By Tiana Isaac

Episode 32

Since that day Cassie was so angry with Kamil, he almost raped her. She thought he will call to apologise but he didn’t uptil the time of election and when the results was out.

Kamil won with the highest vote. She was so happy for him and wonder why he hasn’t call or even showed up ever since that incidence and it over two weeks they haven’t seen each other or talk.
” Kamil has won the election, I guess this a dream come true for both of you,” her dad smiled.

“Sure dad,”

” But it’s been long I heard you speak on phone with him or even see each other? Terri asked.

“Yes uncle, he’s busy with other things, I have to go now am late for work,” she said trying to avoid their questions.

Cassie try calling Kamil to congratulate him but he’s line wasn’t going through, she kept calling for two days the line isn’t going through.

“Kamil must be so angry with me, I can’t lose him now. I love him so much. Maybe I should have allow him do whatever he wants but I was just so naive and stupid,” she blame herself for everything and wonder why she have fall so deep for Kamil that she couldn’t even think straight atimes.

She decide to visit him in his mansion since it Saturday and she decide to allow him have her this time around if that will keep him, the thought of losing him was already making her go crazy, she loved him so dearly and won’t want to lose him.

She quietly walked in when the security guard open the gate for her but she was shocked to see Kamil at the door with a lady kssing. She moved close and that’s when Kamil notice her presence.

“! She called in a cracking voice.

” What are you doing here? He asked while Cassie chuckle and let out her tears.

“You’ve already moved to the next thing available? She asked angrily.

” And who is this? Audrey asked staring back at Cassie disgustingly.

“She’s the fool I have been talking to you about,” he said shocking Cassie the more.

” This Audrey my fiancee,” he introduced her to Cassie who was still in shocked.

“Let’s go in,” he held Audrey hand they walked in but Cassie quickly followed them in anger.

” What’s all this Kamil, is it because of what happened last time between us? She asked.

“Not only that, you’re not my type Cassie you’re just too naive and stupid for someone like me. The game is over now because I’ve won the election,” he smirked.

“Tomas was right all alone,”

” You all are betrayers!

” You can’t do this to me,” She yelled in tears.

” It’s too late now Cassie,” he said.

“And you even promise to marry to me! Was that all part of your plan? She removed the ring and threw it to his face. Her heart was shred into a thousands pieces.

“I loved you Kamil, I loved you with every i have in me, why will you have to deceive me then,” she cried.

” Because that’s part of our plan,” Audrey fired back at her.

” Am not some toy he can toy with and play with my emotions, how dare you do that to me!

” Get out now!,” Audrey ordered while Cassie felt so angry and sI.apped her.

“How dare you? Kamil yelled at her but ended up getting a sI.apped from her too.

” You’ll regret this Kamil, I will make sure i destroy you, ” she snarled.

” It’s doesn’t matter Cassie. I’ve got what I need! now leave my house because I will have some visitors later,”

” I know exactly how to deal with bitches like you,” Audrey smirked as she opened her bag, removed a gun then hit Cassie at the back of her neck making her faint immediately.

“What are you doing? Kamil asked her.

I know how to handle her,” Audrey assured him.

” This might create room for suspicious and I don’t want that. Am done with Cassie already and the deal was to let her be not to kll her,”

” You’ve always been a fool Kamil and you think she won’t ruin your reputation.

My dad won’t tolerate this shit you know am getting rid of her,” Audrey said and with that she order her guards to carry Cassie to her car and she drove her somewhere far away from home.

” Wakey wakey… Sleeping beauty,” Audrey laughed as she on a lighter to the stick of her cigarettes then put it on Cassie’s hair and immediately the fire was catching up with her hair so fast.

“Am gonna burn you alive,” she laughed as she watched Cassie reaction.

Cassie felt something moving hot on her hair and quickly stood up, she realized her hair was on fire.

“What,” she yelled trying to get rid of the fire while Audrey laughed enjoying the drama. She picked up a jug of water and quickly pour on her head.

“You’re just so wicked as your dad,” Cassie whimpered as she held her head in pains, her long hair was gone.

“And that’s why am Kendall’s only daughter and if anyone try to goes on our way we eliminate him..

“Kamil has been my childhood friend and we planned to get married once he win the election,”

” I shouldn’t be suffering this way, you should be the one d.ead and not me and therefore you have not right to treat me this way,” Cassie yelled back at her.

She he grabbed Audrey’s hair and they got into a heated fight until Audrey pushed Cassie and she fell heavily on the ground htting her fragile head in the process.

“Audrey, leave the men to take care of her, am needed in the office now,” Kamil said as he walked in surprised to see Cassie lying so miserable.

“Dad called and ask me to finish her myself,” she said.

“But I don’t think Cassie deserve to die, remember she’s still the reason for my success,”

” And she will still be the reason of your failure because she will rant you out and make you look like the bad guy in front of everyone, and you know people will believe her” Audrey said.

” That doesn’t matter because am the mayor now and nothing or no one can change anything about it,” he enthused.

” You’re just a fool to think that way Kamil! This little brat have to d!e,” she said.
” Goodbye Cassandra,” Audrey smirked as she removed a small sharp pocket knlfe and her with it three times on her stomach.

Kamil just stood there speechless wondering what offense she committed that she deserves such miserable death. She looked lifeless but the tears were still streaming from her eyes.

“Tell the guards to clean this mess and they should leave no trace,” he said while Audrey nodded and they quickly left leaving Cassie’s lifeless body for the guards to clean up.

That same day, one of Kamil’s men quickly drive Cassie lifeless body out of the town and drop it somewhere. They wanted to bury her but they were scared they might get caught because it’s in the broad daylight and they can’t do that.

That same day @Montes Medical Center°°
Saturday… 12:45pm
“At the Emergency room”
They nurses rushed in with a lifeless body of a lady lying on the stretcher. She has lose so much bI.ood and was badly injured. Dr. Karlos and the nurses were attending to her.
Nurse Steve quickly step out and make a call to Dr. Miguel immediately.
End of flashback••
“That’s my story, I don’t even know why I have to survive after all these,” Cassie cried, she narrated everything to Miguel and Nadine.

” That’s so inhumane and they have to pay for that. I will make sure of that,” Miguel said with his fist folded, he felt so angry listening to her pathetic story.

“Those people are heartless and this was the same man that klled Lorenzo’s parents. That Senator Kendall need to pay for destroying so many lives and his daughter have to pay with their bI.ood,”

” Including Kamil,” Miguel said.

“I will definitely revenge what they did to Lorenzo’s family and all the life they’ve taken because of their selfish interest, someone have to stop those people and we will do that, now it’s us against them,” Nadine assured Cassie.
The Montes are taking the fight already…

Kendall vs Nadine?
Audrey vs Cassandra ??
Kamil vs Miguel?
Now the war Begins ??


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