FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 21 – 30

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 21 – 30

Chapter 24

Penny gave her the mirror, as she was inspecting it, she gasped a little.

“What is it?” Penny asked her.

“The dmn mirror cut my finger” she complained and gave it back to the Alpha.

“Guess you weren’t being careful” Penny stated. “Sorry” she added.

“Well tomorrow is a big day, everyone should get ready cause when this is over, we are leaving this pack” the Alpha instructed.

“What about Caspian?” Penny asked.

“We will figure out a way to deal with him” he replied.

“What ever we will do to Caspian, we have to do it from here. Cause outside this palace, Caspian will find us easily and finish us.

And we can’t fight him as humans, the human flesh is as weak as balloons” Alex stated and I felt like hitting him.

“Then why are we doing this when we know very well that we can’t cope with it.” Lenny asked.

Everyone looked at her in surprise.

“Are you for us or against us?” Alex asked.

“What sort of question is that, of course I’m for you” Lenny replied.

“Then stop babbling” Penny warned.

“Y’all do know that humans has a way of fighting their own battles right?

We have weapons and stuff, everything is not all about devouring people and ripping their bodies apart” I defended my kind, dmn the whole thing was getting too much.

“You people put your whole trust in your machines and ‘stuff’ which makes you think you are superior to everything and that is why other creatures are better than you” Aurora fired.

I didn’t know I was already crying, Alex started this, if he hadn’t called us weak, this b1tch wouldn’t have the guts to say sh*t to me.

“At least we are not flesh eating demons, and neither do we derive joy in taking people’s loved ones” I fired.

“Andra” Alex screamed at me.

“Alex” I fired back.

“That’s enough everyone.” His father barked. “We have a long day ahead of us, let’s go and rest”

He stood up and walked out, Penny followed him. Others left as well but not without glaring daggers at me. But Lenny was still sitting down.

“I wasn’t expecting that from you, I mean you and Nicky has been teasing me with it, but tonight was a little bit to much” I mumbled.

Perhaps he knew I was talking to him, so he replied with an apology. “Andra I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way…”

“If you people so much don’t like humans and they ‘weak’ nature, then why would you want to waste my blood on something you wouldn’t appreciate?” I fired.

“Andra please…”

“At this point I’m beginning to think Caspian is better than you people” I barked.

“Andra I’m sorry, OK” he pleaded.

“If you are apologizing, then she should do the same for calling us flesh eating demons” Lenny stated.

I turned to her and said “but it’s true, you eat flesh”

“But it’s true, you humans are weak” she snared.

“Lenny stop” Alex barked at her and she kept quiet. He turned back to me “Andra I know what I said was uncalled for, it was a silly joke and I was not supposed to, please forgive me”

“That really hurt me Alex” I whispered.

“I’m sorry” he held my hand.

I looked at Nicky, she winked at me “it’s OK, I understand and I forgive you” I smiled out.

“Thanks” he hugged me really tight, I chuckled.

“Let’s go inside, you need to rest.” He caressed my face “come on Nicky” he called out and Nicky stood up and followed us.

Alex turned back to Lenny and asked “Lenny aren’t you going to bed?”

“Well, since this might be my last night as a werewolf, I’m gonna use it wisely. I’m going hunting and if I were you, I’ll do the same” she replied.

She stood up, tranformed into a gray colored Gigantic wolf and zoomed off.

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 21 – 30

I looked at Alex, he looked pale and sad. It hurts to see him that way.

“Maybe she’s right Alex or should I call you Darius” I patted him.

He stared at me in surprise, he wanted to say something but couldn’t.

“Don’t worry, I won’t scold you when you get back. You need to get it off your system, so go” I said to him.

“And don’t worry, I can take her back to the room, I know my way around remember” Nicky added.

He nodded and kissed my cheek. Before I could blink, he transformed into that beautiful white creature that I love so much and zoomed off.

Nicky and I stared at the direction he went even though we can’t see him anymore.

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 21 – 30

After staring for a while, we walked back to the room.

I was tucking myself in bed when I realize that Nicky was still pacing around.

“Nicky what’s wrong?” I asked her.

“Did you hear what she said?” She asked me.


“Lenny, she said *since this ‘might’ be my last night as a wolf*, she said ‘might be’ instead of ‘since this is my last night” she stated.

“What are you driving at?” I asked her.

“I don’t know. I know but I don’t really know what my head is telling me.

Why will she say maybe as if she is not so sure that they will become humans tomorrow, I don’t understand.

What is my head telling me?” She asked as she continued pacing around.

“That you should come and sleep cause you’ve had a long day. You are probably tired, when you wake up in the morning, it will be as clear as crystal” I said to her.

“I just hope so”

She laid beside me. I said a short prayer, hoping that the feeling I had before wouldn’t amount to anything.

I closed my eyes to sleep, though I’m sure that Nicky was still staring at the ceiling in worry.

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 21 – 30

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