BEAUTIFUL IFEOMA: Episode 11-The End

Written by Rejoice Jeremiah. C?
Swapping The Bracelet?
(Next Day)
I walked back to the room which I share with Uju alone and took the Charm card out.
A red card with few drawings on it.
I went to the toilet, tore the card into shreds, disposed them into the Water system and flushed them away.
“If you want to get the Prince heart, do it in the right way,” I said closed back the WS and walked out of the toilet.
Immediately I entered my room, I jumped up with excitement and jumped on my bed.
“The Prince is mine, only mine,” I said. “Tue way he looked at me, his smiled only at me.. He look at me with so much desire in his eyes. I guess it’s time for me to do what mom told me, but how do I get into his room? I just have to get a good plan… Haha. It’s all thanks to the charm… I’m so grateful .”
I got off the bed and with a smile I walked to my mirror, and put my hand behind it to get out the charm card but I felt nothing.
I searched about with my hand but there was no card.
“What is this?”
I took off the mirror and gasped with shocked wide eyes.
“Where the h.ell is it!?”
“Where is it”
I began scattering everywhere the dressing table in search of it.
It was night and the time to go to the upper floor and tidy the rooms for the night.
Uju was ready to swap the bracelet and had dropped it into her pocket but I could feel a bit fright in her eyes.
“Uju are you sure you want to do this? You can just give it to me if yo-”
She cut me short. “I will. Don’t worry about me.”
I exhaled.
“Then I give you my trust Uju… I with forever be grateful to you for this night,” I said.
She smiled. “I told you to buy me a plate of chicken if I succeed,” she said.
“Of course you will and I will do just that, I promise,” I said.
“Then…I will go first,” she said.
She turned and was about to go out when I called her and she turned.
“Yes?” she answered.
“Be careful,” I said.
“I will.” she smiled and left.
I breathed out.
I got to the upper floor and was about to turn into the corridor but bumped into someone.
Mr Charles, The Prince’s friend.
“I’m sorry sir,” I apologised.
“No, you don’t have to,” he said.
‘Wow..he’s so cool’
“Are you alright?” he asked.
I nodded. “Yes I am.”
“Then, please go on,” he said.
“Oh okay,” I said and walled away but I did glance back.
‘He’s so cool and handsome too’
I smiled.
Then I remembered.
‘The bracelet.
I touched my pocket, felt it there and exhaled.
In a second I was standing in front of Princess Ola’s door.
I knocked, opened the door and went in.
As usual, it was the time she takes night bathe.
She was was her her bathing suit.
“Hello my princess,” I greeted with a curtsy.
“Uju arrange the papers in the table when you are done with the bed,” she said.
“Okay my Princess,” I answered.
She went into the bathroom.
I looked at the table and saw the bracelet there at the spot she always drop it with other jewelries.
‘I’ll just do this now’
I walked to the table and without wasting any time, I took out the one in my pocket, dropped it, took the Princess own and was about dropping it into my pocket when the voice and question that took life out of me suddenly came from behind me.
“What are you trying to do huh?”
It was the Princess.
My hands and my lips began shaking.
“Mom, I have bad news,” I said into the phone.
I was sweating furiously from having searched for the damn card for hours.
“What bad news this girl?” Mon asked.
I sighed.
“The card is gone. I can’t find it!” I said.
“What card Rose?”
“The Talisman card mom.. I’ve searched everywhere in this room but it’s nowhere to be found,” I said.
“What! What nonsense are you talking about? You better keep searching and make sure you find it you this stupid girl,” mom barked.
“Mom this isn’t my fault. It was in my room then I went to the meeting with the Prince, we spent only two hours there and when I returned, it was gone,” I said.
“Then are you trying to tell me that a spirit appeared inside your room and took it?” she asked.
“Maybe o, maybe.. What if the juju woman appeared and took her card back. It’s the only thing I could think of or maybe sef the card disappeared by itself,” I said.
“Shut that rubbish mouth of yours Rose. You have no idea how much I spent just to get that card and you are telling me story on it? Let me call you back and you tell me you’ve not seen it..” she said and before I could talk, the call dropped.
I threw the phone on the bed and scattered my hair in frustration.
“What is this now! What is this!!!”
‘If it wasn’t the Charm woman then who could it be? Who? I don’t even allow the palace maids into my room then who knew there was something like a talisman behind my mirror?’
But the truth is that my mind wasn’t going on my to the charm woman but also to someone else.
‘In the morning, she had come to drop the drawing but kept looking into my room like there was a masquerade dancing inside.
What if this has to do with her?’
But I couldn’t just believe that.
How would she get into my room and knew where I dropped a charm.. How did she even know there is such in my room.
