




David’s heart has been full of joy lately, coupled with a thankful attitude to God for being merciful and answering his prayers.

It happened that his prayer for a helper he’s been praying for about 5 months now was beginning to bring good fortune his family’s way.

Business has been turning out good for his mom as she’s been recording prosperity in her sales.

Just recently, one of her rich customers had offered to help her business by providing a bigger shop for her, and taking care of the stocking expenses.

His dad wasn’t left out, as he received a double promotion in his place of work, on the basis of integrity and honesty.

One could safely say they were in a season of double promotion and uncommon favour as their financial status transformed miraculously.

“I’d never doubt prayers again, even when it seems the answers aren’t forthcoming.

Thanks to God and the determination you have, this family is where we only daydreamed of, but never thought we would be.” His mother said to David who smiled, believing in his heart that the best was yet to come.

“Good Lord, this is beyond what I can handle.” Mr. Folawe lamented as his eyes ran through a file which contained the number of debts his company owed for the past one month.

“This is happening so fast. The attack is too strong for me, how do I handle this?” He said as he dropped the file, exhausted.

Just then, an idea pooped up in his mind.

Hoping it’d work, he picked up his phone in a haste.

“Hello?” The person picked to his relief.

“Hello Mr. Douglas, how are you?”

“Mr. George Folawe, my dearest friend. Nice to hear from you again.”

“Same here. Please I have a big problem at hand. I was hoping you could help me.”

“Hmmm… forgot about me and never asked of my welfare for a very long time, only to call now asking for my help? What a pleasant surprise!”

“I’m sorry about that, really. I’d make it up to you when this is over.”

“No problem, no offense taken though. So tell me, what kind of fire is on the mountain?”

“A huge one capable of claiming all I’ve ever worked for.”

“Oh wow. That’s a real problem. Go on please, I’m listening.”

“Douglas, I’m surprisingly in debt, and my company is threatening to fold up as a result of inability to manage expenses, clear this huge and mysterious debt and pay my workers.

I don’t know, I’m just so confused I don’t know what to do or who to turn to.

Things are really going south here and…… I don’t know brother, I just need help.”

“Hmm….wow. This sure is deep.” Douglas said and kept silent for a while.

“You know what George, I’m gonna put our past behind us and help you come out of this problem. To me, the solution to this issue is as simple as ABC.”

“Oh really? Oh thank God, I turned to you for solution. So tell me, what’s the way out?”

“Return home.”

“Home to my wife? I don’t understand.”

“Wait….what did you just say?”

“What? Say about what?”

“You mean your wife is alive?”

“Yes, hale and hearty. It was a miracle man, but that’s not the issue here.” Mr. Folawe said in a haste to Douglas’ surprise.

“Hello? Are you still there?” Mr. Folawe asked when he noticed his silence.

“Return to the sect, George. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.”

“Seriously? That’s the only solution you have for me?”

“Why not? It’s obvious what is happening to your company is beyond what the physical realm can comprehend.

Infact, let’s face facts here: you’re under a severe attack, and I feel the source is from Baba. So the only remedy is returning to your roots.”

“Douglas, would you just stop?! What kind of nonsense is this. Now listen to me.

I meant every letter when I denounced the sect and all that has to do with it.”

“Then why are you going back to your vomit by calling me and asking for my help?” Mr. Douglas snapped.

“What other solution were you really expecting, tell me.”

“Douglas we were friends before this sect of a thing, I don’t want to believe it can come between us and ruin our friendship.

Please. I’m really in a big mess that I’ve got no spare time for argument. Please.”

“Hmmmm….but man can’t you see? Can’t you see your son or whoever influenced your decision is hypnotizing you? I mean, what have you possibly lacked? What have you lost?

I’m your good friend, one who wouldn’t mislead you, or get you involved in something you wouldn’t gain from.

Baba is bent on destroying everything you’ve worked for.

You’re gonna lose every damn thing if you don’t come home.” Douglas said in a persuasive manner as George hopelessly crashed on his chair. To him, all hope was lost.

