By Chidimma M.



“I’m finally home!!!” Myles screamed out once he got out of the plane.

“Finally back, I kinda missed school” Minnie smiled, getting down the plain too.

Ricardo got down the plane and stretched his hand, helping Valentina down too.

Two cars were already waiting for them. One for Ricardo and the other which will take Valentina home.

Minnie hugged Valentina tightly.

“Goodbye nanny, I’ll miss you. Wish you can come stay with us” Minnie pouted.

“I’ll miss you too baby. Don’t worry, I’ll come pick you up from school often and I’ll also come visit often” Valentina smiled.

Minnie released Valentina and smiled at her. Valentina walked to Myles and crouched to his level then kssed his forehead and arranged his hair.

“Will miss you too. Cute grumpy bear” Valentina pinched his nose.

Myles hugged her tightly for the first time ever, he won’t admit it but living with her made him forget the void his mother left in him…

Valentina hugged him back too and kssed his hair. They broke the hug and Myles smiled then ran in the car, followed by Minnie.

Valentina stood up and turned to Ricardo who had his hands in his pockets. They stared at each other for a while.

Ricardo brought his right hand out of his pocket and tugged her hair behind her ear then kssed her forehead.

“Bye, see you on Monday” Ricardo smiled and walked pass her. He entered the car which drove off shortly..

Valentina heaved loudly and walked to the car the was assigned for her. She got in and the driver drove off heading to her house..

It took about 10 minutes for the car to reach its destination. Valentina got out and the driver help her carry her things out of the car.

“Thanks a lot” She smiled.

“You’re welcome. See you on Monday miss” The driver said.


“Yes, boss assigned me as your personal driver. I’ll be the one driving you wherever you want to go” The driver replied and entered the car then drove off…

Valentina smiled, Ricardo won’t seize to amaze her. She carried her things and walked in the house..

“Mom? I’m home!!” Valentina exclaimed.

Peggy rushed out of the kitchen with flour all over her. She smiled and rushed to Valentina..

“Tina!!” Peggy hugged her tightly.

“Gosh!, I missed you so much mom!!” Valentina smiled, hugging her back.

“Me too” They broke the hug and smiled at each other.

“What’s that smell in the air? I’m farmished!!” Valentina exclaimed, entering the kitchen.

“So you’ll tell me everything that happened in Paris, hope you have pictures” Peggy said, following behind her.

“And is it me or you’re just glowing, your boss was really taking care of you” Peggy said.

“Mom!”Valentina exclaimed with her mouth stuffed of food…

“Did you see the way Riley looked at you, like she was scared of you.” Charlotte asked, walking to the lunchroom with the rest..

“Yeah, I think she’s calmed down. Maybe she has a change of heart” Iris said, remembering what her and Gavin did to her.

“That’s strange” Kimberly added.

They walked in the lunchroom and went to order their meal. Afterwards, they went to sit once their meals were served.

“I’m farmished!” Iris exclaimed.

“You’re always hungry…foodie!” Kimberly chuckled.

Maxwell suddenly came and sat down in between Kimberly and Charlotte. He held Kimberly by the shoulder and pecked her cheek.

“Eww…get your slimy mouth off my face!” Kimberly pushed him away and wiped her cheek while frowning.

“What? Can’t I greet my best enemy anymore?” Maxwell asked picking a strawberry from Kimberly’s meal.

“Don’t touch my meal too!” Kimberly snapped.

“Stingy baby” Maxwell smirked and looked at the rest.

“Hey cuties” He waved at them

“Hi Maxwell” Charlotte replied. Iris was busy eating her food, not minding them…

“Hey! Was that your sister that I saw on TV with the CEO of Thornton Investment?” Charlotte asked.

Iris swallowed her food and nodded…

“Yeah, she looked so pretty right?” Iris smiled…

“Yeah, rumors have been saying that her and her boss are actually dating. Is that true” Kimberly asked

“I don’t think so, if they were dating Valentina would have tell me” Iris replied.

“Though they look cute together.” Iris smiled…

Gavin walked to them with his food beside Iris, he placed his food and made to sit down but another plate was placed on the table too.

He followed the line where the hand was and his gaze came across with that of Luca. They both stared intensely at themselves for a while…

Iris couldn’t help but notice the tension between them. Gavin slowly sat down, same as Luca such that Iris was in the middle…

“Hey Luca, Gavin” Kimberly smiled at them.

Charlotte didn’t even talk, she just continued with her meal in silence.

“Hi Kim” Luca smiled and began eating his meal.

Gavin hung his hand on Iris shoulder and brought his face closer to her ear.

“Hope you still remember our agreement” Gavin said.

