?” I asked and he nodded!

I am letting Ryan go because he haven’t done anything to me, he doesn’t know about anything and he can’t fking report to the police!

He knows why!

” Then goodbye fool! ”

I pulled the trigger and shot at him in the chest! Twice!

Now I can be a changed man!


? Charlotte ?

I stared without blinking an eye at the replica of me standing just right in front of me!

Everything about is is the same! I can’t spot a single difference!

I God not wonderful?

” She pulled me into a warm embrace! It’s still a mistery to me how we are this identical!

” I am sorry for everything Charlotte, I…I ” she choked on her tears and I quickly wiped it away!

” You don’t need to apologize sis, I understand what you went through ”

” T.. thank you so much ”

” It’s fine, we just need a lot of catch up to do ” I replied happily!

So! I don’t have to look at the mirror anymore!
Staring at my sister will do!

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