“I need you to get her phone by all means, there’s something I have to do on her phone” Gabriel said to Danielle on the phone as he got to his room. “Alright sir, I’ll look for a way to get it for you right away, give me few minutes” she replied.

“oh! Never mind, just summon every employee to the sitting room before I get there including the gatekeeper and the gardener, you all should wait for me” he said.

“Get my things from my room and drop them in the car” he said to Brian the gatekeeper. Danielle I need you to pack some clothes for Matilda and please hurry up with that… he added.

Is anything wrong sir? This is unusual, please tell us if she’s hospitalised so we would go visit her at the hospital she’s admitted to. Or is she no longer working here? They all bombarded him with questions.

There’s nothing wrong with her. Oh! Something was wrong with her but she’s fine now. I didn’t say she won’t coming here any longer, I only told her to pack some of her clothes including her toiletries, so please put your minds at rest… he replied them.

“I think we need to talk but that’d be on your way back” Chris said as he walked inside the house. And when did you get here? Gabriel asked. “just now I guess. I wonder why my friend and his brother has been keeping things from me lately” he replied

“Please hurry up with what I asked you to do, I have something to say to you all” he said and they both dismissed. “Get my visitor something to drink” he said to Cassandra and she left immediately too.

Thanks for this, but are you new here? I’ve never seen your face here but you kinda look familiar, I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before…he said to Cassandra as he drank from the cup. “Yes she’s new but has spent some months here already. She’s Mia’s replacement” Gabriel replied him

“We’re through sir” Danielle and Brian said thereby interrupting them. Fine! Thanks for that. I know this isn’t the right thing to do as it is just as intruding your personal lives, but I’d like you all to submit you phones on the table. I need to check all you’ve done since my brother and I have been away… he said

Do you really have to do that? You already know it’s and intrusion in our personal lives, so why bother doing it sir? Cassandra said. “I’m sorry if you find me rude” she added apologetically.

I can see you’re the only one courageous enough to talk to me and that’s why your phone will be the first I’ll check. You can quit now if you don’t want me to check your phone… he replied. “I’m sorry sir” she apologized and handed the phone to him with a trembling hand.

Have you phone, there’s no need to check other phones… he said and stood up. “you all can resume what you were doing. Let’s go Chris” he said

Now tell me what’s up, tell me why the environment is awkward, what’s wrong with Matilda? Chris said as soon as they drove off. “Fine! Relax and listen. I’ll tell you just what happened yesternight and tell you the remaining when we’re alone” Gabriel replied and narrated everything to him.

I feel like strangling John this moment for hiding such thing from me but I’ll let it slide this once when I see that she’d fine… he replied.

“Now I know why I was suddenly having some strange feelings and that was what brought me to your place” he added. “I was just about asking you that though” Gabriel replied.

C’mon dude! Stop giving me that look, I was just too occupied to even remember telling you about her. Besides, it’s been long we talked so I forgot that you know about her.” John said to him as they discussed at his other house after settling down.

No qualms! Just hand me some of the man’s pictures, I need to start investigating his case. We need to find him as soon as possible, who knows how many people he’s after. I don’t think we can do this alone, if we eventually apprehend him, we can’t take law into our hands and the undercover agents can’t either… he replied.

And do you think we can trust the cops? Why do you think they haven’t been able to apprehend him all these years? Gabriel said as he walked in with a cup of wine in his hands. “of course I know we can’t trust anyone, I didn’t say that for nothing, I have my uncle that’s a cops to take care of that and trust me when I say he’s gonna give us the best result” he replied.

Alright! I’ll trust you on this, I pray we find something about him soon…he replied. “Thanks for taking all these risks on my behalf, I’m so grateful to you all and I owe you big… Matilda said as she joined them too. “you’re welcome” they replied.

“That envelope contains your admission letter to a high school. I want you to conclude your schooling so you’d go to the university to fulfil your dream. Don’t fret, I already made the arrangement for you to be in the final class. The final exam is in few month’s time so I had to rush things for you and I’m sure you’ll catch up, I trust your intelligence. So all I want is just you writing the exam and the university entrance examination own” john said as he stood and she ran to him and hugged him tight.

Thank you so much, you’re indeed a life saver. I thank God for making me hide in your car trunk the other day. I promise to pay you back for all you’ve been doing for me… she said happily. I guess you’ve forgotten that I’m your boss, how dare you hug me! He half yelled obviously joking and they all laughed. “who cares if you’re my boss or not” she murmured. What did you say? He asked and she ran to where Gabriel and Chris were sitting. “save me please” she begged.

“Don’t you dare lay your hands on my sister” they both warned. Did you just say sister? Chris asked and he nodded. “of course she is and our wife to be” he said and Matilda hit his head playfully. “Wow! I sense something too” he said and stared at john who only tutted at their childish behaviour.

Gabriel drove her to the school as he’s been told to do by his brother. “don’t answer any of your colleague’s call you heard what my brother told you, they’d surely give you a call to ask your whereabout and please don’t cause any trouble, I know those kids will try to frustrate you” he said and she nodded

She got to the classroom and introduced herself as ordered by the teacher. Hey newbie! A boy called as soon as the teacher left the class and she turned. “wow! How small is the world. See the guy who indirectly took me to my destined helper, if I hadn’t beaten him up the other day, I wouldn’t have ran into john’s car” she thought as she saw his face.

Why do you look so familiar, aren’t you the beggar who tried to beat me up for splashing water on you the other day? He asked
And who did you just address as a beggar? They heard someone ask and turned to the direction the voice came from. BABE??! Matilda called.

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