
BEAUTIFUL IFEOMA: Episode 11-The End


Written by Rejoice Jeremiah. C?

The Talisman ?

(Next Day)


I was in a hurry. In a hurry to go to the Prince and see if he was okay.

Of course it wasn’t time for me to go but I couldn’t bear the fright that had overtook me after the dream I had last night.
Even though Uju tried to calm me down, it really didn’t work.
I was scared that something might happen to the Prince.

“Ify,” Uju called, walked to me and handed me the bracelet. “Ify, I don’t think this would work this morning. Just give me a little more time,” she said.

I exhaled.

“It’s okay… I will wait until your nervousness calms but you know we can’t waste time on this,” I told her.
“I know” she said.

Thirty minutes later, I was in the Prince’s room but he wasn’t in.

‘Wait! This room is messed up again!’
I glared at the door in anger.

“He dirtied everywhere again! That fowl…”
I sneered, grabbed the pillows and threw it on the floor.

Again today, there was a note on the table.

?Clean thoroughly. Now look over your front, seen those shoes, polish them like a pro….?

I saw the shoes, there were five different shoes.

‘”What is this?! Wait, Should I just quit?”

“This is driving me nuts!”

(Hours later)

I was done punishing the shoes and was taking them back to him then I met Princess Ola on the way.

I curtsied. “My Princess”

“Hello Ifeoma. What’s that in the carton box?” she asked.

“It’s Prince Eric’s. He requested for his shoes do be polished,” I said.

“By you?” she asked.

“Yes my princess,” I answered.

“Ahh that wounded animal,” she said.

I widened my eyes and she chuckled.

She smiled. ” Go on then”

I bowed. “Yes my princess”

We walked pass each other and I walked a little while then stopped and turned to take a glance at her but she also had stopped and turned to look at me so our eyes caught.

I felt something alarming about the way she looked at me.

I bowed, turned and walked away without looking back.

‘Why did she stop to glance at me? Why did she glance at me in that manner with a lopsided smile?’

I got to the Prince door and knocked, I waited for long seconds before opening the door.
This time he was in, going through his bookshelf.
Since he wasn’t looking at me.

‘He look alright’

“Good morning my prince, I’m here to drop your shoes,” I said.

“Drop them at their right place,” he said without turning to me.

“Okay My Prince,” I answered, rolled my eyes and walked to his shoes closet where I dropped the shoes.

“Then I will leave now my prince,” I said and turned to leave but…

“An eye rolling at your Prince isn’t that too much and deserve a punishment?” he said halting me.

‘What…oh my. How did he knew that I rolled my eyes at him’

I turned and it was that time I remembers that the shelf has a mirror. He must have seen me from there. Ohm!

“What should your punishment be?” he asked then looked at me. “Tell me Personal maid.”

I sighed. ‘I think I’m in trouble, right? I just have to apologize.’

“I’m so sorry my Prince. It won’t repeat again. Please pardon me,” I pleaded.

“But I want to punish you,” he said.

I inhaled.
‘Fine do that!’

“Okay” I said.

He chuckled. “You said ‘okay? You really want my punishment?”

“I will accept whatever punishment you give me my prince,” I said.

He chuckled. “Good. Go, I will call you when I’ve gotten a good punishment for you.”

I scoffed within.

“Okay my prince,” I said, turned and left, jamming the door hard.

?Prince Eric?

She left and jammed the door.

I smiled.

“Uhmmn what punishment do I give her? I will think about that..”

(Next Day)


It was morning and as usual, I was in the Prince room to clean.

Well I was still expecting the punishment which he haven’t given me yet, since yesterday.

He wasn’t in anyway.

As I went on cleaning and he wasn’t coming, I got a bit anxious, anxious to see him.

But I got done and he didn’t. He didn’t leave a note either.

I walked out and was heading downstairs when I met Princess Ola.
My heart skipped a bit.

“Good morning my Princess,” I greeted.
“Ifeoma…. Take this to the maidens, let each take one Sheet,” she said and handed me a brown file with sheets of papers inside.
“Oh okay my princess,” I said and she walked away.

‘Geez I’ve not visited the maidens floor. I wonder how it looks’

I headed there with the file.
I got there and knocked on the first door.

The door took forever to open and Adaora showed up at the door.

“You, I know you.. You are Ifeoma right?” she asked.
“Yes I am.” I answered.
“Oh..what is that in your hand?” she asked.
“It’s from the Princess, have one” I said, took out a sheet and handed it to her.

