



By Melody

Chaptet 34


Mitchell found out that Iiam had left his home along with May.

She walked towards May’s room and went towards her closet. She wanted to use this opportunity to get what she needed.

She picked up May’s lip gloss and applied it to her lips.

” It taste lemon.” She said to herself. She packed three more lip gloss and some other piece of make up set.

” Why would she have everything and I have none. So unfortunate” Mitchell spat as she chucked them into her jacket pocket.

She stood up in a haste, walking swiftly like a female criminal.

She went towards May’s wardrobe and picked out some dresses she saw and adored.

” Gosh. Some people live in heaven. Look at this dress.” She said feeling excited, as she rested it on her chest.

She never knew May had such pretty dresses and she kept wearing unfashionable cloth all the time.

She folded the dresses she took and searched around the room for a good place to hide it for the mean time.

She took up the pillow and buried it there before running to her cabinet.

She found a large old box laying there helplessly. It was dusty and Mitchell wanted to find out what was inside.

Perhaps, more hidden treasure.

She sat on the bed and took out the cap of the box only to find pictures.

She found pictures of Liam and may when they still dated as college student. Liam was mainly slender and he had less muscles.

He was looking like a thin slice of bread’ Mitchell thought.

She arrived at a pic of two young babies in white dress and flower petals on their head.

She wondered where May got this picture from cus she remembered owning something like this as well.

She didn’t deliberate more on it before stacking the pictures into the pillow.

She finally left to her shoe rack.

She picked enough shoes she would need and then she packed them all into her luggage.

” I’ll be going back to my home. I can’t bare sit here all day” She said and stood up on her feet before she tiptoed out of the room.

As she walked down to her room, Ms lily arrived finally home in the same scene.

She paused in the air the moment she saw her. She cursed herself inwardly.

” Ms lily. Good morning!” She greeted with a Large gloomy smile.

” I’m suprised you greeted me today.” Ms lily smirked walking into the house. She sighted the bag Mitchell was carrying.

” Where are you going to?”

” Home.” Mitchell quickly said.

” Your luggage wasn’t as big as this. what did you put inside?” Ms lily interrogated, walking forward.

” I…it’s cloth. Just cloth and… Oh Ms lily before I forget, your face looks bright today.” She tried to divert the topic.

” Oh. Thank you.” Ms lily said and tried to pick up her bag. Mitchell would drag it from her

” I said my clothes are in there. Why do you wanna open them?!” Mitchell felt impatient.

” Why would you bring a light bag to this house and go with it miraclelously turning heavy!” Ms lily yelled.

” It’s my cloth. It doesn’t affect you if it’s heavy.” Mitchell said stubbornly. Her head began to breed with sweat at this point.

” Bring that bag!” Ms lily yelled.

” Leave my stuffs alone!” Mitchell yelled back at her.

Mitchell tried to run but she slipped and fell and the zip of the bag opened up slightly.

Ms lily walked up to the opened bag and found her clothes.

” I told you it was just my clothes.” Mitchell complained, taking her bags from her.

” Wait..” Ms lily stopped her and removed all her clothes from the surface of the bag.

She found lots and lots of May’s possession beneath it.

” Oh ..I knew it..” Ms lily laughed. ” You think you could outsmart me huh?!”

Mitchell folded her hands with annoyance written on her face.

” Brat!. Thief!. You won’t get away with this!!” Ms lily yelled and Mitchell stumped her feet.

” You aren’t going anywhere until Liam’s is back home and I’d show him all this things you took.” Ms lily hissed and walked away taking the bags.

Mitchell fell back on the sofa and rested her cheeks on the palm, feeling like she should sob soon.




May positioned Liam’s head properly and then she ran back to the field, holding up a camera stand.

” Okay…Smile..” She told him and Liam obliged, smirking sxily to a side of his lip.

She took series of pictures and ran back to him. She adjusted his head again and Liam stopped her wrist before she could run back.

” Why are we doing this again?” He asked with a wry face.

” I thought you said you wanted to redo all the activities we had together in the past.” She said and Liam sighed, letting go of her hand.

” Fine. Let’s spend the whole day taking pictures.” He muttered folding his hands.

She ran to set the timer before running back to sit next to him. After adjusting her hair, she turned to him, grabbing his cheek forcefully.

” Kss me.” She whispered and Liam was forced to close his eyes and kss her, and then the picture was taken in that cute order.

” Awn!. I look so adorable with you kssing me.” May said and showed him the pics they took.

” The picture looks nice. But I’ll never take ever pictures again” He said.

” Why?” May giggled, holding his palm and swinging it forth and back.

Picked For You:  THE BAD BOY AND I : CHAPTER 41 - 50

” I can’t believe you turned my neck almost 360° “He said and May laughed again. She stopped and stood in front of him.