‘This is not possible. I’m sure it has to do with the juju woman… If mom calls back I’m going to tell her to contact the woman’
My phone began vibrating.
My mom was calling
I picked the call.
“Hello mom.. I’ve thought so deep and I don’t think anyone in this palace could do such. I’m dead sure it has to do with the charm woman… Just contact her,” I said.
“Shut up! I have contacted her and she said she did no such… She said the disappearing of the card has to be within the palace. So think!” Mom said.
‘Within the palace?
“I’m sure one of those useless maidens secretly caught you with it. You have to get that card back or you are in a real trouble Rose,” mom said.
“I’m telling you the truth mom, no one caught me with it! None of them..” I said.
“So there’s no suspect in your mind right now?”
“Actually there is but I can’t just believe she can do such. How would she at the first place sef. Only someone with supernatural powers would know there’s something in my room,” I said.
“Who’s she?” Mom asked.
“She’s a palace maid, actually the personal maid to the Prince,” I said.
“Personal maid to the Prince?”
“Yes mom.”
“That isn’t what I told you to get for me,” The wounded animal said.
I looked at the book in my hand like it shouldn’t be in my hand.
“Are you having short memory?” he asked.
I raised my brows at him. “What?”
“You ask me what?”
“I know the book you told me to get for you, I just made a little mistake,” I said and went back to the book shelf.
Actually my mind wasn’t calmed.
It has been on Uju and the bracelet.
‘I hope she succeeds. I hope so’
“What’re you standing there doing?” he asked.
“I’m looking for it…My prince,” I said and wanted to roll my eyes when I saw the mirror on the bookshelf.
‘But he haven’t given the punishment yet. I wonder what’s keeping him from doing so’
I found the book and took it to him.
“Here it is,” I said.
“Open and read which ever page you opened,” he said.
I inhaled.
“Why should I open the book…Mere looking at the cover, it’s not the type of book that I read oh,.. My Prince,” I said.
“Are you going to open it or not?” he asked.
‘Do I just act a drama? I think that would work’
“Okay My Prince” I said and opened the book to page 19.
I squeezed my face instantly.
‘Tiny writing, old English, colored sheet… Arghhh so annoying’
“Go on” he said.
“Oh thou prettiest of woman…” I began.
‘Why did he has to begin with that?’
“Continue,” he said.
“Okay…. How lovely is the sight of thy hair, dancing to the sunrise breeze.
Thy eyes cou…..”
I paused, grabbed my stomach and groaned.
He looked at me.
I groaned again.
“What is it?” he asked.
“My stomach.. I have to visit the toilet. It’s really going to come out if I waste another second,” I said.
“What…then leave, go” he said.
“Yes my prince,” I said, dropped the book and rushed out.
Once I got out, I stood straight and made a smirk smile at his door.
‘You think say you wise abi. Crown Prince my foot’
I covered my mouth.
‘I better not anger the gods o…’
I got to the Princess Door and breathed out.
‘I know you did it Uju’
Just then, the door opened and Uju walked out.
“Uju…” I called with a smile but my smile faded when I noticed how she was walking like she was going to fall at anytime. She was staggering back and forth.
“Uju, what’s wrong?” I asked as I rushed to her and grabbed her arms.
Her eyes were shutting.
She looked pale like she’s been sick for days.
“Uju….what is wrong?” I asked,shaking her.
She dropped on my shoulder.
“Prin…Prin…cess” she mumbled in a every weak voice.
“What did she do?” I asked.
“The bracelet..The brace….” She stopped.
“Uju talk to me,” I urged her but she said nothing again and she stopped moving too.
She just stayed still on my shoulder.
“Uju” I said and made her back drop on my arm so I could see her face.
Her eyes were closed and she was still.
“Uju! Open your eyes.. Uju.. Ujunwa!” I called, shaking her but there was no response from her.
I dropped on the floor with her still in my arms. “Uju biko
Open your eyes, I beg of you, open your eyes Uju!!” I shouted with tears roing down my eyes.
“Because of you, she can’t open those eyes again…you are to blame for her death,” I heard the Princess say in front of me.
I raised my face and saw her leaning on her door with a lopsided smile.
“Her death?” I asked.
“Then what? Do you think she’s sleeping? Anyway you can raise her from her death, I heard that you have nice powers,” she said not unveiling her evil smile.
I shook my head and faced Uju again with tears pouring down my eyes.
“Uju open your eyes please, Uju…” I begged and when my begging wasn’t being accepted, I proceeded to using my powers.
But that too, didn’t work.
For the first time, my powers didn’t work.
I tried it again, and again and again but it didn’t work…
I bursted into a loud cry.
“Somebody help!!”
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