Picked For You:  CAN'T HOLD MY TEARS SEASON 2: Episode 21 - The End

“George, I honestly want to help but at the same time, I aim killing two birds with one stone here.

Listen, I know what it means to watch what you’ve worked hard for crumble before your face like a pack of cards; at the same time, I’m using this golden opportunity to persuade you to come back him.

George your denouncement of the sect affected me directly.

Because I was the one that brought you in, I got demoted the minute you backed out.

George you’ve got nothing to lose, nothing.” Douglas persuade over the phone; George couldn’t take it any longer.

I have more than everything to lose Douglas.” He snapped angrily.

“I have my only son to lose. My wife’s life would be on the line as well; and before you know it, my sanity would be next.

Remember I almost lost all these things, if not for the grace of God. So what are you saying?”

“But you didn’t later lose them, did you?”

“Douglas can you just listen to yourself?

You know what? You’re completely blameless. I don’t blame you at all.

I was the one who called you, not knowing you had nothing reasonable to say.”

“Oh come on George, you’re the one seeing it that……”

“Today marks the end of our friendship, Douglas.
I’m dead serious here, so don’t think I’m kidding.” Mr. Folawe said and cut the call, without waiting for a response from the other end.

“I’m alone in this. It’s just me now.” Mr. Folawe murmured as he crashed into his office chair, devastated.

“Damn girl, you’re so good at this. The stitches are so neat, and the style top-notch.

You’ve automatically become my favorite tailor.” Rose’s customer who had come to pick up her clothing earlier, said over the phone as Rose couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear.

The compliments she gets after each work done has increased on daily basis as she became very intentional about her skill, exploring different styles she could do as she watched tutorials on YouTube.

She also took each lesson her boss taught her seriously, making sure she mastered them all through consistent practice.

This made her trainer prefer her to her contemporaries.

As she kept at this, she became aware of her weaknesses and her strengths, boring the areas she was to put more effort in, in terms of self-development.

All these keep her busy, her mind never getting the slightest chance to be idle.

“You’re the best among all my apprentices, both past and present.

With the way you take this serious, I must say you’ve found your talent.

Be sure to make the best out of it.” Her trainer, Mama Blessing, said to her one day after watching her seriously practicing for a while.

“Thank you Ma.” Rose responded with a smile.

“You’re welcome. If I may ask, are you making any conscious effort to take this to the next level?” She asked as Rose nodded in affirmative.

“Yes ma’am. I give myself extra time each day, to learn more than you teach us here via some helpful videos on YouTube.

Then when I come to work here, I practice what I have learnt on an old cloth brought from home, sine I don’t have a machine of my own yet.”

“Hmmmm……wow. All the compliments from your customers didn’t just fall from the sky. You intentionally worked for it.

Wow, that’s nice. No wonder you’ve been getting the highest number of customers lately; it didn’t just happen, you put in the work.” Mama Blessing said as Rose said nothing but smile.

“Well, that’s good. You’d get a machine of your own soon, if you learn to manage money.”

“Yes ma’am, but that’s the problem. I’ve discovered that to be one of my weaknesses because I’m bad at practicing delayed gratification.”

“Then read books to overcome such weakness. I believe these days nothing should be an excuse to limiting yourself.

Remember treasures and secrets are hidden in books so there’s literally no excuse you can give for not overcoming your weaknesses and achieving your goals.”

“Hmmmm…..that’s true.” Rode thought aloud.

“So for a start, I’d give you two books I have on financial management, then you’d apply whatever you’ve learnt to your financial and achieve your dream of having a machine of your own.” Mama Blessing said, making Rose’s face brighten up immediately.

“Oh wow. Thank you so much Ma, I’m so grateful Ma. I don’t disappoint you for this kindness you’ve shown to me, I promise.”

“Lol. Stop thanking me like I did anything supernatural. You’re a hard-working lady, so assisting you is a great pleasure.” She said as Rose thanked her over and over again.


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