QUEST FOR LOVE: Episode 51-The End

LOVE ???

?(Do love exist??) ?

?Episode 54?

By Debbie

The boss’s pov :

I dropped my phone angrily on the table

Is someone trying to play with me?

Why can’t I get their location?

I hit the table angrily

Who is he?

“Hey I want the location of the idiot that just called me. If I don’t get it in the next 30 minutes, you’re all dead!!!” I yelled

They trembled

Who dare toil with the boss!!!

I picked up my phone and put a call through to Drake, the leader of B12

?Hello boss

?Is there any problem???

?No boss, we are so close to signing the deal

?Ok. Any sign of intruders?

?No boss, everywhere is calm

?Keep me posted

?I will boss

I ended the call

Everything seems normal at Germany. I decided to check on the C4, D2 and the Mayans. They all gave me a positive reply

I relaxed on my chair. I called my guard

“Put a call through to Willaims, tell him to make sure the documents are signed before 9 pm. And I want the girls dead after signing it. Send their dead pictures to Liam” I said

“Ok boss” he replied

I laughed

“Let’s see who wins,” I thought

My guard came back a few minutes later to give me the bad news.

The girls were nowhere to be found

“What!!!!” I yelled

“He said Liam and his guards came and took them away”

“Liam?!!!” I asked surprised

“Yes boss”

“You know what, I don’t care who came to take them. Tell him, I want to see the girls in 30 minutes, if I don’t he knows what will happen” I yelled

“Ok boss”

I hit the table angrily

“What’s going on”

Who dare play pranks on me!!!!


It’s some minutes past 9 pm. The girls have not been found. No one could give the location of the girls, not even the stupid hackers I have with me

“Any news of their whereabouts?” I asked

“No boss, it’s difficult to get their location. I think they are been protected” he said

I hit him hard across the face

“What’s your use” I yelled

“I’m sorry boss, I will try harder,” he said

I hissed and went to sit down. A message pops up on my phone screen and it reads

? Hope your television is on. The show is about to begin?

I threw my phone angrily across the room

“Put on the television,” I said

I was welcomed with an unpleasant scene

Right on the screen were all my recent deals. My mouth opened in shock


How did he get this?

I was still pondering on that when I saw the B12 on the screen.

They’ve been caught?

Wait, how come!!

“Ray!, Ray!!!!” I screamed

“Yes boss,” he said

“Call the D2 and C4. I want to know how they are doing” I said

“Ok boss” he replied

I was covered with sweat. I still can’t believe that

He came back a few minutes later

“Boss I couldn’t get through to them” he replied

“What?. What are you even saying” I yelled

“Boss you need to see this” my guard said

I raised my head to see C4 and D2 been handcuffed

How was their location found?

I made sure their locations are well protected

I kept looking at the screen

What’s going on

“Ray, make sure the securities are tight, we need to leave now,” I said standing up

“Boss, Kelvin called” my guard said

“What did he say?” I asked curious and afraid to hear the bad news

“He……he……..he said the rest of the Mayans have been caught. He narrowly escaped. He’s not sure what will happen to him next” he stuttered slightly

I sat back on my chair, confused

How could they be caught

I stood up promptly

“Who betrayed me” I yelled

Nobody answered

“Who betrayed me!!!” I yelled but they remained silent

I pulled out my gun

“If you don’t answer me now, I will waste you all” I yelled

I watched them tremble

“At the count of five. If you don’t answer now. I will waste you” I yelled again

“1….2….3….4….5” I counted

I finally pulled the trigger, shooting them one after the other, including my guard

“Boss, boss”, one of the guard yelled, running in

“What?” I asked

“There is a problem boss” he replied panting

“What’s the problem?” I yelled angrily

“We are been surrounded by cops,” he said

He looked around, seeing the corpses on the floor, he trembled

“You…….you killed them?” He asked

I smiled

“Yes and I will do the same to you,” I said pulling the trigger

He fell dead to the floor

“Drop your gun! You are been surrounded by the cops. Drop your gun” one of the cops yelled

I laughed

My pictures were all over the screen. The surprising thing is that I am been shown right now. The whole world saw how I killed all those working with me

I am not afraid of death

Still holding the gun, I walked outside. Even if I will die, I will not die alone

Liam’s pov :


The B12 has been caught?

Even the C4, D2, and Mayans?

How is that possible?

Haven’t recovered from the shock, I watched my dad kill all those working for him. Including his guard, who was his nephew

I couldn’t utter a word

Is my dad this heartless?

Why would he do that?

Did anyone of them betray him like he said?

“It’s not over” I yelled

“It is my dear,” he said

He seems to be happy with the progress.

I watched my dad walk outside the building

“Is he going to surrender?” I thought

“Drop your weapon,” one of the cops said

But dad wouldn’t budge

“Dad please drop the gun,” I thought

“God please I know I am not worthy to pray to you but please save my father” I prayed silently

“Drop your gun,” the cop said again but instead dad shot him

The rest of the cops were on alert and immediately, they shot at dad and I watched him fall to the ground

“Dad!!!” I screamed

Soon, the cops entered and I was handed over to them. I couldn’t fight

I know, I lost already

There’s no point fighting

“It’s over”

Aidan’s pov :

“Have you seen the news?” Delvan asked

“Yes” I replied

“I think we succeeded,” he said

“Yes we did”

“What are you guys talking about,” someone asked and it turns out to be Emily

“Check out for yourself” I answered

“What? He’s been caught? Liam has been caught?” She asked


She shrieked happily

“Lissa!!!” She yelled running upstairs

I smiled

“We did it man,” Delvan said

“Yes we did”

“Too bad we are leaving soon,” he said

“You’re leaving too?” I asked

“Yes. Dad wants us home for the spring festival” he replied

“You need to tell Lissa as early as you can” he added

“I will” I replied


The door opened and we turned to see Mason

“I’m home bro,” he said

I stood up to hug him

“We did it,” he said

“Yes we did”

Delvan also hugged him

“You should go see Emily, sh’s been worried sick about you,” I said

He smiled

“You should as well go check on Lissa. I will go catch so sleep” Delvan said

“Ok bro” I replied

I went up the stairs, standing outside my door. I sigh

I will have to tell her the truth. Everything she needs to know

The door opened and there she was staring at me

“What are you doing outside?” She asked

“I am checking on you” I replied scratching my head slightly

She rolled her eyes

“You’re such a liar,” she said

I smiled

“I’m hungry,” she said

“What???” I asked surprised

“You heard me. I’m hungry” she replied

“Let’s go make noodles and Lasagna” she added

“Noddles and Lasagna?” I asked

“Yes we can also add chicken brea$t and bacon” she chuckled

“What sort of combination is that?” I asked

“Lissa’s combination” she answered dragging me along with her

“Please order for pizza while we prepare the food,” she said

“It’s past midnight. How do you expect me to order pizza?” I asked

“I don’t know how and I don’t care” she yelled

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