By Cisca. H.


The carriage was ready, Enya had said goodbye to everyone except Anna. She had asked her mother about her, but her mother said she didn’t know where she was.

Then she went to meet Arwen who had returned back to her room.

” Where is Anna?” She asked.

” She is in her room.” Arwen answered.

” I must go see her. ” She said, turning to leave.

” No, don’t. “

Enya looked at her. ” Why?”

” Because…” She paused. ” Because she wants to be alone. ” She lied.

” Why would she want to be alone when I am leaving home to Brok?” She inquired.

” I don’t know, but you shouldn’t see her now. ” She insisted.

” Arwen, tell me, what is it you are not telling me? Did some thing happened to Anna, is she alright? “

” Yes. Yes, of course, she is totally fine. But right now, I don’t think she wants a farewell speech. “

” I hope you aren’t lying to me? “

” Of course, I am not. “

” Then I must see it for myself then. ” She turned, holding the knob of the door.

” Can you for once in your life listen to me?!!” She shouted at Enya who stopped, dropping her hand off the knob.

She turned to look at Arwen who was already breathing heavily from the shout.

” I will write a letter to you, and I will explain it all to you, I promise. “

She nod her head. ” But right now, you must go to your new home.”

Enya rushed to hug her, ” I know I haven’t been a good sister to you a those while and we haven’t shared those sisterly bonds like any other sister would. But I hope we won’t have to regret it in the future. “

” I do not bare grudges against you, but I wish that one day, we will have to understand each other more better. ” She buried a kss on her neck. ” Go, don’t keep them waiting.”

” Good bye, Arwen.”

” Good bye, sister.” Enya waved her a last goodbye, leaving to join Lord Rodriguez who has been waiting for her.

” What took you so long?” Lady Moreen asked.

” I was busy with little sister.” She said, dropping a kss on her mother’s cheek. ” Till we meet again.”

She held Lord Rodriguez’s hand as he assisted her into the carriage. ” Thank you.”


Anna returned after an hour they have left to Brok. She noticed how empty and quiet every where was.

She first headed to Arwen’s room, when she saw she wasn’t there, she left to the library.

Arwen quickly hid the letter she was writing under her story book as soon as she heard the crackling sound of the door knob, pretending to be reading.

” Sister Anna, you are back?” She said, forcing a smile on her face.

” Yes, I am. Why is every where so quiet and calm? ” She asked.

” Oh, Lord Rodriguez and sister Enya have left to Brok.” She answered, shutting her book close.

” How long has it been? ” She inquired.

” Almost an hour, I’d say. Where have you been? Sister Enya wanted to bid you goodbye but then you weren’t in your room. “

” Did you tell her I left the castle? “

” No, I did not. “

” Better, “

” Besides, she sends her farewell to you. “

” I do not need any of that stuff now. “

” So tell me, where have you been? ” Arwen queried.

” It’s none of your business. “

” Of course, it isn’t. But know this, you have been acting strange lately. Do not let everyone suspect you, or you regret this after. “

” Oh please, don’t lecture me. “

” I am not, I am only warning you. “

” I don’t need your warnings either. For I have made my mind to take revenge and not even you, or mother or even father can stop me. Understood!! ” She stormed out of the library.

Arwen went on with the letter, she made sure she wrote everything Enya needed to know. But not too fast, she must find out where Anna had gone to…

And what she is up to.

She folded the letter in four sizes, fussing it inside her underwear pant. She sneaked to her room, leaning her ear to the door.

” Why did you come so late?” She heard a strange voice say. She has never heard it before, and it sounded feminine.

” I’m sorry, I was having a little conversation with my younger sister. “

” Did you tell her about our meeting? ” The voice asked

” Though she was so inquisitive to know, but I did not. ” She answered.

” I can see, you have an inquisitive sister. “

” You can say that again and I won’t mind. “

” Well, that is by the way. Let us get back to business, shall we? “

” Yes, of course. “

Arwen didn’t stay to listen to the rest of it, she quickly ran to her room, taking the letter out of her pocket.

She started writing all she know into the letter, not leaving any untold. She was becoming terrified.

The voice of the stranger kept vibrating in her inside, causing her to shiver. Like she was staring right into her soul.

And she doubt it was a mere human. Somehow, her instincts keep telling her, whosoever owns the voice, was way bigger than just being a human.

She was about to give the message to her bird but she waited. It was too early to spoil Enya’s happiness.

She had this disturbing mind which told her to make the letter double. Incase…. Anna finds out about it, there’ll still be hope for another.



He held her hand as she got down from the carriage. ” Thank you.” Her eyes beheld the castle before her.

It was as if he had made some new renovations. There are things she had seen during the ball night she couldn’t see them anymore.

And likewise, there are things she hadn’t seen that night, she was seeing them now. ” It’s beautiful.” She complimented.

” Shall we?”

” Oh, sure.” He brought her back to reality. Taking hold of his hand, together they walked to the castle.

Enya couldn’t stop from gasping at the sight of the mansion. As if he had made those decorations for his return.

” What did you do to this place?” She asked, her eyes glaring up at the decorative flowers.

” I did what I have to do.”

She looked at him. ” You didn’t do all this for me, did you?”

He only smiled at her, she chuckled. ” It’s beautiful.”

” My Lady.” Someone said from behind. She turned to look at the young lady, who looked almost Anna’s mate. ” Why don’t I show you to your room.”

She looked at Lord Rodriguez who gave her a nod. ” I will see you at dinner.”

” Okay.”

She followed the maid up the stairs, walking through a long hallway. They stopped at a door, with a white door and a golden handle.

” Here is your chamber, My Lady.” She opened the door for her, while they both walk in.

” You have everything you need.” Said the girl. ” Your shower is ready, and so is your bed. I already have your dress for the dinner ready, and so is your night dress too. I’ll be your personal maid, and incase you wish for anything, please don’t hesitate to call my attention.”

” Thank you.”

” Call me Joana.”

” A pleasure to meet you Joana.”

” You too, My Lady.”


~ That Night ~

They were dinning together. Arwen has been sparing Anna glances. She was wondering a lot in her head.

And if anyone will have to tell her this over and over again, like a million times she won’t believe that Anna would end up having a bad heart.

At first, and honestly, she had seen Enya to be the kind of person who could do that. But the day she had stepped down from the test, she doubted herself.

Though she had once decided for Lord Rodriguez to choose Anna instead, but now, she was seeing reasons why fate had to disagree with her.

Indeed, Enya deserves it more than anyone… much more than Anna.

Even till dinner was over, Anna seem not to notice Arwen staring at her. She stood up, leaving to her room without saying a word.

Arwen looked at her parents to see if they noticed her strange attitude, but it was only her who seem to notice it.


This is indeed getting real serious than I thought…


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3 thoughts on “THE UNEXPECTED WIFE : CHAPTER 11 – 20”

  1. The story is not complete. I couldn’t read beyond episode 20. How can I get the remaining episodes.

    • Click on FICTION below the post. Then scroll down to search for the episodes and other stories you want to read.

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