By Mary Ann Adams


Mrs Taylor sat in the Doctor’s office tapping her fingers on her lap impatiently.

She was on her way home after coming back from the office when she saw an accident scene. It was quite late and the street was quiet also expect for a few cars passing by minding their own business.

She wanted to do same too but her conscious couldn’t allow it. She walked up the crime scene and saw two ladies at the back seat seriously injured.

“Hello” She said but they have both lost conscious.

She checked their pulse and breathe in relief coz they are still breathing.

Surprisedly, the driver was no where to be found. Mrs Taylor, a woman in her late forties tried to look around maybe she could find help but found none.

She carried the First Lady and led her to her car and did same with the second lady.

Her body was stained with bIood already but she didn’t mind. The safety of the ladies Comes first.

After successfully placing them in the car, she drove off immediately.

In getting to the nearest hospital, they were both attended to and Mrs Taylor breathe out heavily.

Currently, it was 2am in the morning and she was waiting in the doctor’s office.

The doctor and some nurses are in a ward treating the ladies (Annie and camille).

She didn’t want to go home. She wanted to hear about the safety of both ladies before going home.

She is a widow. Her husband died some years ago and for the past years, though lonely, she had become a successfully rich woman.
No husband. No kids. Just her lonely self and her money so she didn’t really have a reason to go home.

While waiting, she slept off in the doctor’s office.


Mrs Taylor woke up to find herself in a strange room and she arched her brows wondering where she is and suddenly remembered the previous day incident.

She quickly got up and almost immediately, the doctor entered the office and she wondered if he got to sleep at all.

“Hi” She said.

“Good morning” The doctor greeted.

“How are they?” She asked.

The doctor would have asked her to wait in the waiting room when she brought them the previous night, but due to her influence, she was asked to wait in the office.

The doctor sighed and Mrs Taylor’s expression changed too.

Did they make it? What if they didn’t?
She didn’t even want to imagine it. She didn’t have her child of her own but she knows how the mothers of those ladies would feel if they get to hear about it if they die.

“Please have your seat” the doctor told her and she sat down impatiently.

“Well, They are okay now,..”
Mrs Taylor heaved a sigh of relief but her expression changed back when the doctor said “but…”

“The First Lady’s injury isn’t really severe. She would be back on her feet in few weeks but the second lady, we tried our best but…”

Her chest tightened with fear. “But what!”

“She fell into coma. The injuries she got from the accident is severe and before she lost consciousness, she was in shock and that was what led her falling into coma”

“Will she be fine?” She asked him.

“We sure hope so but we can’t guarantee that..”

“Can I see them?” She requested.

“Am sorry but No.”

“Oh okay” Mrs Taylor sighed disappointedly.

“You can go home and come back okay. You look like you need some rest..” The doctor saId.

“I will. Thank you. I will be back in the evening” she said standing up.

The doctor nodded and escorted her outside. Mr Taylor checked the time to realize she was late for work already.

She is the ceo of of the company but that doesn’t make her go to work anytime she wants.

She entered her car and saying a short prayer for the ladies, she drove off to her house to take her bath.



••Asher was in his room preparing for work when he heard a loud bang on the door.

“Who the he.ll is that?” He muttered to himself angrily.

He left the room and kept cussing as the banging increased.

He opened the front door to give the person the insult of his life and was surprised to see him, Mateo.

“Where the hell where you and why weren’t not picking my calls?” He asked him angrily.

Mateo ignored him and entered the house closing the door behind him.

That was when he noticed Mateo’s bandaged leg.

“What happened to you?” Asher asked even though he honestly does not really care.

“I..I..need water” Mateo finally said sitting on the couch.

“Are you crazy and who the hell gave you the audacity to sit on my couch?” Asher asked, his temples throbbed with rage.

Mateo was a cab man he met few days ago after his car broke down and he had no choice but to use the cab.

Mateo was quite the chatty type and kept talking nonstop.

Mateo was a graduate but he couldn’t find a good job and later settled as a cab man.

“I really can do anything to get money. This cab business is paying but I want more. My mates that graduated with me are in offices working in big company. Whenever they decided to have a get together, they won’t bother to invite me because why, they feel am not up to their standard” Mateo had said while Asher listened boredly.

“My girlfriend also broke up with me recently and honestly it hurts, I just need to save a lot money and find a better job so I can win her back. I really do love her”

“So you can do anything to win her back?” Asher asked.

“Yes” Mateo said.
“What if I offer you a million dollars to work for me” Asher asked and Mateo lost control of the wheel on hearing the amount.

“Hey!, be careful” Asher cautioned.

Mateo breathe out and started driving normally back.

“You say?” He asked to be sure.

Asher smirked. He sure can’t give that amount of money out but Mateo looked like a gullible type.

“You heard me right. 1 million dollars” Asher confirmed.

“Wow. I’m in. What do I have to do?” Mateo asked.

“Here’s it. I have a wife..but I don’t know what happened, she woke up one day and asked to divorce me. She doesn’t have a reasonable reason and I love her so much and doesn’t want to let her go. She left the house for a while and I need her back.”

“Okay..so what do I do?”

“She is currently in her friend’s house. I’ll give you her pictures. All you have to do is stalk her and make sure you make her enter your cab. That should be easy since that’s your work and she is definitely going to go out. I will send you a location and you have to bring her there. Very simple.”

“That’s easy” Mateo said.

“I know right, and bring her alone. If she has company, get rid of them.”

“No problem and I get how much again?”

“A million dollars” Asher smirked.

Back to the Present, Asher stared angrily at Mateo who was seated on his couch.

“Mind telling me what happened?”

“I carried her alright but she had company. Her friend and you know you told me..”

“I know what I told you! Just go straight to the point!”

“So I decided to drive them to a more quiet area and dump her friend there..”

“Very stupid. Continue” Asher commuted.

“I was driving at a fast speed..I just want to drop her friend some where..”

“You are very stupid!”

“And then an upcoming trunk hit our car..”


“I was injured and…”

Asher interrupted. “I don’t care about you”

“I don’t know about your wife. But I managed to leave the scene. It was only my leg that got injured so I went to the hospital to treat myself. Am just coming back from the hospital now.”

“Are you kidding me! You left camille alone?!”

“I..I..” Mateo stammered But Asher $lapped him really hard.

“I shouldn’t have made the mistake of giving you this job in the first place. I gave you a simple task but you flopped.”

“I’m sorry. I will go to the scene now” Mateo said and stood up and then turned back to look at Asher.

“But I really need water” he added and Asher clenched his fist.

“Of anything happens to Camille. Consider yourself dead!” Asher said dangerously.


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