Protected: THE FIVE COLORED STONES: Episode 41 to The End

The Five Colored Stones

Supernatural Story

?Phoenix high school?

Episode 50

(In court)

“Your majesty!” Lorenzo greeted and prostated.

(They were murmuring in court as it’s the first time to see the crown prince in court.)

“Why are you here son?” The emperor asked.

“Father have finally found the culprit to the case you gave me.”

“Lonrenzo, is that why you came to court? I have given you lots of cases to handle, can’t it wait and we discuss it later.”

“No father it’s urgent and should be resolved here, in the court.”

“Bring the crown prince” Lonrenzo said and the crown prince was brought in.

(The murmuring became louder and the emperor in shock)

“Isn’t he the crown prince of the northern clan?

“He is alive?”

“We have he been all this while?

“What really happened, we thought he was dead!”

(They kept chanting)

“Your majesty!” The northern prince prostrated.

“Your majesty! This must be an imposter, the northern royal family were wipe out and we all know it, so this must be an imposter” the state perspector said.

“State perspector are you accusing me of bringing an imposter to deceive his majesty?” Lonrenzo asked.

“I dare not my prince, but it’s impossible that the prince should be alive, we saw his lifeless body” he said.

“Your majesty, it been months since l started investigating this matter, as we all know, the massacre didn’t just happen, it was planned, well planned.”

“The crown prince is still alive and must know everything that happened that night.”

“Please your majesty, permit him to speak” Lonrenzo said.


“Your majesty……” he began and suddenly an arrow came from no where and hit him straight in the chest.

“Protect his majesty” they all yelled and the court became disorganized.

And slowly the crown prince began to fade away.

“What?” Everyone yelled as it turned to smoke.

“What’s happening?” Everyone asked and the state perspector looked confused and defeated.

“Your majesty, l knew something like this was gonna happen, so it was all my plan to prove to his majesty that someone was behind the Killing of the royal family and the person is within us.”

“We all could see that the person knew that the crown prince was
alive and wanted to kill him to silence the truth.”

“This is evil?”

“Who could this person be?”

“Prime minister, what do you have to say concerning this matter?” The emperor asked.

“Your majesty, as you can see the crown prince as everything in control and l think he knows everything behind the incident” the prime minister said.

“Good! I give you 10 mintues Lonrenzo, to resolve this issue and bring out the culprit.”

“As you wish your majesty.”

“Bring the crown prince” Lonrenzo said and the crown prince was brought in.

The state perspector shifted uncomfortably on his seat…

I knew that someone will make an attempt to kill the crown prince today, and the crown prince you earlier saw was just an illusion.

This is the crown prince of the Northern clan.

“May you live long your majesty, the crown prince greeted and prostated in a way only the northern royal family does.”

“He really is the crown prince” everyone said.”

“Bring in the assassin”the crown prince said and the assassin was brought in.

And everyone gasped in surprise.

“Now the crown prince will explain what happened that night, please your majesty listen attentively” Lonrenzo said.

“A night before the massacre,” the crown prince began.

The state perspector came to see my father, we just finished having dinner l stayed behind to have a discussion with my father.

And then he came,it was obvious that my father wasn’t happy to see him.

I was dismissed and l left.

The state perspector was invited in.

For some unknown reasons l was very curious to know why he came to see my father so l eavesdrop on their conversation.

They were talking about an ancient ring that possess black magic and was in my father’s possession.

“My father told him that the ring was passed on by his ancestors and he could only pass it on to an upright person, someone that won’t misuse it.

My father explained that his father told him to give it only to the person who he was willing to give that the ring would be passed on to another family in this generation.

The state perspector was furious.

“So you mean am not an upright person?”the state perspector asked.

“That was not what l met, the ring should be passed on willingly, and his not in my heart to give it to you” my father said calmly.

“Then l guess you have no choice am going to get the ring, with or without your permission” he said and stormed off.

I watched as he left with his men angrily.

And the next day the palace was ambushed, an Eunch saved me, he gave as soon as he saw that the palace have been invaded and my family were being killed.

He gave me poisoned, at first l mistook him.

I slumped to the ground blood came out of my nose and l fainted.

When l woke up it was already morning, l found myself in a carriage with the Eunch that poisoned me.

He immediately gave me the antidote and told me that the body of my parents and siblings have been taken away to be buried.

I cried uncontrollably.

Won’t they know that my body was Missing?” I asked the enuch and he said that a dead bodyguard was dressed like me so l shouldn’t worry.

I never knew that it was all the plan of the state perspector to keep me alive so that l can teach him the only technique that can make him usurp the throne.

Hours later, the Eunch knock me out and l woke up to find myself surrounded by the men of the state perspector.

“No, he is lyingly your majesty, he is framing me, seek justice for me your majesty”the state perspector cried as everyone glared at him.

“Continue” the emperor urged the crown prince.

I was tied inside a pool of water.

Later the state perspector came himself with the ring my father refused to give him.

This is the ring that cost the Life of your family he said as he waved it on my face, l wish your foolish father gave me willingly this wouldn’t have happened, so blame your father for the misfortune of your family not me.

I would have killed you but l want you to teach me something important.

He said and grinned wickedly.

“Never! I said cause l knew what he was talking about.

