By Vintage Library

Episode 19

Monica was quiet through out the ride home. The board a taxi. Maria kept stealing glances at her but she was too lost in thought to even notice.

“Thank you mister” Maria said to the cab driver as they alight from the car.

Monica didn’t say a word as she practically walk like a corpse. Maria ignored her and walked faster. She has been like that since Missy gave Felix some notes.

“What’s that smell?” Maria asked no one as as she stared around the house.

Monica covered her nose at the offensive odour. “What is happening here?” Maria asked as she quickly open the windows.

Monica noticed smoke coming from April’s room so she went to open the door.

Her jaw dropped at the sight of get sister smoking. Since when did she smoke?.

“April!” She called in her loudest voice and she flinched, she hissed at the sight of Monica.

She didn’t try to hide the ¢igarette but countined. Maria stared at her as if someone else is pretending to be her sister.

“What in heaven’s name is this?” She freaked as she rushed to take it from her.

April got up from the bed with so much anger, “what the fk is your problem?!” She growled.

“I am not the one with problem here but you! ” Maria snapped.

” Why won’t you guys mind your business? Why do you have to keep pestering me?” She asked as she took a handful of her hair.

” You are our business because you are our sister” Monica said walking into the room.

” I am not your business and whatever I do with my life is clearly not your business either! ” She snapped and walked out on them.

” April! “Maria yell trying to go after her but Monica held her.

“What are you doing? I have to stop her” she snapped at Maria.

“You can’t do anything, we should just call Grace” she said and walked out of the room.

Maria picked the half smoaked ¢igarette and shook her head. ‘when the fk did she start this? ‘she thought.



“Thank you” Grace said as Blair dropped a tray of food beside her.

“I’m glad you are feeling better” she said.

“I am sorry for making you guys worried, I was a burden” she said.

” Don’t talk like that. I should be apologising for not taking perfect care of you” Blair said.

” What are you talking about? It’s not your fault, it was I who wasn’t careful with my health. Lest I forget has my sister’s called? “She asked.

” I’m not sure, I will check” she said and walked towards her phone. She checked the call history and turned to Grace.

“They have been calling, I think it’s..” she was cut short by the phone call, ” they are calling again” she picked it up for her before giving the phone to her.

“Monica” Grace called with a smile.

“Grace, how are you?” She asked with a bright smile ” we are really greatful for the phone” she added

” I’m good, and you? How’s April?” She asked.

“That is actually why I called” she said, sadly.

“What happened to her?” Grace asked and Monica went silent.

” Monica? Are you still there?” She asked.

” Grace!” Maria yelled as she took the phone from Monica.

“Maria” she called.

“That sister of ours is out of hand, we caught her smoking and she said it is none if our business. She didn’t even feel any remorse” Maria explained.

” April? Smoke? Are you sure? Where is she?” Grace bombard her with questions.

” I don’t know but she definitely went back to the place she works” Maria rolled her eyes as she said the word work.

“Do you know the place? Send me the address” she rushed her words.

” Sadly I don’t but don’t worry we will try to talk to her once she returns” she assured.

” Alright be careful” Grace said and end the call.

“Is something wrong?” Blair asked.

“I need to go back to my house, my sister is” she paused when she heard footsteps.

Tommy opened the door and walked in. “Tommy” Grace smiled at the sight of him.

“You are awake, this is a relief” he said jumping on the bed.

” Excuse me” Blair said before walking out of the room.

“You still look pale” he said.

“I’m fine now” she said and he nodded.

He draw the tray closer, ” you should eat so that you can take your medicine” he said.

“I’m not hungry yet” she said

” The doctor said you need your energy, you should eat” he said opening the food.

” Wow this looks delicious, doesn’t it?” He winked at her and she chuckled.

” Since it looks delicious we should eat it together” she said.

” I shouldn’t do that, it is yours all yours” he said dipping a spoon into it.

” my mom always does this whenever I am sick, open your mouth ahhh” he opened his mouth and she chuckled.

” I will eat later come here” she said returning the spoon to the food. He moved the tray away. He placed it on the small cupboard beside the bed.

He sat beside her and she wrapped her arm around his shoulder. “Tell me about your mom” she demanded.

“Are you sure? “He asked surprised. He must admit, he loves the new her.

He started and she listened after a while she fell asleep with Tommy beside her.

“Ariel” Ethan call as he walked inside but he stopped the moment he saw her sleeping face.

He smiled because she looked cute with Tommy in her arm. Why can’t she act like this in the past? Why does she have to give him headache first?

Is she really changed or she is just pretending? He really hopes she will countinue to be this sweet towards him and his brother. Maybe he won’t divorce her then.

He frowned as he saw that she hasn’t touched her food. Why isn’t she eating? He thought.

He wanted to remind her of her medicine but he will have to do that when she is awake.



April walked into the mansion with a frown, she doesn’t like the fact that those sister’s of hers won’t give her peace of mind.

She actually started smoking before Grace left but she never did it in the house. It wasn’t her plan for the teens to see her but it would be useless trying to hide when they already saw her.

“What’s with the frown?” Rob asked as she sat in front of him.

“My sister’s caught me smoking” she replied.


“They are going to report me to Grace” she replied.

” Don’t tell me you are scared of this Grace” he said.

“Of course not, I just don’t like getting into fights with them. They should have just mind their business” she groaned.

” You should be careful next time, who knows they might see something worse next time” he said

” I really don’t want to go back to that house” she said.

“You can stay here” he said and she shook her head in dissagreement.

“I don’t think so”

“Why not? You are welcome to stay” he said and she smiled.

” It feels so peaceful when I am here” she said resting her head on his laps.


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