By Faith Lucky

Episode 26

“And that’s the problem, dear. Under normal circumstances, you can’t be a vrgin and be pregnant.

But…looking at the conditions around you, its understandable that the baby was transferred to you magically.

“And…that’s where the problem lies. My dear, you can’t give birth when you’re still a vrgin cause its going to be awfully and unimaginable pa!nful.

I don’t even know if such thing is possible because I’ve never seen someone with your condition – being a pregnant vrgin.

I mean, the hasn’t even broken yet. To anyone, it may sound like a fairytale.

“To cut the long story short, what I’m trying to say is – you can’t give birth while you’re still a vrgn.

You need to have sx with someone”. She released the bombshell.



Zoey’s Pov:

My jaws dropped as I listened to her.


What the he¢k??

Please, just tell me she’s joking. Please.

“She…She needs to have sx?” Zosar asked, making it sound more absurd.

“Yes, my prince; to make the delivery easy cause trust me, delivery with a tight va**na and an unbroken is unimaginable.”

“What about surgical delivery?” I asked sharply.

“You’re talking about caesarian section?” She asked and I nodded nervously.

“Well, my dear; I’d love to remind you that the major reason this baby’s still alive is because of the magical protection from its mother.

She’s protected it from every physical attack and now, talking about a C-section which makes use of dangerous objects like scissors, needles, retractors…trust me, my dear, its gonna look more like an attack and I can’t even imagine the complications that’ll follow.

So, the best and assurable way to have a safe delivery is by letting the baby come out on its own through the normal pathway.

That way, we can be 90% sure its safe” she explained, making my feet wobbled.

Oh, God!

“90%?” Zosar asked.
“What happens to the 10%?”

“Well, it depends. We can’t be entirely sure, can we?

“As it stands now, there are a lot of things we need to consider. First, her age.

She’s still very young as we all know and secondly, her pelvic is still very tight. Getting the baby to come out will be too painful for her.

“Even If she breaks her vrgnity, one time sx won’t be enough to make it as free as it needs to be.

I mean, considering her age and everything, she’ll need to have repeated sx for it work.

“Now, my dear, I don’t want you to think you’re being forced, okay? I know its gonna be really difficult letting go of your v**gnty for something you didn’t plan for; but I’m just stating the fact.

When the road gets tough in life, you need to go along with it…

“As it stands, you might start having complications soon – like some pains on your lower abdomen and all that.

¢razy pains – and that’s going to be as a result of the inconveniences and unusual circumstances of the pregnancy.

The pregnancy is already four months old and considering the nature and attempted attack on the child, your pelvic will become too tight to contain it and…”

She paused and sighed.

“My dear, to cut the whole story short, you need to have sx. Don’t worry, by the time the pains set in, you’ll understand…..”

“But I don’t have anyone” I cut her off.

“I’m…I’m not married; I don’t have a boyfriend, no one! Who’s gonna do it?”

She looked at Zosar, then back at me.

“Well, it doesn’t have to be your boyfriend” she shrugged.

“I’ll be in the inner room incase you need anything”.

And with that, she left.

I bent my head in dismay and unbelief, my breath wavering.

Zosar didn’t say anything and for a long while, we were both silent.

“Zoey…” He finally called and tried holding my hand.

“I…I need to make use of the restroom” I sniffed and sprang on my feet, walking away and going into the toilet.

As soon as I got in, I stood in front of the mirror and busted into tears.

I cried like I had cried the first day I learnt i was pregnant.


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