FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 31 – The End

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 31 – The End



I felt my knee wobbling under me and for the first time ever since I knew them, I saw fear in Alex and Nicky’s eyes.

“You have 5 seconds to talk, start” Dracula stated, she smirked and flicked her eyebrows at me, I shuddered.

Who would have known it was her, she was really acting as a bitchy spoilt br*ty princess.

Maybe I should apologize for all the things I said to her, but on a second thought, I didn’t actually say anything bad to her, the only thing I said to her was that she can’t have my man, is that so much to ask for.

OK, that aside, maybe I should apologize for The things Nicky said instead….

“I didn’t ask you….” Nicky fired at me, she turned and pointed at Dracula. “Hey listen to me girl, I don’t care if you are Dracula or not, I was never rude to you, you just claimed that I was, just because I refused to let you trample on me.

And if you think I or anyone else here is scared of you, then think twice, you are just a girl like me, you are a queen in your own territory, Darius is a prince in his own, I’m a queen in Oceania, so bch cut the crap and let’s all talk like royalties” she fired at Dracula.

Dmn girl is insane, but I love her. I just hope Dracula won’t get more angry at us cause Nicky is good at making matters worst.

Dracula stared at Nicky, she chuckled and turned to Alex who was staring directly into her eye balls.

“A few minutes ago, I saw fear in those eyes Darius, what is this I’m seeing now?” She asked him.

“What you saw a few minutes ago was nothing but a figment of your imagination, I will never fear you Dracula or any other vampire so to say but I’ll make you fear every bit of me and everything around you if you try carry out what is in your mind right now, don’t dare me” Alex fired at her, for a moment I thought his wolf was about to attack cause his voice was a combination of roaring, howling and his normal voice.

“I don’t fear dogs that barks” Dracula stated. “And you wolves are nothing but filthy dogs” she spat out.

Alex’s body guards attacked her, they threw her to the ground and tried to tear her but she held them on their neck and they turned hot red, they struggled to get free from her grip but she held them really tight, they were losing their breaths but she wasn’t ready to let go.

She stared directly at Alex as she was strangling the wolves, she was smiling mischievously At him probably expecting him to do something but Alex stood there watching.
Is this guy serious.

“She’ll k*ll them Alex, do something” I screamed at him but he didn’t even look at me not to talk of replying.

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 31 – The End

Suddenly Dracula’s grip started loosing from the wolves, they fell to the ground and scamppered away. What’s happening.

“Stop it” Dracula breathed out.

“You started it” Alex replied as he kept staring at her.

She laughed scornfully yet painfully, what is he doing to her.

She tried to stand up but she fell back down, I saw something like dark tears burning down her cheeks and she was trying to hide it.

“Stop it!” She screamed out.

“We can do this all day if you like, unless you are ready to give us what we want” Alex stated.

She managed to finally stand up, she staggered to the table and used it for balance.

“Aaaaahhhh” she screamed.

“What are you doing to my daughter?” Her father asked and ran to hold her.

“You can still save yourself dear Dracula, just give us the orb” Alex shrugged.

“Get out!…” She screamed out loud. “Get out you blood* bea*t” she screamed in pain.

“The orb” Alex insisted.

“You think you can just walk into my territory and steal my orb?” She fired in pain.

“You will give it to us, so technically it’s not stealing” Nicky blurted out.

Dracula wiped her dark tears, she staggered to the wall, she typed some code on the wall, the table made a sound and divided into two, and between each of them laid a spherical glowing blue orb which was sparkling like a thousand bolt of current but looking closely at it, it kinda look like water in a round can.

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 31 – The End

Alex took the orb, he gave it to Nicky and she put it in the pouch she took from the jet.

“Thank you for your help Dracula” Alex thanked her, he took my hand and we turned to leave but dracul’s voice stopped us.

“Darius Dimitri, pray to your stars and ancestors and whatever you believe in that I don’t find you, because if I do, I’ll suck the life out of you, slowly and painfully” she threatened.

“You and I know that will never happen even in your next life Dracula” Alex shrugged. “See you around pretty girl” he snapped.

“Can you run?” He asked me as we entered the passage.

“Why?” I asked him.

“Cause it’s about to get dangerous!” Nicky screamed as she ran passed us.

“Ruuuun!” The guards screamed from behind.

Alex held my hand and we ran faster than I’ve ever ran before. I turned and looked behind to know what was chasing us and behold Dracula’s army of vampires were almost catching up with Alex’s guards.

My knees wobble in fear, I was sure i would have a nervous breakdown.

“Andra, focus” Alex called out to me.

I faced my front as we kept running but I was also imagining the worst.

We got to the point where we came from.

“How do we get back up?” The guards asked Alex.

“La….La..lad.ladder” I stammered.

“There’s no ladder here” the guards stated as they looked around.

“Hold each other, and the last person should hold me” Nicky instructed, we all held each other.

I happen to be the last person, I held her tightly in fear, not knowing what she was up to.

“OK, here we go” she breathed out. “Ready?” She asked.

“For whaaaaaaaaaa!?” We all screamed as she stomped her feet on the ground, the floor broke and a piece of it lifted us up And out of the hole.

Wow! How did she do t….. Why am I even asking, she’s a mermaid.

Everyone laid on the floor of the park breathing out heavily as if we just ran a marathon race.

“We actually did ran a marathon race” Nicky humored and we laughed.

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 31 – The End

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