



BY Melody


May’s head was still down in the overflowing water. She couldn’t open her eyes, she was extremely uncomfortable.

She wanted to breath, somehow, but she ended up sucking in water. She gasped loudly and struggled harder.

She kept struggling to pull out her hair but his hands was on her neck and he would pull her back into the water.

She bawled her lips, suffocating in and out, in need of fresh air.

She was weak, what could she do?. He was always stronger than her, Everyone was.

She didn’t know why she would always have to act like an ant, even during a scene like this!.

He grabbed up her neck with his fist and her head was up, her wet hair taking the better of her.

He stared at her blurry eyes. May couldn’t open it because it was quite slurry.

” How do you feel, huh?. Do you feel better being treated this way!” Ray yelled and May finally breathed, snapping her eyes on.

” No, Please. I beg you with every single life in me. Please don’t kll me!. Please!.” She said, breathing heavily.

Ray smirked and pulled her forward, so close that they could breath same air.

” Oh. I shouldn’t kll you, but your husband is bent on klling others, huh?” He asked and she closed her eyes, sobbing hard.

” Please just let me go. . Liam will never hurt you again. I promise .” She was saying, inbetween tears.

He cleaned up the water from her eye lids and smirked again.

” Like I said, I won’t let you go until Liam comes here himself and save you!” He blurted and placed her head back inside the water.

May felt wholesome in her head again. Her ears could hear nothing but water movement.

She brought bubbles out of her lips and clutched the table hardly, trying to pull out.

” Tell me, Why can’t your husband come save you now. You see, he’s too busy klling others. Ha!. He would be much surprised if he doesn’t come save you now.” He said and grinned his lips.

May slumped her face beneath the bowl. she was tired of struggling cus everytime she does, he ends up making it more unbearable by sticking her head in.

She opened her tired eyes and released her tight muscles, paving way for the water to overtake her.

Yes, she drank it all.



Mitchell was htting the door hardly with all the muscles in her.

” Argg!” She yelled, slamming the door and sliding down the wall to the ground. She heaved heavily and thought of what next to do.

Her skin was covered with sweat and she was suffocating from it, especially when she was curious to know what Ray was doing with May.

She couldn’t let anything to happen to May. She was scared of adding salt to Liam’s wound.

She took off her heels and stood up, pretending to be ‘born ready’.

” It’s either you go down or I strangle myself!” She began soliciting with herself.

She folded up her shirt and held up her shoes like a gadget before htting it hardly on the door knob countless times.

When it finally broke, she gave one big victory smile, a deviIish one. She threw her heels aside.

The knop broke and twirled downward. She instantly got out of the room, bursting out in the livingroom.

” May!. May, where are you!” She screamed, going every which way.

She couldn’t find Ray or May any longer. It felt as if she was the only creature in the house.

” May!” She yelled and ran into the kitchen to go detect there as well. Ray quickly left hold of May and the little pet dropped to the floor.

Mitchell gasped, covering her lips.

” May!” She rushed to kneel next to her. She brought up her head and saw that her lips was slightly purple.

” May!. Ray, What did you do to her?. Why is she wet!” Mitchell yelled at his face.

Ray looked over to the bowl of water in the sink and Mitchell followed his gaze. She almost choked when she realised it.

” You drowned her to de.ath!. You’ve klled her!. What have you done!” Mitchell screamed.

Ray moved back, being surprised by his own doings. He didn’t realise what had entered him until the moment May slumped.

He had let Anger take over him and now, it had took the better of him.

Picked For You:  PAST MISTAKES : Episode 21 - The End

He hate to think of what Liam would do to him he finds out. He was surely roasted.

” What I’ve I done. Ray, What you have done” Ray scrutinised, palming his face in disbelief.

He saw that Mitchell was still struggling with to get May back on her feet. He immediately ran on his kneels and picked May up.

He made her twirl on the floor and rest on her stomach and then, he began to massage her back gently.

Mitchell sIapped him hardly.

” What are the heck you doing!” Mitchell yelled and Ray palmed his face, his eyes were like that of a scrambled egg.

” I’m.. I’m trying to make her get out all the water..” Ray said, getting more confused himself.

” She’s in need of oxygen. Can’t you see!” Mitchell yelled and her brain began to inwardly panic.

They both looked confused and utterly shocked to see someone dying in their hands at that moment.

” Okay fine. fine. I’ll take her to the hospital” Ray said, picking her up.

” Let her be, I’ll do it myself!. You are so evil, Get your ugly face away from here!” Mitchell yelled and picked May up, struggling to lift her.

May was quite heavy, almost twice of Mitchell’s weight.

Ray took her from Mitchell.

” I’ll take her to the hospital myself, that will be more faster.” He said and ran out of the house with Mitchell following him behind.



Liam was driving in Emperor’s car.

The car was simply silent and Emperor was in the other seat but he didn’t dare stare at Liam.

He was tied in his arms and feet, badly bruised on his face. A good percentage of his body was soaked with bIood, just like Liam.

His long hair was tied in a knot and some was scattering around his gorgeous oval face.

” What kind of punishment do I still need to give you.” Liam said, driving in a relaxed way.

Emperor still didn’t stare at him. His thin eyes was focused on the road and his breath was soft.

” I wish to set you on fire or perhaps drop you in a somewhat forest and tie you up there.” Liam said.

Emperor gulped down his Adam apple and sniffed in dry air.

” Do as you please, brother.” He said and Liam stared at him, grinning hard.

” What’s your reason for being so foolish and loosed around my wife?” He asked and Emperor finally faced him.

The two brother’s eyes met.

” What do you think makes me want her?” Emperor asked in careful whisper.

” I think so, Because you are almost entering your thirties and you are not yet married.” Liam mimicked and Emperor grinned a soft chuckle.

” Far from it.” He said.

” So Tell me the reason or I’ll punish you once more. It seems crushing your face wasn’t enough.” Liam darkened his gaze.

” I wanted your wife, only when I can get rid of you, so that I can get everything else that you own. But I’ve gotten over that plan.” He said and Liam scoffed.

” Bad planning brother. Bad plan. Next time, sketch out me coming back to slice your throat.” Liam said and Emperor looked away from his face.

Liam ran his fingers into hair and twirled his car towards Mitchell’s apartments direction.

Emperor noticed his change in direction and he looked at him again.

” I thought you wanted to set me on fire?” He asked and Liam glared at him.

” That will be later. I need to see my lovely wife.” He bit his lower lip at the end of the sound.

He kept driving and then he saw Ray walking along with May in his hands and Mitchell was behind them.

He instantly stopped his car and creased his brows with worry.

Mitchell opened the door and they all got in, all in a rush.

” To the hospital!. Fast!” Mitchell yelled. Liam turned to face them at the passengers seat.

” What happened!. Why is May on Ray’s arm?!” Liam yelled and Emperor instantly turned to see the view as well.

His eyes surged out seeing that her lips had changed its normal state.

” She drowned. She’s dying!. We don’t have much time!” Ray yelled and with that Liam madly drove to the hospital.


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