“Lord, it’s been two weeks since you sent me on a ‘mission impossible’ errand which I reluctantly obeyed, but I’m not seeing the promised ‘next level’ anywhere.” Kingsley said in prayers.
“And that’s because you’re limiting me.” A voice within responded.
“Limiting you how?”
“You’re already dicacting to me in your heart what he next level is, and are putting me your whole hope on that.” The voice responded and at this point Kingsley felt guilty as he knew it was the truth.
As far as he was concerned, the next level should be marriage, and that’s what he’s been setting his heart towards.
Though he wasn’t completely read for marriage, he just felt he should at least know the lady God was preparing for him, and be in a relationship with her, with marriage in view.
“You have to understand that God’s ways and thoughts are not same with yours. Let him have his way, before he gives you up to your desires.” The voice admonished further.
“Hmmmm….That is is why I’m experiencing delay. I’m praying amiss.” K thought to himself.
“I’m so sorry Lord. Though marriage is what I desire at the moment, I didn’t know I’ve already idolized it and limited you be dictating what next should happen in my life.
But now I know better. Right now Lord, take the wheel and let your will be done in my life.”
Rose could be seen on a phone call with Lilian one cool evening, discussing randomly about all the facets of life.
After some time of a worthwhile discussion, Rose decide to share her unpleasant experience with her friend.
“But Lilian, this ‘waiting on God’ thing no easy at all o…” She begun.
“Like… just feels like a foolish thing to do when I can literally try to access all the guys coming my way way, choose the most compatible, and settle with him. Shikena!” She said with a serious tone, but overhead Lilian giggle over the phone.
“Oh really? Didn’t you think Emma was the perfect guy for you before he left? Babe abeg, waiting on Him is the best.” Lilian responded.
“Ehn, that’s Emmanuel. All men aren’t the same, you know. I’d just try again and be more careful this time.”
“Trial and error again? It’s like you didn’t learn your lessons well enough. The heart break no reach your heart at all.”
“What else can I do? This ‘waiting on God’ thingy isn’t as easy as people paint it to be.”
“So now what? The best is to settle with an anyhow guy? One who has no plans for his spiritual life?”
“Babe you and I know that’s not what I’m saying. You should understand now. I mean I’m really serious about re-building my relationship with God but sometimes…..sometimes I just get all lonely, and coming online to see couples who are my mates don’t help matters at all.”
“Okay okay babe, enough already. Chill. You know what? Let me share my ‘waiting on God’ experience at this point. I believe that can help.”
“Alot babe, a whole lot. Oya na, I’m listening.” Rose said eagerly.
“Ehn ehn…..oya na, I’m listening.” Rose responded eagerly.
“When we parted ways after convocation and serving, I waited for my husband for close to three years before I met him…..”
“You mean before he met you. Na the man dey find wife na.” Rose cut in.
“Lol…Yeah. So we didn’t just meet immediately and boom…..get married.”
“Okay go on, I’m listening.”
“Yeah so….I decided I was going to get married at a certain age and began praying three years earlier.”
“Hmm…wow. Meaning you began praying while we were undergraduate.”
“Exactly. I knew God couldn’t be rushed, so I had to start early so I won’t be desperate and impatient about the whole matter.”
“Hmmm…okay. So through the three years, how did you handle the tons of guys that came your way? Also the feelings of wanting to be in the arms of a man and all that.”
“Yeah, direction. When you are serious about your walk with God, He gives you assignments to keep you busy and that’s where your purpose is found, along the line.
Honestly, the journey of purpose is so awesome and interesting that you’d forget you’re single.
The new challenges you’d face, devils at the door of your next level you need to confront, the self-development journey on the way, keep you distracted from your “lonely moments”, and direct your energy to something else.
Infact, it’s during the course of the purpose journey that you got to meet your spouse, most times.”
“Hmm…okay that’s quite interesting but how did you get to know all these? And yeah, how did you get to find your purpose as well?”
“A good question! I don’t know for others but for me, I found my purpose in my personal walk with God.
During those waiting years, I cultivated the habit of spending at least one hour with God each day.
It was quite easy planning that since I had more time to myself as compared to uni days.
There are times I don’t feel like praying or don’t know what to pray about or where to read in the Bible during my quiet time, so I just pick a book authored by a Christian and read, then pray the prayers attached to it.
It was while at this that I came across a book that based on ‘purpose before marriage’, explaining in details the importance of finding one’s purpose first, which in turn would serve as a guide to knowing the kind of man or lady you’re mean to settle with.
That is, he or she has to be someone that complements your purpose in life.
As soon as I had digested the book well enough, my mindset changed from worrying about my partner to being curious about the purpose God had for me.”
“Wow…..okay, then what?”
