


By Melody




May was dressed in a sea blue mini gown and her hair was left down.

She walked in to the Emperor’s office. She’s holding some files and papers.

” Good morning, boss.” Her smile was followed by a pink blush on her face.

Seeing him again made her think of friday when she fell asleep on his shoulder at the park.

His face was heavenly gorgeous today and she couldn’t stop staring at him.

” Morning, May. How are you doing today?” His deep voice menaced smoothly.

He had a fine way of speaking his English even tho he didn’t sound fluent.

” An very fine, Sir.” She said but his face got doubtful. He rested his palm on her forehead to check her temperature.

” I hope the cold is gone entirely.” He asked.

” Very well sir” She said and his beautiful smile went loose.

” You can just address me as Emperor.” he said and she gasped, bending her brows.

” But sir, You are my boss.” She said.

” I know that. But i don’t like how the name ‘sir’ flows out of your lips. I want to see our my names sound on your lips” he said.

” Ok..Emperor.” she gulped, blushing hard. She couldn’t believe how she mentioned that name with so much affection.

” Oh geez. That was light and smooth.” He smiled and finally sat down.

The attendance walked in with a tray of Emperor’s breakfast and it was served at his table.

May sighed and dropped the papers on his table. Her belly rumbled because she didn’t take any meal in the morning before coming.

” You ate breakfast today?” He asked, staring at her eyes as if to intoxicate ger to say No.

” i didn’t. I was in a rush to get a cab and come to work early. B..but don’t worry me, I’m fine.” She nodded and turned around to leave.

” No..wait” He stopped her wrist. ” You won’t be agile at work with an empty stomach. I want you to try out some meals” he said.

” But…”

” Don’t worry. You can eat with your boss. Sounds awkward right?” He asked and May giggled.

He gave her a fruit and she crushed on it, finding a space next to him.

” Do the fruit taste nice?” He asked and she nodded, still smiling.

Picked For You:  SPEECHLESSNESS : Episode 11 - 20

She nervously picked up her fork to start eating and it fell.

” You clumsy?” He asked, picking the fork frok the floor.

” I feel nervous Somehow, but Thanks.” She said and continued eating.

” Tell me, did you husband apologised for keeping you in the rain?” He asked.

” H..He….did. Yeah, he did.” She said smiling trying to cover up.

” I told you he didn’t do it purposely. Men would always go back to apologise for a mistake.” He said and she forced a smile at him.

She tried to pick a cabbage with the fork but it kept slipping off the wrong edge.

” Have this.” He stretched out some with his fork for her. She ate, blushing hard again.

” i hope you are regaining some strength?” He asked.

” Very well s…Emperor.” She said and he nodded in satisfaction.

His meeting bell rang and he began to eat hurriedly. She stared at him so intensely that she forgot to eat.

She really loved this man. And as this days went by, she was loving him even more.

What was happening to her!.



Liam walked out of his office pocketing his hands as he made a call. Mitchell was hiding at a corner, praying that he doesn’t lock up his office.

Mitchell watched him leave and then she happily sneaked into his office.

” Password. Password. Where’s the password.” She sang as she hastily searched the whole place.

She went to his table and sat down, opening up his computer and then, she started moving her fingers on it like an expert.

She searched at every nook of his website and every of a private status.

She couldn’t find anything.

” Ugh!!” She turned depressed.

She walked up to his cabinet and brought out the files scattering the whole place.

She began to sweat with nervousness and her hair patched to her wet skin.

Soon, a slow and gentle footsteps walked in.

” What are you doing here?” Liam asked,

Mitchell stood upright, widening her eyes like a round ball.

He stared at her sweaty skin and he wondered for how many minute he just left to go make a call just to come back seeing her like this.

” I asked you a question.” He said.

” I…i was searching for your wife’s diary.”

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