” Can I ask my second request for the day?” She asked, blinking at him cutely.

He sighed. Her face alone could make him accept.

” Sure.”

” I want to give you a piggyback ride.” She said and Liam’s jaw dropped as he stared down at her.

” You or me?. Who’s giving the ride?”

” Me.” She palmed her chest and Liam looked at her In a concerned way.

” Do you want to break you spine. Do you know how much I weigh?.”

” I just want to experience giving a piggyback ride to my Husband.” She said sadly.

Liam laughed, palming his eyes.

” This is the most stupid request I have ever…”

” Hop on.” She told him. Liam left his eyes and was shocked to see her squatting in front of him.

He saw how little and fragile she was, and she wanted to carry a tall mighty devil.

” Hop on!” She yelled again. He rested on her back gently and May lifted him up with so much effort.

” Wait…wait…” Liam climbed down.

” I’m scared. I can’t do this, I swear.” He said chuckling and May sighed, looking away.

” Okay. Okay. You’ll carry me, but towards the car, okay?” She asked.

” That’s easy. I can even carry you way back to the mansion” He said and she hurriedly climbed his bag.

He lifted her up and began to walk down the grass towards the parked car.

She came down and hugged him tight.

” Thank you so much, Liam. You have fulfilled two of my requests. Eighteen more to go” She said and Liam almost choked.

” Eighteen what?”

” Eighteen Request” She smiled and pulled his hands. ” Let’s go home, the clouds are getting orange hue.” She said and Liam stopped her.

” Remember. You also have two to give me tonight. Two rounds on bed and you would eat me as well.” He said and May fearfully blinked at him.

She had almost forgot and now that he reminded her, she wanted to stay in the park and not leave here again.

They entered the car and the driver started to move.

The car began to travel and they hadn’t gone very far when a car crashed through their glass window making the Limo twirl to the side of the road.

It suddenly happened just like a twinkle of light.

Liam was hugging on to May in the car even tho the car had ran into his own direction.

” Liam.” She whispered as she stayed clamly beneath his arm surrounding her.

” Liam?” She looked up and met his eyes close into a thin line, but he was still breathing.

She sat up and was shocked to her ribs to what she saw. His entire back and arm were filled with bIood, it was soaking his shirt like sweat.

” Oh My God!. Liam!.” She shaked his shoulder.

” Is everyone alright down there.” The driver asked.

” Driver!. He isn’t alright. Please come help!” She shouted and sobbed inbetween.

He wasn’t moving and his breath was weak. May had knew something bad would happen and yes, it happened.

Her instict were true.

The driver came down, picking Liam’s weak body into a nearby cab. May followed him and they rushed towards the hospital.




Inside Liam’s ward,

May, Mitchell, Ms lily and Emperor were all sitting around Liam’s hospital bed while Ray and the driver stood afar watching poor Liam as they ran test on him.

May cried bitterly as she rested her head on Emperor’s shoulder.

” If he dies, just kll me. I can’t..I can’t survive without him. Just $tab me!” She yelled soaking her beautiful cheeks with tears.

” It’s okay, May. Since he’s still breathing, He’s going to be alright.” Emperor said and May kept a positive mind.

Mitchell stood up on her feet and took up Ray’s hand taking him outside the ward.

” You guys are behind this accident right?” Mitchell asked, surging her eyes at him.

” Who were you expecting?” Ray asked, crossing his arm. Mitchell gashed her teeth.

” For God sake this is really wrong. you shouldn’t hurt him to that extent. What if he wakes and loose his memory again or perhaps turn dumb.” She said.

” It’s left for the doctor to tell.” He said

” I am so so disappointed in you ray. I can’t believe you are doing all this all in the name of love and revenge.” She said.

” It was Emperor’s idea.” Ray said, talking in a relaxed way.

Mitchell glared at him, walking back into the ward. She met May standing next to the doc

” Is My husband going to be alright?” May asked and the doctor sighed heavily.

” Probably.” He said and May pouted her lips as she palmed her face and sobbed harder.

Emperor stood up and took her out of the hospital and Ray left with Mitchell.

it was left Ms lily and the doctor. She sat next to Liam on the bed and held his arm protectively.

Liam suddenly snapped his eyes open.

” Doctor. Are they gone?” He asked and the doctor nodded.

Ms lily almost fringed out from bed. Wasn’t he the almost ¢orpse?.

Liam sprang up from bed wearing back his bIoody shirt.

” Don’t be surprised.” He told Ms lily who was still reviving from the shock.

” I’m going to pay him a silent revenge and that will be the end.” He said to Ms lily, giving her a smirk.


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