UNTIL THE END OF TIME: Chapter 11-20

?Until The End Of Time ?

? Chapter 15?

Written by: Tamara Blair

? Mariana’s P.o.v?
People find the taste of food familiar,it depends on the person who cooked it.
People find the smell of a perfume familiar,it depends on who wears the perfume the most.
But i have never seen anyone who said they feel a familiar way when they kss someone.

Kssing Jasper now takes me back to Brandon’s party,the stranger I kssed, Could it be him?

Jasper was completely shocked but he started kssing back,He even pulled me closer,I could hear people take pictures of us.

We finally pulled away from each other, avoiding each other’s gaze,I turned and i saw Brandon,Chase and Alice looked surprised,but i saw Austin walk away so sad, that’s what i wanted.

“See you later” i whispered to Jasper and walked away.

If Jasper was the one i kssed at that party why didn’t he tell me?

Why did it feel different? Why did i enjoy it?
? Jasper’s P.o.v?
“Dude,Was kssing part of your agreement?” Chase asked as we sat down in the boy’s locker room.

“No,i was also surprised”

“But it looked like the kss was more than pretending,You two kssed like lovers..Are you perhaps falling for Mariana?”

“Chase,What kind of question is that,We all know Jasper only sees girls as sxu@l objects” Brandon said and i glared at him.

“Well, Brandon,I’ll have you know that i see Mariana differently”

“Yeah, because she refused to sleep with you,So you are trying to be what you are not so that she can look at you differently” I stood up to punch him but Chase stopped me.

“No fighting, Brandon, What’s your problem? Do you like Mariana or what?”

“I don’t have feelings for her,I just don’t want her to end up like Sandra”

“What happened to Sandra was not my fault and you know it, You idi0tic b@$tard”

“Jasper,Stop….You two are really close friends,so please don’t fight.. Brandon, Mariana doesn’t even notice you so why are you so stressed?”

“Am out of here” I walked away.
Few Hours Later.

? Mariana’s P.o.v?
“Mari,Where are you heading to so late at night?” My mom asked as she saw me putting on my jacket.

“For a night walk and it’s only 9pm,I’ll be fine, I just need to clear my head”

“Why? Is something wrong?”

“It’s nothing,I’ll head out now”

“Be careful amd take your phone with you” She kssed my forehead and I walked out.

So through out today,Jasper completely avoided me,I had to even catch a ride with Chase and Alice, Speaking of Alice, She’s mad at me for kssing her brother.

“You take night walks too?” I turned around to see Jasper walking behind me.

“Yeah,it helps me relax”

“Well,this and sx helps me relax” O scrunched my face in disgust making him chuckle.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked as i looked at the sky.

“Tell you what?”

“That you were the one I kssed at Brandon’s party” He sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

“I just didn’t and you seemed normal the next day”

“I tried to look for the person i kssed but you just disappeared”

“How do you know it was me?”

“Call me cr@zy but i felt something when we kssed, it was different from when i kss Austin”

“You are not cr@zy because i also felt it too”


“Yeah,but why did you kiss me?”

“I saw Austin approaching so i saw it as a good idea to make him angry”

“Did it work?”


“How do you feel about him?”

“That’s the one question i have been avoiding, It’s like my heart and my mind are at war”


“Well,My mind is telling me not to accept him back but my heart is saying otherwise.. It’s stupid”

“It’s not stupid,you are in love”

“And what do you know about love?”

“Believe it or not but i have actually experienced what it feels for someone to make you happy”


“Yeah, Don’t tell anyone but i liked a girl,we were still little but in my heart i knew i would gladly spend my life with her”

“What’s her name?”

“Her name was..Hazel,We would sneak out to meet each other”


“Her parents and my parents hated each other,So they never allowed us to meet but somehow we did”

“So where’s Hazel?”

“I don’t know, Something happened and we got seperated,i don’t know if she’s alive..or dead”

For the first time, i could see pain in his eyes, whoever that Hazel is,he really loved her.

“That’s why you became a player?”

“To get my mind off her”

“Am really sorry,Jasper”

“It’s okay, let’s change the subject..Do you want to keep pretending? We can break up in front of everyone?”

Do i really want to?

“Um..no,i mean not yet,I love the look on Nicole’s face when she sees us together” We shared a laugh.

“I have to go,My mom will be waiting” i added.

“Okay,See you tomorrow” We smiled at each other.

“See you tomorrow” I turned to walk away but he held my wrist and spun me around making me fall into his arms,then he wrapped his arms around me.

I hugged him back and we stayed like that for a few minutes before pulling away.


“Mari?” I turned to look at him.


“Remember when you asked me about the rose tattoo and i said i had no reason for putting it..Well,i lied,Hazel loved roses and i would get them for her whenever we met”

“Wherever she sees,i hope she knows how much you care about her”

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