ENEMIES OF THE CHURCH : Episode 11 – 20

Enemies of the Church!

Composed and written by Excelrhymez
Aka Mummy E

Episode 12.

Leo was tired and exhausted from crying all through the hours in his office. When he got home he fell on the couch not bothering to check on Rachael whom he believes would be in their room.

He had signed the cheque and kept it in his bag. He was waiting for Rachael to come out so he can give it to her. He was not ready to look for her. She had been calling and texting him just to remind him not to forget to come home with the cheque . And when her calls was becoming unbearable he had texted her that the cheque was already signed and in his bag. He tries to take his mind off Rachael and rest a bit before she will come down with her troubles. And just as he was about to doze off, the gateman knocked and came inside the house.

Rev. Leo: Yes Usman what is it?

Gate man: oga sorry, Aunty Alex been day ask for you.

Rev. Leo: oh Alex, let her in.

(Rev.Leo tries to adjust himself on the seat) Alex is a member of the prayer band in the church. Quiet and reserved, and referred to as the fire brand kind of sisters. It didn’t take long before Alex stepped in.

Rev. Leo: Sister Alex!

Alex: Reverend good afternoon sir. How are you sir? And mummy?

Rev. Leo: We are very fine dear. Please take your seat. And tell me what I can offer you.

Alex: oh thank you sir, I don’t really want anything. I am on a seven days fasting program and this is just the fourth day sir.

Rev.Leo: oh beautiful. That’s a nice one. May our good Lord answer every of your heart requests in Jesus name. Amen.

Alex answered “Amen”

Alex: Reverend, there is something our Lord Jesus Christ asked me to tell you

Leo: Really? (Sitting up) And what might that be? Hope there is no problem?

Just then Rachael who was woken up by the sound of people talking and was coming out to join them stopped half way and listened to whatever Sister Alex was about to say.

Alex: Daddy, the Lord said I should tell you not to do it?

Leo : Not to do what? (Leo asked surprised)

Alex: I don’t know sir, The message was to tell you NOT TO DO IT. That in His time he will make things beautiful

Leo put his head down as he quickly understood the message. He managed to smile as he knelt down and prayed thanking God for putting him in His heart and then promising that He will do nothing to hurt the Lord.

Alex was very happy with the way Rev Leo responded and even though she knew nothing of what the Reverend was going through, she prayed in her heart for God to see him through.

After the prayers she decided to leave and Rev Leo stood up to see her to the gate. Rachael understood all that was happening because she heard every conversation they had. She quickly rushes to Leo’s bag and searched for the cheque. Luckily for her she found it and quietly took it. Then she sits waiting for Leo to return. Finally he came in.

Leo: Ah honey! I’m glad you are awake, I was about coming to your room to get you.

Rachael: Well I wasn’t asleep and here I am. What is it you want to tell me?

Leo: Honey you remember Sister Alex from church, she was here and she just left. God gave her a message for us. He said we shouldn’t do it and in his own time he will make things beautiful for us. Honey do you know what that means? It means God is answering us soon and we don’t have to pay Alfred or collect church money for anything.

Rachael: What do you mean by that?

Leo: Honey listen to me, Alex came with a message from God. He said we shouldn’t do it. God is not in support of this. He said we should wait on him. Do you know what it means? It means our waiting is over.

Rachael: meaning?

Leo: Honey it means we don’t have to do anything. I will return the money back to church. I will have to tear up that cheque that I wrote for you and we will call Mr. Alfred and let him know we don’t want anything from him again.

Rachael looks at Leo from head to toe, and without saying a word, she steps out of the house with one of their car keys and drove off.

Leo was wondering why she didn’t react or say anything. But he really didn’t care. He knelt down and prayed for God to forgive him for almost falling to sin. He felt at peace for the first time in a long while. Tomorrow he was going to tear of the cheque and then try to find the family of that girl and confess the truth to them. He picks up his bag and walks into his room to catch some rest.

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