“I will never teach you the technique that belongs to my royal family ” l said.

“How dare you?” He said and ordered her s men to beat me till l agree to teach him.

I never agreed to teach him, he kept me alive thinking l was gonna change my mind, l was badly beaten and injured till Dreyfus and the firmament master came to save me.

“Yes father, that was what happened, we knew of this and stole the ring from him before he causes more havoc.

“The state perspector killed the principal miss Chloe”

“What?” The emperor said and everyone gasped.

“Yes, miss Chloe swore an oath to help the state perspector Find the girl with the five Coloured stone, her blood will make him become very powerful and her blood will help him create demons, his plan was to revolt against his majesty.”

“It was written in the ancient , that the girl with the five Coloured stone will attend the Phoenix high school, so the state perspector gave the assignment to miss Chloe, using her past against her.

“But unfortunately, she failed to carry out her promise in due time and was killed by the oath.”

“Any proof?”

“There is proof your majesty, this is what was found in miss Chloe’s room” he said and hand it over to the emperor.

“How could you be so evil?” The emperor Yelled.

“You did well son.”

“Summon Dreyfus and Azeez to court” the emperor said.

Dreyfus and the firmament master appeared immediately.

“Your majesty” they greeted and prostrated.

“Is it true you saved the crown prince?”

“Yes your majesty.”

“They both said.”

“Save me your majesty, consider our long term friendship, they are framing me your majesty, l don’t know of any ring.”

“How dare you?” The emperor said.

“Are you saying that my son is lying to my face and framing you?”

“I dare not your majesty.”

“My son will never frame anyone, l trust her s judgement that’s why l hand over every case to him.

And secondly, Azeez will never lie to me”

“Arrest, the state perspector” the emperor ordered.

“And one more thing, where is the ring?” The emperor asked.

“It’s with me your majesty” the firmament master said.

“Give it to the northern prince.”

“Pass my decree, the state perspector should be beheaded, his tittle withdrawed all his wealth and properties should be confiscated and his family will be reduced to commoners, all his wealth and properties will be given to the Northern prince as compensation.

“The minister of finance should also be compensated for the loss of his daughter.”

“How old was she?”

“124, your majesty, she was a witch.”

“Invoke her soul and take it to the river of recarnation so she should be reborn.

“Thank you your majesty, thank you your majesty” the minister of Finances prostrated.

The court fell silent and the state perspector was taken away.

“And one more thing, where is the ring?” The emperor asked.

“It’s with me your majesty” the firmament master said.

“Give it to the northern prince.”

“Thank you your majesty the northern prince bowed.”

“Your majesty, l have nothing to do with the ring, on behalf of my father and my family l willing give this ring to the crown prince, please accept it” the northern prince said as he gave the ring to Lonrenzo.


“No but crown prince,l give it to you willing please don’t reject it.”

“Accept it Lonrenzo” the emperor urged and Lonrenzo took it.

“Thank you your majesty, thank you your highness” the Northern prince prostrated.

“You are welcome, my son the crown prince will take good care of you till you are ready to go back home and become king.”

“For helping solve this case, l promote the crown prince to be the head of the judiciary.”

“Thank you your majesty?”

“And Dreyfus, your assistant.”

“Thank you your majesty” Dreyfus said.

“And Azeez is promoted to the position of state perspector.”

“Thank you your majesty.”




“Am tired Lindon, let’s rest for sometime” Maya said as she can’t feel her legs anymore.

“Am sorry”Lindon said and made her sit.

“Why are you sorry?”

“For making you to suffer like this, he said.”

“But it isn’t your fault.”

“Maya, just endure it for a little while, all this will soon be over.”

“Am scared Lindon, yesterday we managed to escape those soilders, it was obvious that they were here to kill us not to find us.”

“Don’t be scared, l will protect you and our baby” he assured her.

“Did you hear the sound?” Maya asked?

“What sound?” Lindon asked and paused as heard footsteps approaching them.

“Let’s hide” he said and carried Maya in bridal style.

“Maya! She heard her name, that familiar voice.

“Lindon pause on his tracks as he heard Maya’s name.

“Don’t be afraid is me Skylar”

“They both turned and gasped in surprise.

“Skylar” Maya screamed and hugged her twin tightly.

Lindon stood and watch the scene.

“Dreyfus” Maya called,he didn’t notice him before.

“How did you find us? Lindon asked.

“Don’t forget, he is an hybrid, Skylar said as he stared at Dreyfus.

“You did well little wizard, Dreyfus said.

“But l still managed to track you.” He added.

“Thanks man, but l can’t go back home, my father will really be angry.

“Don’t worry, you will come with us, the crown prince will help you” Dreyfus said.

“The crown prince? Why!” Lindon asked.

“cause l will ask him to do so” Dreyfus replied.

And they all teleported to Dreyfus apartment.

?Lonrenzo ?

“Dad, can l talk to you for sometime?”

“Yes Lonrenzo, you may sit.”

“Thank you your majesty!” Lonrenzo teased.

“And what happened to you calling me dad, your majesty should be used in court only not between father and son.”

“I heard you father, l was just teasing you.”

“What’s so important?”

“I need to know the truth dad.”

“The truth about what?”

“The truth that the empress is not my mother?”

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