It was a drawing.

“What is this?” she asked as she stared at the paper.

I left her door and went to the next…
I distributed the sheets and got to the seventh door.

Zara’s. Obinna’s sister.


“My brother told me that he bought you something in return for you to help me get closer to the Prince,” she said.

‘He told her?’

“What did he say he bought for me?” I asked her.
“That is none of my business.. You better start doing your job” she said and snatched the paper from me.

I sighed.

The last door was Rose’s.
If the Prince should ask me who to pick for his bride, I would gladly say Rose.

“Hello Ifeoma,” she called.
“Hi Rose.. Here’s something from the princess” I said and handed her the paper.

“Oh thanks” She said and collected the paper and adjusted to read it.

I saw a glimpse of her room through the door and it was then I felt something strange about her room.
Not just something strange but a black charm.
The scent and feel all had to do with a black magic.

“Why are you staring that way?” she asked.
I took my eyes off.
“Actually, I’m seeing your room, it caught my eyes cos it’s pretty,” I lied.

She smiled. “Oh thanks.”

“Then I will go now.” I said.

I glanced at the room again before leaving.

‘Something is definitely in that room. Rose? Can Rose keep such a thing?


“Are you okay Ifeoma, have been calling you.. Where your mind dey?” Uju asked me.

After leaving the maidens floor, I went straight to the maids quarter, laid down and got lost in thought.

About Rose’s room.

“Hey Uju..”I answered and sat up.
She sat beside me. “You look lost in thought. Are you alright? Is it about the thing?”

“No, it’s not that one… I think there’s another trouble in the palace,” I said.

“Trouble? What’s the trouble this time?” she asked.

“Rose, I think she’s using Talisman,” I said.

“Wait a second,” Uju said, stood up and went to the window to check if anyone was close by. She returned and sat back down.

“Rose, you mean Madam Helen’s daughter using Talisman? Do you even know what you are talking about?” Uju asked.

“See Uju… I told you my deepest secret two days ago. How are you still doubting me after that?” I asked her.

“You know Ifeoma.. U will sharply believe if you mentioned someone else but Rose? You sef told me that you like Rose and wish her well,” Uju said.

“But she’s trying to get the Prince by using dark magic and she has to be stopped,” I said.

She raised her brow, “so what? You want to go there and get the talisman out? Or how do you intend doing that?”

“I’m still thinking about it” I said.

“Listen to me Ifeoma. You still have the bracelet own to do which haven’t been done yet.. Let’s do that one first then we look into Rose own.” she said.

I breathed out in thought.

Then I remembered the paper earlier.
The drawing.

“The maidens have a competition in the evening. They are to find the meaning of a drawing then explain it to the Prince in the evening. That would take a lot of time, enough time for me to get that talisman out of her room,” I said.

“Ifeoma this is taking a deadly risk. You can’t do that,” Uju said.

“I can’t overlook it. If the Prince falls for any of the maidens then it should be natural and the thing of the heart not the work of a charm. I will do it,” I said.

“Ifeoma. Think twice about this,” Uju said.

“About the bracelet too. You shouldn’t worry about it anymore, I will do it myself too,” I said.

“No Ifeoma. U should be the one to do that and I will, tonight,” she said.

I looked at her.

“Yes I’m serious,” she said.


?Prince Eric?

The last maiden to submit her answer was Rose.

My heart enlightened as she sat up to give her answer.
She looked so beautiful.

“My Prince…My answer is the same just like the others. It is a city of gold but the people are suffering from hunger and poverty because their gold are not to be sold. They wear golds but starve.”

I smiled.
She’s the only one I smiled to even though all of them got the correct answer.

“Well, you all got the right answers.. but there’s another question.” I said.



With careful steps, I entered the Maidens floor, went through the corridor and got to Rose door,

I grabbed the doorknob, turned and the door opened.
I went in and closed the door.

The feel of a talisman charm in the room was really strong.

I began searching about the room.
I searched for few minutes but I wasn’t finding it.

‘She must have hidden it at a very tight place..and if I keep searching, I might end of getting caught here…what do I do. Where do I see this?’

I searched for another few minute and when I didn’t find it, I had no other choice than to use my power.

‘I know my father would get the feeling.
I will explain to him..
I have to do it’

I mustered up my power and in a second, my eyes turned green and I saw the charm.

Behind the Mirror.


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