Protected: THE FIVE COLORED STONES: Episode 41 to The End

The Five Colored Stones

Supernatural Story

? Phoenix high school ?

?? Written by Joan lkponmwosa ??

? Episode 45 ?

? Dreyfus ?

“Skylar Clarissa is safe now, you don’t have to worry” l said and stared into her eyes.

“Thanks Dreyfus but l still can’t leave, am worried” she said.

“You have to go home Ariana, remember your uncle will be terribly worried if he doesn’t see you either” l said.

I felt kinda sad that l had to lie to her, when l know who exactly her uncle his.

“Dreyfus,can you tell me about Ariana?was she someone you like, your first love?

What happened to her? Do l remind you of her?” She asked.

“Yes! All the answers to your questions is yes” he said.

“Then how about what happened to her?” She asked sadly as she watched my expression.

“You must have really liked her alot, am sorry l always remind you of her” she said.

“And you don’t have to talk about her,if you don’t want to,l will wait till you are willing to tell me everything” she added.

“Dreyfus!” Master called.

“I will leave now, please help me take care of Clarissa” she said then left.

I teleported back to my room.

“Master, am here!” I said.

“Get ready, we are leaving?” He said.

“To where?”

“The northern camp, the northern prince will be sent to the state perspector tomorrow, we have to abduct the prince tonight, now that Lonrenzo is still unconscious.

I order you to carry out this mission with me and we are setting out as soon as possible.”

“Yes master, let me prepare a carriage” l said.

“No need for that, you are well now and we don’t have much time.”

“I understand master” l said and held his hands and we teleported.




Aaaaaaaaah l screamed and woke up, beards of sweat on my forehead.

A nightmare, but it felt so real.

Why does she keep tormenting me? Even in my dreams.

I thought it was real, like l was really gonna die.

Why was she strangling me?

My personal maid came running in.

“Ma’am are you okay? I heard you scream” She said.

“Do l look okay?” I retorted angrily.

“Get me a cup of water” l ordered and she left hurriedly.

Clarissa! Clarissa! Can’t you just leave me the fk alone, do you also have to torment me in my dreams?

Arrrgh! Now l can’t sleep l said and threw my pillow away.

Unfortunately it hit the maid and the cup of water fell off.

“What kind of wretch are you? You can’t even hold a cup properly” l said and glared at her.

“Am sorry ma’am, l will fetch another quickly” she said and scurried out.

I sat on the bed and recalled what l read in Chloe’s diary, it was all confusing.

How could Clarissa be the girl with the five Coloured stone?
And how is she related to the oath that Chloe swore?

From what l read, the demon clan and the supernaturals once had a fight thousands of years ago.

The king of the supernaturals defeated the demon goddess and she was severely injured and before she died.

She saved up her energy and formed it into a five Coloured stone,this stones contains all her energy.

Then she dropped it in the River of rebirth, whoever was born with the five Coloured stones, will one day possess her powers and will help build the demon world again.

And According to what l read, the five Coloured stone will come in form of a necklace to the reborn.

Clarissa doesn’t have any necklace and she isn’t that powerful either.

But why will miss Chloe swear an oath to protect Clarissa? Just why?

Everything on the piece of paper that was found in Clarissa’s locker was all written by me and l learnt some black magic in order to be able to do it perfectly.

And it worked, whatever reason made miss Chloe to swear an oath to protect Clarissa is definitely not worth it, she has to pay with her life too.

No one will ever believe even if she denies it a million times.

“Ma’am here is the water” the maid said as she jolted me out of my thoughts.

“I don’t want it anymore, make me tea” l said.

“Yes ma’am” she said and bowed.

Have already told my father to arrange my marriage with Lindon’s father, and now that our both fathers has agreed there nothing he can do about it.

Hahahaha! I wonder how that wretch will react when she learns of it.

No one messes with me and go Scot free.

Clarissa must be in prison now regretting ever going against me.

As for Skylar, am still gonna plan on how to deal with her.

Terminating Maya’s baby won’t be a problem, now that they work in the palace it will be alot easier.

All the maids in the palace fears me and will do anything l ask them to do with hestitation.

“Ma’am here us your tea” the maid said.

“Oops! Sorry l lost appetite you can have it.”

“Thank you ma’am” she said soberly and bowed.

Now l can’t sleep, even now that she is in imprison, she still torments me.



*? Maya ?

I opened my eyes as l felt someone tapping me.

“Lindon!” I half yelled but he covered my mouth with his palms.

“Lindon, what are you doing here this late? I whispered.

“Maya please you have to come with me , we need to leave this place.”

“But why, what’s happening?”

“My father has accepted the minister of finances marriage proposal and l heard him making plans to kill you” he said shakily.

“Ki..ll …me” l stuttered.

“He wants to kill me? But why?

“Enough of this questions Maya, please just come with me, we can leave here and live our lives peacefully somewhere else, have prepared everything we will need, please just trust me,please l beg you.”

“But l can’t just leave everyone behind, uncle Noah,my twin, Clary, they all will be worried sick.”

“Please Maya, your life is in grear danger right now and that’s what matters.”

“Fine l will come with you, but l can’t just leave, l will have to write a note.”

I picked up a piece of paper and a pen.

“Dear, uncle Noah, Clary, Skylar, am sorry l had to leave like this, my life is in danger and l have to protect myself at all cost to keep my baby.

By the time you see this note, l will have gone far away but don’t be sad, knowing that l will be safe is all that matters.

One day we will surely meet again and then l will explain better.

Missing you all already,I love you all and it’s so painful it has to be like this.

Please don’t be angry with me, l promise to return safely.


I dropped the pen and wiped the tears that just couldn’t stop dropping.

“Let’s go.”




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