Written by Raji Abigael

Episode 16

“Here you go ma’am , this are the spare adoption papers for Ariel ,if something should happen to this one ,am afraid we will have to process another one ,which might take months coupled with the fact that ,the office is always busy , Mrs Damien’s lawyer explained handing her the documents .

“Thank you for your help ,I just want to ask one question ,she shrugged .

“Okay ma’am what is it ,the lawyer asked with listening ears.

“Alright ,can two foster children get betrothed ,I mean Ariel and Jerald ,can they be betrothed ,Mrs Damien said.

“Of course they can ,as long as they are not blood related , and the willingly accept ,then sure they can be betrothed ,the lawyer gave Mrs Damien the answers she wanted to hear.

“That’s great but how do come about it ,I can’t just tell both of them , it won’t work like that , Mrs Damien poured out her fear .

“You are right ma’am ,you can’t just tell them like that ,there are documents for it ,I could give you the one I prepared for one of my clients ,he didn’t return for it ,so maybe you could use that to join both of them together and of they try to oblige the documents will hold them firm ,but their signatures must be on it so that they won’t be able to change their minds ,the lawyer explained to a curious Mrs Damien.

“I think I can get one of them signature but the other might just be really hard , Mrs Damien informed the lawyer.

“By the way ma’am why exactly do you want to betroth them together ,I thought you wanted them to be siblings ,the lawyer asked.

“It’s a long story ,so when am I getting this papers ,that you talk about, Mrs Damien said diverting the question.

“Oh yes , you can get this papers on the 2nd of July ,it needs some editing before it will be good to go ,the lawyer said.

“That’s a day before Jerald’s birthday , you know I will be very busy that day , can’t you just bring it to a closer date ,Mrs Damien asked.

“No I don’t really think so ,but I will see what I can do ,the lawyer replied.

“Alright thank you for your help,I will take my leave now , please keep me updated on the date okay ,I will come right away when it’s ready,bye for now, Mrs Damien said as she stood up arranging her designer bag before she walked out of the office Heading to her car .

Mrs Damien walked out of the building , heading to her car ,she got in and roared the engine back to life ,she reversed out of the packing lot and out she went back on the road.

Soon her mobile phone rang ,she picked it up using her ear pod ,she had been expecting for long.

? What’s the update ,she said immediately she picked it up.

?I followed him as you instructed and found out he was going to the hospital for a DNA test. I spied on him and the doctor and found out ,that the doctor told him to return tomorrow to get the results ,so I did as you told me although he tried acting like a saint but as they say ,money is the root of all evil. He agreed to change the results and destroy the real one, Mrs Damien private investigator informed her. She had employed him the night she saw how Ken acted towards Ariel she couldn’t take any chances ,she wanted Ariel for herself and no one else ,that was why she wanted to betroth them together.

?Good job sky ,I send your balance to when I get home ,just continue to keep an eye on him and see if he tries to play another game with me ,Mrs Damien said.

?Yes ma’am ,I will do as you have said,sky replied.

?One thing to clear out never call me ,when I am home I will text you the time you are free to call ,is that clear.

?Yes ma’am all clear ,sky said .

? Good talk to you tomorrow, Mrs Damien said and hanged up.

*Oh ken ,let’s see how you find out Ariel is your daughter now *, Mrs Damien thought smiling devilishly.




Mrs Damien finally arrived home just in time for dinner ,she rushed up stairs to see how Ariel was fairing before she left to take a shower and come down for dinner .

By the time she got there ,the whole family was already seated.

Jon was arranging the table for their dinner, Mrs Damien sat down feeling very delightful ,*soon this would be how the family will become forever *,she thought happily.

“Mom ,can Jon join us for dinner today , Ariel suddenly asked Mrs Damien who smiled in return who can say no to such a sweet girl.

“Of course ,she can as long as that is what makes you happy, Mrs Damien replied making Jerald boil in rage ,he fisted his hands in his pocket trying his possible best to be calm ,he didn’t want to break his mother’s heart or see her cry.

“Why do you want a maid to sit on this table ,just because you guys came from the same place and you stole a better life doesn’t mean you aren’t like her ,both of you don’t deserve to be at this table , Jerald suddenly said harshly.

“Jerald !, Mrs Damien exclaimed .

“Sorry mom ,but why does she want a maid to sit on this table ,he asked directing his questions to Ariel.

Ariel sigh , trying to hide her pain ,she knew exactly what he was talking about ,but she wouldn’t let that get to her ,she has experienced worse.

“First I would like to say Jon is not a maid ,she is a cook not working to please anybody but to make ends need. And I want her to sit with us because I don’t have anyone to talk to as at now ,so please don’t take the other way round, Ariel spoke her mind out.

*Such nerves for this brat to talk like that to me*Jerald thought tighten his fist even more,he so much wants to pun¢h this girl.

“Oh wow , you need some one to talk to ,what about my mom ,or me aren’t we humans , can’t you talk to us , Jerald asked sarcastically.

“That’s not what I meant ,I just didn’t want to disturb you both , Ariel replied as quickly swept off the little tear that came running down.

“Jerald , enough, Mrs Damien cautioned .

“What mom I just want to get along with my sister is that wrong , Jerald said mockingly.

“No ,it’s not wrong , am sorry to have given you the wrong expression , it’s fine mom no need to worry,Jon you can leave , Ariel said and Jon left immediately it felt like she could sense how uncomfortable Jon was feeling.

“Whatever ,so how does the street where you truly belong feel , Jerald asked rudely.

“It’s fine , Ariel simply replied.

“Yeah it has to be fine because that’s where people like you belong not in luxuries like this , Jerald said.

“Jerald stop it already , you are supposed to apologize, Mrs Damien reminded him.

“Oh yes , sorry I forgot ,mom told me to apologize to you for stealing my position in her life and every other thing that rightfully belongs to me which you stole ,sorry for pushing you to the ground ,it should have been a knlfe driven into your stomach, Jerald said in between gritted teeths.

“Jerald, Mrs Damien yelled for the uptenth time.

“So dear sister how come , you always stare at a different direction when you raise your head up. Jerald asked this time more serious he needed to know why she hasn’t looked at him since he arrived or maybe she couldn’t handle his handsome face.

“Oh urm ,I am blind that’s why, Ariel replied which made Jerald almost choke on his food .

“Blind ,now I see that’s why you can’t look at me ,so bad ,so how come you are blind , Jerald asked.

“I don’t know ,I was born blind and didn’t have any parent, Ariel replied.

Jerald stared at her for a while before he bursted into laughter. Mrs Damien was visibly angry and she was trying to calm her nerves down .

“Oh my goodness,MUST HAVE BEEN THE REASON YOUR PARENTS LEFT YOU, BLIND PEOPLE ARE VERY USELESS, Jerald said making Ariel burst into uncontrollably tears. She immediately stood up from her chair and ran upstairs. Mrs Damien couldn’t control her anger any more, she landed a thunderous $lap on Jerald’s face, everyone present at that moment gasped in shock so did Jerald, his mother just $lapped him she had never done it before but now she just did because of Ariel.

Jerald stood up from the chair and stormed off angrily holding his red cheek.


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