“After days…. what am I saying? After weeks of consistence and perseverance in the place of prayers concerning my purpose, it seemed they were no forthcoming answers to my prayers until after like a month when I began noticing changes in the circumstances surrounding me.
It took a while before I realized that was the method God wanted to use in answering my prayers.” Lilian said and paused for a while.
“Hold up. God answers prayers using the circumstances surrounding someone?”
“Yeah o, my sister. With this unlimited God, we’re learning everyday.
“That’s why I say Christianity is, and can never be boring, because He reveals a bit of Himself as you mature in Him. Anyone that’s says it’s boring ehn….Omo, make the person go check himself be that o.” Lilian said as Rose let out a smile.
“Yeah that’s true. So the answer to your prayers, do you care to share or it’s personal?”
“Smiles. A day came when my mom called to inform me that my dad was sick and that they had been to the hospital but the doctor in charge found the sickness strange. While she was yet speaking, I heard an inner suggest to me to intercede for him.
Immediately I got the message, I assured mom he’d be fine and asked her to give him the phone so we could pray together for him. After briefly praying with him over the phone, I ended the call and began thinking of the best prayer pint and weapon for the situation at hand.
Infact ehn, thinking about it now, I don’t know where the boldness that what I was doing would work out came from o.
The way I sounded so sure that he’d be fine when I pray for him still remains a mystery to me.”
“Hmmm……wow. This is an interesting story o babe. I feel like grabbing my popcorn before hearing the rest of it.”
“Okay, go on please.” Rose said.
“Okay so I prayed for some days and mom called later on to give me a feedback on how my dad was faring. Babe guess what?”
“I don’t do guesses, please.”
“Haba na, just guess.”
“Your dad got better?”
“Exactly. My joy knew no bounds when she broke the news to me. Like…..I was just so happy.
It was at that time I learnt a lesson that he hears and answers not just the prayers of pastors and ministers, but of every one of His own, as long as it’s done in faith.”
“Wow….. experience is the best teacher o.”
“It really is dear, it really is.”
“So was that the only thing that made you conclude God wanted to use you to intercede for people?”
“No. Funny enough, I didn’t guess it because my mind didn’t even go there in the first place.
It took some time before I realized it…….babe, it’s just a long story, with a sweet experience.” Lilian said in conclusion but Rose was not having it.
“Don’t cut the long story short, I want to hear everything. See, I already have a snack here to keep my mouth busy as my ear listens.”
“Lol…okay o, if you say so.”
“Yeah, oya continue.”
“Okay so exactly three days after that, I received a call from a bossom friend of mine about……”
“Bossom friend? Use her name joor. Sheybi we went to the same school.
Or she’s not from our school?”
“She is…..Lola.”
“Oh, your cousin. Cousin turned bossom friend. Okay, go on. I promise not to interrupt again.”
“Thank you o, my mouth sef is tired of talking.” She said as the duo giggled.
“Okay so she told me her bro was having kidney problems and was currently at the hospital. While she was talking and lamenting, I was wondering why she deemed it fit to tell me.
Then I heard a voice in my spirit say “intercede.”
I immediately assured her that things would be fine. After some words of consolation, we said our goodbyes.
There I was again, thinking of the best form of prayer suitable for the then situation and… should know the rest.”
“Believe me, I was ignorant of all these until one day in my quiet time while still praying concerning purpose, my mind flashed back to the two consecutive situations I narrated.
When I called my experience with the scripture I had received within that time which served as a confirmation, I knew God had answered my prayers.”
“Wow…, wow wow! A sweet life story you’ve got there.”
“So I’m guessing it was while focusing on your purpose and developing it that you met your partner?”
“Exactly o…..I went for a training inform of school in church, where they’d be discussing how to hear from God more and develop listening skills and boom…….the rest is history.”
“Smiles…..okay that’s quite interesting.”
“Yeah so my point is….be intentional with your ‘waiting on God’ by working on discovering yourself, working on finding your purpose or honing your already discovered talent.
If you just sit around doing nothing in the name of ‘waiting on God’, you’d end up staying bored and the temptation to have something interesting goin on in your life would hit…….and at that time, the only thing that sound interesting to you is relationships.
That way, you’d find out you’ve become so busy with working hard to improve yourself that you’d forget about loneliness.” Lilian said conclusively as Rose remained silent for a while.
“Hmmm……By God’s grace, I’d try it out.” Rose said heaving a sigh. Although Lillian’s advice sounded interesting, she knew it wasn’t going to be easy.
After some random talks, they said their goodbyes.
“Waiting intentionally, self-discovery, finding purpose…..purpose before partner…being single for a reason.” Rose soliloquized as she thought on what next to do or how to start……
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