“Which agreement? I didn’t agree anything” Iris frowned and looked at him

“No, but you said I should kidnap you. Kinapping you is easy so I consider it to be a yes” Gavin smirked.

“You’re crazy” Iris shook her head.

Luca just stared at them angrily, God knows how jealous he was right now.

“Eat your food dummie” Iris pushed his head towards his food.

“Iris, I got something for you” Luca brought out a necklace.

Iris immediately looked at Charlotte who looked down hurtfully…

“Oh no Luca, I’m sorry but-”

Luca paid deaf ear and wore it on her then smiled while Gavin glared at him. Iris looked back at Charlotte who gave her a ‘it’s fine, I’m okay’ smile.

Kimberly just stared at them, enjoying the dilemma in front of her.

Iris nodded and brought out her phone to check up on the new social updates.

“Love your new phone” Luca smiled.

“Thanks, I-”

“I bought it for her” Gavin said, eating his meal.

“I didn’t talk to you, learn how to mind you business” Luca said.

“Between you and I, who should mind their business?” Gavin said calmly, referring to their last discussion.

Charlotte couldn’t take seeing Luca acting all jealous. She stood up and rushed out of the cafeteria.

“Charl!!” Iris exclaimed and ran after her, leaving the boys there.



“Charlotte?, Charlotte!” Iris called for Charlotte.

She met her sitting by the stairs. Iris walked to her and sat down next to her…


“It’s okay Iris, I know it’s not your fault. You can’t make Luca to stop loving you…” Charlotte said and wiped off her tears.

That was followed by a moment of silence…

“I’ve had this crush on him for 1 good year!! I was just too afraid and not bold enough to open up…now I lost him” Charlotte sighed and hugged her knees.

Iris just looked at her, all she could do was just hug Charlotte. Charlotte placed her head on her shoulder.

“I don’t know how I’m gonna do it but I’ll try to forget about him though it will be hard” Charlotte said sadly…

“Sorry Charl” Iris said and kissed her forehead.

Kimberly came and sat down next to Charlotte then hugged her too, that made Charlotte smiled.

“Having friends like you is more like a blessing to me. You don’t know how much you changed my life” Charlotte said

“Same here” Iris smiled.

“And here” Kimberly said too.

“Girls, I promised to tell you how I lost my pride. I lost it to my first love, my first crush. I was 15 back then and him 17, he said he loved me. I loved him too with all my heart, so much that I gave myself willingly to him… Never did I know that he was just after my body.

The next day, he broke up with me telling me I was just one of his fantasy and how naive I was… He broadcasted it to the whole school, tainting my dignity in the school. It even got to the ear of my father, he was so mad at me but me being the only family that he had, he forgave me. I had to change school and town then I vowed to myself never to fall in love again till I met him Luca” Charlotte narrated sadly…

“So sorry Charl” Kimberly said, feeling for Charlotte. Getting heartbroken twice is not funny…

Iris chuckled..

“Looks like we have similar story. Well mine was just some months ago, I was I a school were I was bullied and hated by all. To them I was like a plague, no one wanted to speak to me, they viewed me like a dirty cheap thing. If not for my mom and sis, I swear I would have break down to tears.

For them I decided to stay strong, I ignored all their comments and was fighting for a better future for my family till he came up. His name is Xander, same class as Gavin and the boys. He came up and confessed his love to me asking me to date him.

Well I wasn’t into him so I turned him down. Looks like his pride got wounded so he got back at me. One day when I was going back home, he cornered me and rapped me. I went back home, feeling broken didn’t know how to tell my family about it.

Since my mom is suffering from a heart problem, I decided to stay quiet so as not to worry them. I thought that will be the end but no… He rapped me the next day and kept doing that over and over till my guardian angel came to my rescue. My sister saved me from his clutches and reported him to the police force.

That got Xander angry so he went and edited the video were he rapped me and made it look like I was enjoying it then published it on the school blog. Not only was I the black sheep in the school but I was now a subject of mockery. I had no other choice but to change school and that’s how I find myself here” Iris said and sighed sadly…

“Thats so sad” Kimberly said breaking up in tears when she couldn’t hold it back any longer.

It hurts her so much that her two best friends went through this trauma…

Unknown to them that Gavin was actually standing upstairs behind them, listening to their conversation…

Gavin rushed out of the scene. He entered the males restroom and rinsed his face in order to cool down his boiling temperature.

He lifted his face up and stared at his reflection on the mirror. His eyes was already red out of anger.

Without thinking he pun¢hed the mirror really hard, making it shatter into pieces. Wounding him in the process.

His bIood dripped from his hands, down to the floor.

“Xander…pray God that I don’t find you or else, you’ll regret ever messing with my girl” Gavin growled in anger…


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